Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Return of the Chocolate

I know...my blogs have been a little introspective and kind of depressing lately. Well, that's the way life is sometimes!! Up and down like a stinking roller coaster. You get off and throw up. Well, that's the point of my story.
Steve came home from work last week with a few groceries I had asked him to get. Well, I didn't know he picked up a bag of peanut butter m&m's, cherry cordial chocolate kisses, and a bag of hershey's minis. I don't know what that guy was thinking. We got home from church and immediately I smelled chocolate. I looked down and saw a grocery bag and chocolate strewn all over the floor. My dog was nearby, looking a little green around the gills. I panicked, as most of you may know, chocolate is toxic for dogs! I immediately assessed the situation. She didn't get much chocolate as the m&m's were mostly peanut butter. The kisses were mostly cherry filled, and she didn't quite get the bag open on the miniatures, so they were safe. We went on the internet to see what kind of trouble she was in, and it was good news. She hadn't eaten enough to kill herself. Whew! That's all we would have needed with all that was going on at that time.
Anyway, we were getting settled for the night a little later than usual, and it started. The "it" being major chocolate vomiting by the dog. It started around 11:00 pm, and lasted however long it takes to barf 12 times in 3 different rooms. We followed her around with a dustpan, but she wanted us to back off, probably so she could eat it all over again, I don't know. Sorry about that, but it's true. Cleaning it up was quite unpleasant, as I have a very weak stomach. Poor Steve. He always wanted to be a doctor, and he should have been! He can handle vomit like a pro. He's a pretty good dingleberry cutter-offer as well. If you have a long-haired dog, you know what that means.
So, I now know how to kill my craving for chocolate, and it will save me many many pounds of weight gain in the future. If chocolate ever comes into my house again, it will not be sitting in a bag by the back door, I can guarantee that! Oh, and our yard is speckled with pretty bits of bright pink cherry cordial kisses wrappers wherever our dog relieved herself. It's quite sparkly when the sun shines.

Monday, September 29, 2008


My uncle is finally at peace. He entered heaven this evening and met up with his parents, granddaughter Brittany, my Grandma Brown, and best friend Russ. My uncle was a believer, and his faith grew stronger and stronger as people witnessed around him. His illness was an opportunity for him and his family to grow closer to God in ways they never imagined.
We didn't get the miracle we prayed for, but blessings were definitely there.
Thanks to all who have been praying for him and the family. I know it kept them going.

He Reigns!

I have another song stuck in my head today....."He Reigns!" I know some of the lyrics, but for some reason, I just keep singing that part out since yesterday. I'm not sure who sings it, but I like whoever it is. I just love my WOW Hits 2008 CD too. If you want a copy, let me know. I am always willing to burn great music for a friend!


Sunday, September 28, 2008


As you know, my Uncle Larry has been struggling for his life these past few weeks, in need of a lung transplant. I thought you'd want to know how God has been working in this!
They wanted to take him off the vent last Thursday, as he wasn't improving. Well, God had other plans! He began improving later that evening. He continued to stay stable and was placed at the top of the transplant list at Cleveland Clinic. He can receive a lung (or 2) from a 2000 mile radius. We don't know what the future holds for him now, but being on the list gives his family hope.
God has sent wonderful people to care for him, pray for him, and pray for his family. The people at Cleveland Clinic are amazing, thoughtful, and so professional. What they do can only be a gift from God himself!
As far as I'm concerned, he's receiving a miracle every day he is still with us. Thank you all for praying for a family you may never meet. It has meant so much to us!!

