Sunday, August 31, 2008

Confessions of a Bookie

My name is Jami and I'm a book addict. Yes, that's right. It's been 2 seconds since I touched my last book. I'm not sorry that I enjoyed it. People will say to me, "Hi Jami", I will tear up and someone will give me a tissue. This is the scene of my future Book Addicts Anonymous group. Maybe you will even be there with me!
I have been reading since age 3, when my mom caught me reading the side of a milk carton. My teacher caught me under a desk in Kindergarten reading and sent me to the first grade class to read with them. I was showing signs of book addiction even as a tot! My kids are also addicted. Natalie started at 3 1/2, Serena at around 4. They didn't just read their own books. They read restaurant menus, billboards, park equipment (oh boy), catalogs, shopping lists, and even the sports page. I guess it's in the genes!
I am a regular at libraries, book stores, book fairs, garage sales (books, of course), and anywhere books can be found. You may want to lock your books up when I come to visit! Much to my parents dismay, I still have many antique books rotting in their rec room. I'll get them someday, Mom. (wink, wink)
So what do you find on a book lover's shelf? A little bit of everything, in my case. As a kid, I thought it was fun to read the encylopedia and the dictionary. I once read an entire medical dictionary. Explains the hypochondria, probably. I will read all the music lyrics on a CD insert, even though I won't remember all the words. I'm telling you, I am unstoppable! Ironically, I didn't have a ton of books as a young child, and my parents probably didn't read to me much. I believe my "addiction" truly started when I used reading as an escape from feeling fearful or upset. It sure worked in my favor.
Oh, yeah...what's on my shelves...let's see here...a Bill Bryson collection. He's the guy who chronicled his trip on the appalachian trail. Funny guy. What else...oh, I love Joyce Meyer! And that Calvin and Hobbes collection...can't get enough of that kid. I have biographies, Christian inspiration, books on wildlife and Alaska (my dream state), home decor, raising kids, marriage, diet (those books don't work, by the way!), books about tv shows, poetry, angels, gardening, cooking, and just about everything under the sun.
When I go to the local library, I keep them on their toes by checking out weird combinations of books. A book on turkey hunting, hormones, Michigan lakes, and People Magazine. Keep 'em guessing, I say. Oh, and when you're a book addict, plan on putting aside a little cash for those late fees at the library. They have my picture on the wall there now. You know, the Wall of Shame.
My friends recommended a book to me called Have a New Kid by Friday, by Dr. Kevin Leman. I'm still waiting to find out exactly which Friday he was referring to. My latest dieting book had me all excited. This is the one, I thought. This is it! Then the next time I baked brownies, I used the book to kill a spider.
I once read a book of Steve's called The Goal, which followed a factory manager, and explained all sorts of really cool sounding things called "the theory of constraint" and "bottlenecking", in relation to factory issues. I thought, hey, I can use this stuff to impress Steve. It worked,although he didn't read the book! He's not even sure why he had it! I actually thought it was pretty interesting. I also love children's picture books, especially Stranger in the Woods, and all the ones that followed. If it's well-written and illustrated, I must have it! And when the kids bring home book order forms....I just hand over the Visa.
So, books, as enlightening and entertaining as they are, are just not the cure-all for every issue. They didn't help me lose weight, travel to Alaska, or perform a surgery. What books do is wake up your mind, relax your senses, and inspire you. Did I mention I was trying to read, How to Talk to Your Child about Sex? There's no relaxing with that one, my friends, Christian version or not! It is what it is. That's all I can say.
Books connect people, too. When you're around a fellow book-lover, it's an easy conversation. I've been known to whip a book out of my purse and say, hey, wanna read this one? The guy at the stoplight was not impressed, by the way. Book stores are great places to people-watch too. Follow somebody around, discreetly, of course. Check out the books they are attracted to. Be careful of the sections you follow them into, of course. Eavesdrop on a parent reading "Everybody Poops" to a toddler, and you'll never be the same! And parents...please, please, to your kids!! Use goofy voices, including accents. My kids have heard my special twist on russian, german, spanish, french, and even a little way down south in the bayou cajun. I've also mastered Dr. Seuss tongue twisters! I really don't know how I do it, but it could have something to do with the gallon of Coke I drink before I read those. Either way, my kids are awed and mystified.
So, what are you waiting for? Quit reading my mindless drivel and get yourself a book to read! Get into your comfies, hanker down with a good cup of java, big ole slippers, and grandma's aphgan. I will expect your book report in the morning!
Happy reading.....

