Monday, February 22, 2010

Happy Belated Birthday, Natalie!

Well, it wasn't exactly "belated", because we celebrated last weekend, but this silly computer is so slow, it takes a week to download pictures....blame it on technology, I know.

Here's our 12 year old "little" girl! I actually made her cake this year and decorated it in her favorite decor.....zebra print! I got the idea off the internet, so don't think I'm all creative. The coolest thing about this cake was that the inside was zebra print too! I made a "bullseye" pattern with chocolate and vanilla batter...she flipped when she realized the inside was zebra too! I scored big time mom points that day for sure! :)
I used all "recycled" materials to decorate our kitchen for her party. I always have fun trying to meet their theme request without spending tons of money. The "runner" in the middle of the table is a window valance! I bunched up some hot pink sheers and used it like crepe paper on the window behind the cake. I had a blast decorating, as I always do! When she walked in the door from school that day, she was so thrilled about her cake and the decorations that she just grabbed me, hugged me hard, and said, "Oh, thank you mom! I love it! You're the best!!" I'm keeping the wrapping from that gift, my friends!
So, enough about the decor and the cake...... Natalie had a great birthday. She was in rare form when everyone came over. She hugged everyone robustly (yeah, I know!), made loud exclamations when she opened her gifts (wow, I know!), and cried when she opened the gift from her daddy and me. (super wow!) It is clear that our little girl is growing up into a young lady. We are very proud of who she is inside and out! It is such a blessing to see her coming out of her shell and truly expressing who she is inside!
Happy 12th, Miss Nattie, and thank you, God for letting us borrow her! You knew just what we wanted! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't God good!! Nat, Happy belated birthday. You're a special girl.

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