Weighty Matters II

I'm still working on getting to the heart of the weight issue, and guess what? It's going to take awhile! That's just the way it is with anything that is worth doing. It's never easy, there's never a quick answer, and it usually hurts first!
Knowing that my eating is a spiritual stronghold does not make finding the solution an easier journey. It just makes the journey begin.
I was getting a migraine during service today (not your fault PD), and the first thing I asked Steve to do for me was get me a coke and some salty chips. Hmmmm....the coke is normal....I usually try caffeine to head it off, but the chips were a comfort thing.
I spent 6 hours in bed when I got home, which wasn't pleasant, and it tends to depress me to have to ruin a whole day. So..physical pain leads to emotional pain, leads to eating, then back to emotional pain. WHOA!! Time to break that cycle!
I was diagnosed with migraine, non-variant, vascular headaches, with mild depression, anxiety, tacchycardia, MVP, and something weird with my lung capacity. I am generally healthy, but chemically, there's stuff going on all the time! The MVP (mitral valve prolapse) causes the oxygen issue, which causes the anxiety. The fatigue from having my heart racing a lot makes me feel like an old woman at times. I don't like to take medicine if I don't have to. I guess I've been using food to comfort me, and I hadn't put that all together like that before. I think not feeling well for the past several years of my life has made me a bit resentful. I have missed out on a lot.
Confessing that, and making that connection with weight is a first for me. I guess I haven't fully given that over to God, and that is now my direction.
Stay tuned as I make more revelations. God is peeling back some layers on me, and I don't know what will come out next!!
God Bless!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Weighty Matters

Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food." Genesis 1:29

"For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit." Romans 14:17

But food does not bring us near to God;we are no worse if we do not eat, and no better if we do." 1Corinthians 8:8

If anyone destroys God's temple, God will destroy him; for God's temple is sacred, and you are that temple. 1Corinthians 3:17

I am reading yet another book on weight control.....yawn, I know. However, I am searching for the reason I don't take care of my temple. This one is spiritually based. No points to count, no meetings to attend, no weird diets of all-green foods or no carbohydrates. Those are ways to treat the symptoms, but I'm looking for the cause. I'm looking for a lifetime lifestyle change. Not just a way to drop an easy 20. I've been successful in losing weight in the past, however, at some point, I gain most of it back. I'm tired of failing!!
I don't need willpower. I just need to care about myself. See why I'm reading the book?
Many of us girls spend time discussing our weight, size, diet plan, etc...but we rarely open up about what's in our hearts and minds behind the food issues we have. I'm willing to share mine with anyone who wants to share theirs. Food is too much of a comfort in our lives, and we need to shift that focus to God and the comfort he gives us. He loves us just the way we are, but he wants what's best for our temples. It's where he resides! I want to be healthy and active, energetic and strong! I may never be the bony girl I used to be, and that's okay, but I want to know I'm doing something that will enrich my life, and provide a positive example for my growing girls. We focus on health and staying active, not what we weigh.
So, this is my new journey and I will keep you posted as to what I learn from this book. If you struggle with your weight or lack of motivation, share your thoughts with me.

Proverbs 27:17...As iron sharpens iron, so one man (or woman) sharpens another.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Reality TV and Me

Ever since the first season of Survivor, I have been a reality TV fan. I tuned in to Big Brother for the first season and found that I was fascinated with human behavior. Sure, I took lots of psych in college, including abnormal, but the human behavior in these shows was much more than I could learn from a textbook! It's amazing how people will turn on each other so quickly. They "claim" it's because they're playing a game, but it's almost like they're doing it because they have the freedom to act on bad behavior. Well, I got over my "survivor" addiction pretty quickly when it got kind of raunchy. The emphasis shifted from the game to airing whatever got the best ratings. Of course, my kids can't watch shows with so-called "good ratings", so it's out at our house. Besides, I could only stand so much of Jeff Probst, his annoying dimples, and the way he makes the loser put out his torch. Very cliche' if you ask me. Bring back the original "survivor" and I may watch again.
I am a huge fan of music, so of course, I tune in for American Idol each season. Everyone knows what a maniac I become when that show is on. It's like the Superbowl each week for me! Love it!
I am also watching Dancing with the Stars, which just aired for the first time last night. I won't give my commentary on the show, but I will say the costumes are getting skimpier and skimpier. Natalie was watching with me and said "WHOAAAA where are her underpants????" I would have told her, however, I wasn't sure she was wearing any.
I also love Jon and Kate Plus 8, Ace of Cakes, Design Star, The Next Food Network Star, Mythbusters, Survivorman, Wipeout, and a few others.
Because of the lack of "family" type shows, we watch a lot of the above shows as a family. Some of the "TGIF" family shows need to be resurrected from the 80's! Bring us the Cosby's, the Seaver's, The Keaton's, Mrs. Garrett, and even Urkel!! I don't know about you, but I would watch a nerdy kid with a nasaly voice over a dumb girl in a too-small bikini any day!! I know "it" sells, but I'm not buying!
Thankfully, there's a little something called TV on DVD, and you can purchase many, if not all, of your favorite shows on disc! When reality tv finally wears itself out, I will be happily watching reruns and eating my jiffy pop popcorn. Maybe I'll start with "The Muppet Show". Gotta love that one!

