Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Saturday Fun

It was nothing but net on Saturday, as we went on back to Gladwin for a couple more basketball games. The girls did really well again, and the sportsmanship of "that one team" was considerably better. Natalie is starting to get a little aggressive, which is way out of her comfort zone! It's the one time we tell her it's okay to steal something!! It is really fun to watch the girls play and learn the game.

Both sets of grandparents came to the game, as well as "adopted" aunt and uncle John and Pam. Pam used to play BBall in high school, and from what she tells me, was pretty aggressive. I know! If you know her, you'd never guess that! John played in school too, and said he could give Nat some tips. Pam didn't think that was such a good idea! Now, that I would guess about John!
We're trying our own "coaching at home" techniques by "guarding" the cereal cupboard from Natalie, trying to get her to step up her aggresiveness. It's pretty fun, and it makes the Cinnamon Toast Crunch feel special too. Oh, what we don't do for these kids.

SPeaking of those kids....Saturday night when we got back from the games, I was craving something sweet. I found some "heartmallows" and proceeded to bring the bag into the living room. Serena wanted one, so I zinged one at her, then Nat wanted one, so I whipped one at her, then starting tossing them to the dog and Steve too. Pretty soon I was putting them on all of their noses (think dog treat style), telling them to "wait" and then "GO!", at which time they would toss their heads back and try to catch the marshmallow in their mouths. Steve was actually pretty good, but the girls never did get the hang of it. I started shooting them into Natalie's mouth from way across the room, and that was fun for awhile. Serena just became my target. She was giggling so much she couldn't hold her mouth open! Soon I was whipping marshmallows up into the ceiling fan to see what would happen. The dog was going crazy, trying to find all the marshmallows that hit the floor, and of course with the "5-second" rule, many of them didn't stay on the floor for long at all. So I zinged them up high into the fan and it was like spring action, the way they'd hit the blade and then take off like a bat out of China. It had the girls laughing so hard, which is why I kept doing it! We tried all three speeds of the fan too, so I'd say it was like a science/aviation educational experience as well. We always try to teach our kids smart stuff, ya know.

Yes, this is what the Rogers Family does on a Saturday night. It's cheap fun, we were in our pajamas, and hey, my kids are thanking me for entertaining them once again. Who needs TV with a mom like me? And to hear my kids laugh like that? I will do almost anything!!


Jennifer Bovee said...

You're such an awesome mom!
flying heartmallows...gotta love it!

Shoemaker Family said...

awesome...call us next time; we'll drop whatever we're doing to come over for that stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to be a little mouse and grab a nibble and laugh a lot....you guys sound like your so much fun....Connie

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