Friday, August 29, 2008

Some "Be" Attitudes

I love children's books. Children are so simple, and we adults are always complicating things. It's no wonder they are carefree!!

Here are a few little bits of wisdom from one of our books, God's Little Instruction Book for kids...

1. Beauty shines through in the good that you do.
Your beauty should come from within you-the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. This beauty will never disappear, and it is worth very much to God. 1 Peter 3:4

2. Those who are tardy may miss the party.
The "right time" is now. 2 Corinthians 6:2

3. Obey now, Play later. Disobey now, Pay later.
If they obey and serve him, the rest of their lives will be successful. And the rest of their years will be happy. But if they do not listen, they will die....without knowing better. Job 36:11-12

4. Make the one who's been left out your special friend.
Do for other people what you want them to do for you. Luke 6:31

5. When you get a lemon, make lemonade!
You meant to hurt me, But God turned your evil into good. Genesis 50:20

6. Problems are opportunities in disguise.
Those who are sad now are happy. God will comfort them. Matthew 5:4

7. The thoughts that you think are up to you. What you think is what you do.
Those who are pure in their thinking are happy. They will be with God. Matthew 5:8

8. When brother's a bother and sister's sassy, pay them with patience.
Love is patient and kind. 1 Corinthians 13:4

9. Give miles of smiles in great big piles!
Happiness makes a person smile. Proverbs 15:13

10. Manners matter.
Love is not rude. 1 Corinthians 13:5

11. God loves you.
The Father has loved us so much! He loved us so much that we are called children of God.
1 John 3:1

What great wisdom for kids, but as adults,we need to believe it too!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bracing Ourselves

We took Natalie to see an orthopedic surgeon today. She has developed scoliosis, which has progressively gotten worse. Her degree is 33. At 50 or above, they do surgery. Because she is still growing, this is a time it needs to be addressed.
The doctor's appointment went very well, and we were advised that she would need to be fitted for a brace. She will have to wear this brace pretty much all the time, even at night. Even though we were somewhat prepared to hear this, we still worried how Natalie would take it. She's starting 5th grade, entering pre-womanhood, and many changes are happening at once. We quickly made an appointment for later in the afternoon to have her fitted. Boy, that was something. Nat had to wear a stocking thing, then lay on a 3 inch strip of tightened canvas, while putting her knees up over a bar. Then they put a chin strap on her head, a tight belt around her waist, and wrapped her in wet casting. The orthotist then climbed over her, pressing his hands where the brace would need to support her spine. This is my child who panics over getting a shot, fears vomit or vomit sounds, hates pain, and worries terribly when anyone is sick.
That tough little cookie was hilarious!! She used her God-given sense of humor to get her through it. She had us all laughing, especially when she asked Ed (the orthotist) if this was his idea of a torture device. Of course, Steve, Serena, and I were all in the room with her, and we were all cracking jokes. The ortho had to stop cutting the cast away, telling me, you need to stop making me laugh or I may cut your daughter!! It sure helped that we made this a fun experience. It could be so much worse, we know. Natalie then chose the color of her brace, and you guessed it, she chose the brightest color.....lime green!! One of my favorites, of course, but we warned her it will show under white. She said proudly, well, I just won't wear white, will I?
I am so proud of her for being so accepting of this change in her life. She said maybe she will be able to tell others about having to wear a brace so they won't feel so bad. Just like her, to already be thinking about someone else.
This is just another chance for our family to bond and grow closer. We know it's just a brace. It's not a life-threatening thing, and for that we are grateful. Every day with healthy children is cause to celebrate, so we will celebrate! We are already planning to name the brace and have our loved ones sign it for her. We'll be praying too, that this will work in stopping the curvature. It won't straighten the spine. They predict she will have to wear it for 3-4 years or until she stops growing. I pray we'll be able to find clothes to fit over it so she can feel "normal". We just got her all new clothes, and some may not work now. Oh well. So we brace ourselves for yet another part of parenting that isn't easy and hurts inside. There will be many more, I'm sure.