Music To My Ears

Ever have a song stuck in your head? Every time you get in the shower, drive the car, wake up in the middle of the night....there it is again?? Sometimes it will drive me crazy, especially if it's a song I don't really care for. This time I've had a song in my head since last Wednesday and it's okay with me. Here it is....

Praise You In This Storm- the amazing Casting Crowns

I was sure by now
God, you would have reached down
And wiped our tears away
Stepped in and saved the day
But once again
I say Amen,
And it's still raining.
As the thunder rolls
I barely hear
you whisper through the rain
I'm with you
And as your mercy falls
I raise my hands and praise the God who gives
And takes away.

And I'll praise you in this storm
And I will lift my hands
You are who you are
No matter where I am
And every tear I cry
You hold in your hand
You never left my side
And though my heart is torn
I will praise you in this storm.

I remember when
I stumbled in the wind
You heard my cry to you
Raised me up again
My strength is almost gone
How can I carry on
If I can't find you


I lift my eyes unto the hills
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord
The Maker of heaven and earth.

This gem is from their album, Lifesong. Check them out at Castingcrowns.com for more great songs for your heart and soul!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Just Love II

My uncle's poor condition has put him back in ICU today. They are going to put him on a vent, however, it will not mean that he can't be on the transplant list as we had heard before. If all goes well, he will make the list by this Thursday. He has been taken off the blood thinners so he can be prepared for the surgery.
My parents are in Cleveland with them this weekend and will stay as long as they are needed. My mom has grown so much in her faith through this trial. She prayed with the family over my uncle and has encouraged them to pray with him and together. You go, MOM!! This took a lot of courage for her to do, being her first time really expressing her faith in this way. I am so grateful she is there praying with them, since all of us are here and unable to be with them. She called to ask me if she was doing the right thing, and I reassured her that God will enable her to do all she needs to do! And yes, you're doing the right thing. I told her, "Be a light!"
We are so grateful for all of the prayers our church family and friends have been sending up. We have been continually blessed by the prayers of the church. I don't know how people make it through difficult times without a church family and Christian friends. God bless all of you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Just Love

I'm not sure how many of you have been aware of my Uncle Larry's condition. (He is my mom's bro. in law) He has been hospitalized at Cleveland Clinic for about a month now, in desperate need of a double lung transplant. This past week he has been in and out of ICU, and his condition, by medical standards, is just not good. His family, of course, is going through such a difficult time, and with him being in Ohio, it has been even more of a challenge.
If this family crosses your mind, please pray for them. Though they don't express their faith the same way we do, they are believers. Prayer has made all the difference for them in this time of crisis. My uncle has maintained a sense of humor and a joy for his family this entire time. The only word he could think of to describe the care my aunt had been giving him is simple-love.
I've been reading Philip Yancey's book, Where is God when It Hurts...and the one thing he says all suffering people need most is LOVE. Not wisdom or knowledge. Just love.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tried and True Ways to Beat the Blues

Here are some of my own special unorthodox remedies for beating the blues. They're coming to you hot off my weird little mind. These are tried and true, never released before!

