Friday, January 29, 2010

What is Growing On Around Here?

Sophie has nothing to do with this post, but she is so stinkin' cute, I just had to include this adorable picture of her in her bed. She's doing much better since her bout with vastibular syndrome in October. She's 14 and slowing down, but we are cherishing every day we still have her! I can't walk by her without a pat, a smooch, or a little sweet talk. She's just too cute to pass by!

I know, I know....mysterious brown seeds in a bag...looks bad, doesn't it? Well, they are for growing, but it's not what you think! Steve's new hobby is edible mushroom growing. Right now he has several different types of fungi growing in our various closets. Not only is he now the family "Mushroom Man", but he has really grown into a really "fun guy". Hey, a guy's gotta have a hobby. Why not a hobby you can eat?

Yep, this is exactly what it looks like. Mushroom spawn growing in toilet paper rolls. Oh, that sounds so bad and illegal, but it's more like a compost heap in a bag. He's growing oyster mushrooms right now. I hear they're "to die for". Let's hope not. Maybe if the mushroom thing doesn't work out, we can still use the toilet paper. Hmmm....maybe not.

Reach for the sky, amaryllis! It feels like spring in my kitchen right now. I'm just waiting for the blooms to "pop". Ironically, this is the gift I "stole" from my mother in law during our Christmas auction. That's right. I stole it from my mother in law. No one else was brave enough! (or maybe dumb enough, come to think of it)

My Jasmine tree blooms every so often year round, and I love it best in the winter when everything else is covered in snow outside. It smells heavenly, although my allergies don't agree. I don't really have much of an "indoor" green thumb, and I generally kill my indoor plants, but this one chose to live for some reason. Maybe it's all the coffee grounds I put in the soil, or that I sometimes decide to water it.
Winter blues getting you down? Grow something! Sea Monkeys, crystals, venus flytraps....check your potato bag...maybe there's already something growing in there. Don't overlook moldy bread or the back of your refrigerator! Have fun and let me know what you're growing. (unless it's illegal, and then shame on you!)

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