Thursday, May 14, 2020

Get it Together

It's been awhile since I've been here,expressing my thoughts,and that's for a good reason. If I had expressed my thoughts a couple of weeks ago without consideration,it would not have been a wise choice. One thing I have finally learned in my few years of life is to know when my words will help and to know when to stay silent. 

We are in "uncertain times". I keep hearing this phrase over and over. Well, when haven't we been in uncertain times? As far as I see it, nothing has ever been certain or guaranteed. We act as though the sun will rise tomorrow. We buy as if we will have money tomorrow. We live as if we have many years left, but do we? No one really knows. A pandemic comes and we act like we're the only people who have ever lived through this! This is not a shock to me at all. I have read the history of pandemics. Have we forgotten our ancestors? I've probably lost a few this way, and it probably wasn't always because the water was bad or they were poor or some other third world reason. 

We've become complacent in our expectations of ourselves, but when it comes to others we are holding them to the fire! We've become comfortable in our needs and wants being met and when they are not, we come unglued. We've become fluent in speaking our minds whenever and wherever we feel it is warranted, and sometimes when it is not. When we are told to be quiet, we act like it is our God-given right to be unruly instead of maybe listening for a change. Listening. Or maybe learning the proper way to handle a grievance.There is a concept. We've taught our kids to listen and to speak with respect. Interesting what our kids are observing in these "uncertain times".

What is my message? It will depend on where you stand. Perception is everything these days. No one is agreeing on anything, which is why solutions won't be found. Have you ever tried to fold a large tarp with someone who keeps going in the opposite direction as you? Or park a camper with someone who doesn't know their right from their left? Have you ever tried to discuss something with someone who has their mind all made up? You realize very quickly that it's like throwing your words to the wind. 

And I wonder if that's how God is viewing us at this time. Watching the division, the arguments, the lines in the sand. The people who stood in church, shook hands with their neighbors in front and behind them, regardless of belief system and said, "Peace be with you." Peace. He didn't say, "if" you agree on your political party. "if" you agree with whatever theory you subscribe to. "If" you agree at all. He simply wants us to live in peace with one another, and I believe it's so we can accomplish His will, not ours. 

I see a lot of division on social media. A lot of "get it together, people...we are sheep being led to the slaughter". This really rubs me wrong for many reasons, I guess because the One who was really led to the slaughter was Jesus. And he died so that all of us could have freedom. So all of us could "come together" for Him. And all of this division and fighting hurts the hearts of people who follow Christ, and it deters those who are looking at Christians for some kind of answers. Yes. Get it together. Let’s do just that. 

And to the ones who are still faithful, still spreading the message of hope and peace, God bless you. I don't mean to disqualify anyone. I'm just personally tired of getting lumped into a group of people where I don't fit because of my title of "Christian". I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I am an Independent. Both in politics, which I loathe, and in thinking, which I excel. Love and blessings to all, if you're still my friends. If not, love and blessings to all. 

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...