School Shopping and Lessons Learned

We had a busy week, my girls and I. Tuesday and Wednesday was our annual back to school shopping extravaganza with Grammy. We went to Birch Run this year, instead of going to Lansing, thinking we would try something new. My girls, not really considered large, are in fact, wearing larger sizes. They both have little "bay window" tummies, and their feet are growing like weeds. My girls seem to never stop growing, no matter how many bricks we tape to their heads!! They really like themselves and I am so grateful for that self-confidence they have now. I know that it will shift later, that's just par for the course with girls. Right now, I am helping them to focus on who they are inside, and they are receptive to that.
Well, as we walked in and out of the stores, we quickly realized that the clothing companies think every 8 and 10 year old girl are built like twigs. I was getting more and more upset, watching them excitedly approach an article of clothing, then find out it doesn't come in a girls "plus" size. To make a long story short, I looked at my extremely positive and patient mom, and said, "I am so tired of this!! I need a time out." I then quickly walked way ahead of them, because I was sure the tears were coming soon. After all, I just want my girls to be happy, bottom line. I don't want to have to shop in the petites or juniors. Those clothes are too mature for them, and they want to fit in with their peers. It's a normal thing. I don't want them to feel they don't fit some ridiculous mold and begin to dislike themselves. It can happen so fast. I finally got a grip on myself, and we made the decision to shop in Saginaw instead, where we were sure they had a girls plus section in a few stores. We spent a long time, outfitting them, and soon we were all feeling some joy again. The most important thing that stood out with me was that the whole time, my girls were just patient. They didn't get mad or upset, as I did. They didn't pout or whine. They just stood there. Maybe that's why I wanted to cry. They were just being so good!
The rest of our trip was great...we had wonderful dinners, we enjoyed the hot tub and pool, and everyone was having a great time. I am still upset with the clothing companies, and my mission is to research them all, email them all with my concerns, and do what I can to help this situation. I know I'm not the only mom who feels this frustration. Just like all women aren't the same size, neither are girls. Now more than ever, we need to do all we can to support girls' self-esteem!! Also, if you are sick of seeing girls underwear in bikini form, starting with toddlers, it's time to start bombarding these companies with complaints!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Mystery Sister

I wasn't sure I wanted to share this story or not, but it has stayed with me and I think I know why. I walked into church last Wednesday night a little early for my mentor group. I thought I'd have a chance to visit or prepare. Instead, I was given a lesson and someone new to pray for.
The person sitting there in the foyer gave me her usual friendly smile. I greeted her warmly, telling her I hadn't seen her in awhile, maybe because I hadn't been to (her place of work) in awhile. She stiffened, then gave me a curt reply. "Well, I was fired from there. I don't work there anymore. I don't have a job, but that's all people care about is where you work or how much money you have. That's why I quit coming to this church..." and a little more was added that I won't share. Shocked, because I was expecting her usual friendly self to ask me all about my family, I just said kind of awkwardly, "I'm really sorry to hear that. I always thought you did a nice job there." Duh!! What does one say in these situations anyway? She then gathered up her things, whirled away from me and walked off, muttering the whole way. She then turned back to me and said, "Money isn't everything, you know. You can't take it with you!!"
The "old" me would have taken that attack a little personally. The "new" me, however, knew instantly that this outburst had nothing to do with me or anyone else. I had just heard from a heartbroken individual. A person who is on her own with no job, a person who doesn't have the support system that I have. Someone who doesn't feel the Spirit of God within her. That to me is heartbreaking in itself. I could have stopped her and tried to talk to her, but I felt a stronger urge to let her go. After all, with all the pain she was carrying and anger toward the church, she was in fact, inside the church! Not only that, she said at one point, "I read my Bible today, and I felt I needed to come here tonight." I wanted her to get to class, knowing there were some mature Christians in there who could give her the guidance she needs. She wouldn't have allowed me to speak anyway, she obviously just needed to be heard at that point. Sometimes we just need to be the listener.
The Lord revealed a lot to me in just those few minutes. He brings people to us in so many unusual ways. We're not always prepared for it, in fact, we never are! Why did He choose me in that instant? I believe it was because he knew I wouldn't judge her. He knew my heart would go out to her. He knew I would prompt others to pray for her. He knew I wouldn't allow others to gossip negatively about her, but to remind others that she is also a child of God. Hurting people hurt people. I can't tell you how many times I've heard this, from Christians mostly. But knowing that isn't enough! Do we just walk away because they're uncomfortable to be around? Someone needs to pray for them. If not you, then who?? I want her to know the God that I know so she can have peace in her life. Why? Because we are commanded to pray for others, that's why! It doesn't say just pray for people you like to be around, or for other Christians. It means everyone.
Is it easy to see others the way God sees them? No! Is it a breeze to pray favor over our "enemies"? No way! When someone has wronged us, treated us unfairly, gossiped about us, we want justice! How dare they? Well, it's a little hard for others to see the Spirit of God in us when we are lamenting about what someone said or did. I've been there and so have you at some point! And to gossip about it or to try to turn others against this offender? That is just like salt in the wound, and it only spreads more dissension. We all know the enemy loves dissension. Let's not buy into that. Compassion goes such a long way. It got this "mystery sister" some much needed attention and prayer. My main objective for sharing this story is to get this person the prayer she needs over her mind, body, and spirit. She took the first step in simply walking through the door. It's up to her and God if she decides to stay, but she will have my prayers. I hope she has yours too. I won't divulge her name, but I hope that doesn't matter to you. It doesn't matter to God, I'm sure. Thanks for listening, and for praying, if it crosses your mind.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Big J and Little J

Jarred (12) and Justin (4) are my brother Jeff's kids. They live in New Baltimore, MI, so we don't get to see them very much. The boys were able to come and spend a whole weekend with our family, and we made the most of every moment. The kids all get along so great, and have so much fun together. It's such a blessing to have them in our lives. We enjoy any time we get to spend together.
Run, Steve, run!! Our water fight got so out of control. Everyone got soaked!!
I had the hose, Justin had a supersoaker, and Grandma tried to take pictures. They even soaked Grandma!! We know how to have fun around here!

They look SO innocent, but put a water torpedo shooterthingy in their hands, and they are ruthless!!

Cute Cousins!

Justin tries out the moon shoes with a little guidance from Natalie

There's Serena, Jarred, Justin, and Natalie standing on the unfinished treehouse.

Justin was pretty brave to climb up there all by himself and told us so!
It's a nice day for a plane ride at Plymouth Park
We nicknamed the boys Big J and Little J. My brother doesn't know it, but we call him Jumbo J. He's not very big at all, by the way, but it just sounded cool. We can't wait for the next time we get these cousins together!! Praise God for family.

Friday, August 15, 2008

What You Think You See May Not Be...

My family is pretty goofy and outgoing. We will break into song or dance, do wild impersonations of insane things, put ridiculous dress up items on, and really crank it when we do Guitar Hero. That's just the short list. Add to that all the stuff I do, and we'd probably be committed to the loony bin. We just enjoy having fun and letting loose a little wild hair now and then. That's right, I'm FUN.

I'll bet you didn't know that, did you?

Those who think we are quiet people have just not had that unique opportunity to catch us being ourselves yet. I can't speak for Steve, but I have my reasons for being quiet. I am a more contemplative person. I think a lot!! I'm more of an introvert, but I love people and having fun. I love to laugh loudly and play jokes on people. And when I'm quiet, I become the best listener you'd ever want to have.

When I'm around people who know me well, I come right out of my little hermit crab shell, and give them the real me. One day I hope this will be easier and easier for me to do for everyone. One little sideways step at a time and we'll see what happens. I tend to be shy at first, but it doesn't last long!

One thing I know about being quiet is that it is okay! Will people label and judge? Sure! But they would do that anyway. Are all outgoing people loud and obnoxious? Some are, but most are just extroverted people. That is perfectly cool too! Don't assume that just because someone is loud that they are more fun to be around. Sometimes they're just louder! And don't assume that a quiet or shy person wants to be left alone. Most times they wish you'd come to them because coming to you is very difficult!

God made us the way we are for His purpose. He designed me to be who I am, and doesn't want me to be anyone else. I can serve him while I'm quiet and while I'm being a nutty ding dong. He knows how to use me to reflect him. I don't have to be what people expect and neither do you.
We are to encourage one another. That means everyone, whether they are like you or not! Challenge yourself to drop the labels and assumptions and just love the person inside!! You'll be surprised at the treasure you will find.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Havin' S'more Fun!

Backyard campfires are the most fun! Daddy was working on the treehouse, so the girls and I decided to have some girl time. The girls love to have long chats by the fire. Sometimes we joke around and laugh the whole time, but tonight they asked all about the moon, sun, and stars. I sure need to brush up on my astronomy! I showed them how to howl at the moon, like any good mom would!!

What a sweet and sticky grin, Serena!

Miss Natalie says, "MMM, finger lickin' good!"

Is this a guilty face or what? Miss Sophie is 12 and getting slow, but is quick as lightning when it comes to food. This is her "I swiped a marshmallow" face. Kinda sticky, but she liked it! Of course, it was my marshmallow she swiped, and the girls thought that was hilarious!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Fun at the Fair

Another day at the Midland County Fair!

Gram & Serena compete...I think Gram won this one, although Serena's balloon was clearly bigger at the end!

Gramps had the job of holding all the toys while the girls rode the rides! Awwww...

There's Natalie pretending to be sooooo excited to win. She then traded the puppy in for a penguin. Fickle girl.

A nice young man offered to let the girls come in and brush his horse. Those 4-H kids are so nice!

There's Serena looking for her next "victim". She was loving the hit and run part of bumper car driving! That is just so like her!
We had a great time this year- riding, playing, visiting, laughing and EATING!! If you haven't tried chocolate dipped cheesecake, oh my, you must try it soon!! It was soooo good!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Building Memories in the Sand

It is a family tradition that goes way back. My grandma went to Ludington with her parents, and my mom went with hers. We now go to Ludington at least once a year and take G & G Lynch with us. We had a beautiful day playing in the waves, which were huge! Steve and the girls built this cool castle complete with a creature to guard it. It got a lot of attention from the beach walkers, and even a little help from a mentally challenged young lady who helped with the creature's eyes! What a cool day!

Dinner is Served!

Yummy kabobs on the grill....that's what's for dinner tonight, kids! YUM-O!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Choose Your Adventure!

Our backyard should be re-named "Michigan Adventures:Rogers Version". I mean, we have rides (swings and a zip line), water features (pool, sprinkler and a watering can), concessions, (birdseed, grape jelly, suet, hummer nectar, vegetable and fruit gardens), litter (1 granola bar wrapper, popsicle stick, 1 set of nose plugs, an empty root beer can, and a used bandage- ew!). There is even a petting zoo when the dog comes outside, and birds have been known to leap from the feeder into a waiting hand full of seed! Do I need to mention chipmunks? (see my "Something in the Bag is Moving" blog)

Life is an adventure in and of itself. Ups, downs, twists, vomiting. The opposite of that is boring, humdrum, mundane...they actually mean the same thing, but I like to overuse words. It's fun. It all depends on how you define "adventure". Read on.

I used to be younger, as many of you have been. My life as a teenager consisted of lying around in the sun, listening to loud music as I cruised the streets with friends, parties, some of them in the woods, and just being a kid. I know my parents must have had them, but I don't really remember birds back then. Who needed birds? Did I worry that the M-80's we were lighting off were going to terrorize the deer or traumatize all the cute bunnies in the woods? No way!

Well, somewhere along the way, I got enlightened to the good part of the world around me. It occurred to me during this conversation I had with Patty. We were like little old ladies, only without rockers and vicks vaporub. Here goes:

Me: Hey! I had my first Baltimore Oriole the other day!
Patty: Yeah, we get those. I have Indigo Buntings. I took a bunch of pictures of them.
Me: Hmmm....well, I had a pair of Bluebirds.
Patty: Yeah, we see those a lot.
Me: Oh. Well, do you have a lot of chipmunks?
Patty: Hello, we live in the woods.
Me: Yeah, we get a lot of chipmunks. Some of them are deranged, I think.
Patty: Let me tell you what's deranged.
Me: Please don't start on your mother-in-law again.
Patty: How about turkeys? We have a lot of those.
Me: Oh, yeah, we've got 'em. Deer too. fawns, does, no bucks yet.
Patty: That's cool.

After we hung up from that weird conversation (some of which has been embellished for the media), I got to thinking, that was just earth shattering. What happened to the 2 young moms who did nothing but talk about their combined 6 kids all the time. Who's pooping? Who's in time out? Where did that binky go again? Will I ever sleep again? and on and on. Sometimes we even forgot we were still on the phone! And if she couldn't find something while we were talking, she would obsess over it until she found it. While I was waiting on the phone!! Hello, long distance here! How did we get here??

I'd like to think of that and other conversations since of my graduation from young mom to almost seasoned mom. Maturing Motherness, yeah, that's it. Go away, spell check, it's my word. Yes it is. Now that our wild ones are growing into humans (her oldest is 17!!), we can look around and appreciate what's been there all along. The day is no longer about just getting from moment to moment, it's about stopping to smell the dog poop, I mean flowers. Hey! There are flowers out there!

I really brought this revelation home with another conversation with a friend who's not quite at the seasoned mom stage. She's still a nature virgin, we'll say. So here's more proof of my "theory":

Me: I'm so excited! I've got a bunch of orioles coming to the feeder now. I've taken pictures too!
Her: Yeah.
Me: Well, it's just that I've waited so long. I've put out so much fruit. It's a miracle really.
Her: Uh-huh.
Me: So, how's the potty training going?
Her: So great! She's peeing in the potty all by her little self. She's almost mastered the pooping too! Well, we had one incident with the floor and the cat and all that, but woooooo! It's so great!
Me: Uh-huh.

Adventure. Are you in the middle of yours and you just don't see it yet? How do you define adventure? I used to think it was white water rafting or bungee jumping. Now I know those are just stupid. Real adventure takes a great mind. Look outside the box. Get out of the box. Notice what's there. See it, touch it, sniff it, and if it moves, you may want to run away from it. Just don't stay parked so long that you become part of the car! And if you get a chance to visit "Michigan Adventure: Rogers Version", you will never forget it!

Missing Patty

Feet. I am not a fan. Where else can you find bunions, corns, callouses,ingrown toenails,smells, warts,and other weird things? Looking at my feet I thought of friends. I know that's not very nice, but sometimes friendship hurts and doesn't look very good either. My expectations of friendship are high. Why just love a little when you can love a lot? Guess it's my own theory not shared by all. I am hurting today. Call it a big ole bunion.

It's nice to have a friend who is like a good long foot soak. If she could, she'd be there for everythingI go through. She calls just to say "hi" even though she has 4 kids, a job and a traveling husband. She calls to ask me for my cinnamon bun recipe almost every time because she can't ever find it. We would be doing weekly outings, much to the dismay of our families, I'm sure. She misses me. I miss her. We send notes to say just that. We are more like sisters, craving each other's lives, loving each others kids, caring about each other's goals, dreams, and feelings. We both have other friends, but have found we're still the outsider no matter how hard we try.

However, if I want to see her, it's a 10 hour drive. Not real convenient to go to the local coffee shop. In our case, it would be the scrapbook store. And when we get together, it's like we were kids again, goofing around, laughing and teasing. talking about jumping on the old mattress in the backyard. Too many memories to mention, but all so special in my heart. Time flies when she comes home to visit.

When a friend hurts me here, I need her more. Guess that's pretty normal. We tend to need comfort from those we love when things are just a little off kilter. I guess that's God's way of reminding me that he is my best friend. Yes, people disappoint and it stinks. They don't even think sometimes. You have to take a walk in someone else's shoes, on someone else's feet to know how they feel. Many people don't do that.

My steps are heavy today. My thoughts are scattered. My dog kept me up all night pacing in the kitchen. Other noises kept me out of my own bed. It's no surprise my dapper is down, or however they say it. My knickers are in a knot, someone pooped in my ice cream.

Although it's good to call myself a Christian, make no mistake, it doesn't make life easy. I will have to pray a lot today. Next week will be a new perspective again. That's just how life is.

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...