1. Crank up your music VERY loud and dance like you're on fire. Undies optional.
2. Drag everything out of your walk-in closet and just walk in there.
3. Tattoo a message on your body with a sharpie. Challenge your spouse to find it!
4. Lay on the floor with dog treats on your back. Whistle for the dog and see what happens.
5. Hide behind the couch and surprise attack your husband....yell COWABUNGA!
6. Put cheese on every single thing you eat in one day just to see how it tastes.
7. Wave at strangers as if you know them. Honk in the school parking lot
8. Strike up a conversation with a mannequin at Penney's.
9. Stick straws in your nose and cross your eyes. Take a picture and make a poster for your wall.
10. Pinch your nose and call your friend on the phone. When she asks what's wrong with your voice, say "NUTTING, WHY?"
11. See how many weird noises you can make, then practice them in church
12. Put your hair in piggy tails and paint freckles on your nose
13. Sing at the top of your lungs while sitting at the stoplight. Sing off key!
14. Dance with your mop. Be careful when you dip.
15. Answer your phone in a foreign language. Pretend to be Hildi the maid.
16. Imagine everyone bald or in bright yellow banana suits
17. Eat lots of beans, take a few Gas-x, then go visit the in-laws.
18. Pick your nose in public
19. Introduce yourself to a stranger as "Anita Hug" and see what happens.
20. Call 911 just to say "hi"
21. Answer every question with a question.
22. Watch a Jerry Lewis movie and try to talk like him
23. Watch a Jim Carrey movie and try to make faces like him
24. Last but not least, take a bath, imagine the bubbles are your troubles. Sit back and laugh while you pop them all!

If none of these work for you, call me and we'll cook up some fun things to do!

Update on the Brace

Lots of you have been asking about Natalie's brace, so here's what's going on....
We will not be able to see the orthotist (guy who fitted the brace) or the surgeon until October 7th. Since there is such a big span of time from now until then, we're waiting to have her wear it about 2 weeks before we have our appointments. The reason for this is because we have encountered some problems with the brace that we were not prepared for. It's not just a "thin type of plastic" that will "fit under her clothes". It is very heavy, bulky, hot, and does not enable her to sit comfortably or use the bathroom without taking it off. Since the brace takes a strong adult to put it on, strap it up properly, and remove it, having her wear it to school is not an option at this point. Our plan is to have her wear it at home, possibly in bed (although I fear she won't get enough good sleep), but not at school.
We are frustrated that we have no guidance with this part of the brace at all. A guy prescribed it, a guy made it, but no one helps you live with it. As parents, we just want to do what's right, and we don't know what that is right now. We're praying our way through.
Thanks to all of you who have been supporting us and Natalie. It has been a great comfort to us!

Tuesday Morning PEARLS

I am so thankful for my Tuesday morning Bible Study/Fellowship time at CWC. Barb, I know you're reading this, so thank you thank you thank you! Thanks to Rachel (she's not reading this or anything online for that matter!) for starting and maintaining the group!
This group has been what has helped me to climb out of my teeny shell a bit and get to know ladies in a comfortable, casual atmosphere. Sometimes when the groups are too big and include men (sorry, honey) or couples, it is too hard to open up or be yourself. It's not their fault, of course, it's just not where function best as a person! I'm a weirdo, so deal with it or ignore me.
So, this group has been a huge blessing to me and a great help to my growth. I love all the ladies there, young and seasoned! I'm especially grateful that MOPS bit the dust and now our group has been blessed with moms just like me! (Sorry, Jenn, sort of...)
I can't wait to see what this year has in store for PEARLS. I just know it will be good and FUN!!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Happenings

My girls made me another one of their custom birthday cakes this year! It's always interesting to watch Steve and the girls come up with a cake. The first one bit the dust when it slid out of the pan and folded in two! Oops. This particular cake was yellow with chocolate frosting, and says in brightly colored icing, "Happy Birthday, Mumma" They added some number candles that were supposed to say "29", but got reversed several times (by stinkers) to say, "92". That's how old I feel sometimes. It was covered in clever relighting candles, of course. Jokesters.
My birthday was not all I had hoped it would be. Our dog, Sophie, started acting strangely on Thursday night, and by Friday was having a full blown panic attack. She kept us awake much of Thursday night, so we were exhausted on Friday. Steve came home from work early to take her to the vet to see what was going on. Seeming okay physically, they gave her an anti-anxiety medication. Well, it didn't kick in for awhile. She kept us up Friday night as well. I got home late from Emi's, and pretty much stayed awake from then on. Sophie was pacing, panting, and peeing on the floor, and would not leave our sides. Now, of course, we were frustrated, but she's been our faithful dog for almost 13 years. I was not going to give up on her.
Anyway, Saturday was my birthday, and we had planned a family day trip, which was ruined because of the constant pounding rain. Serena woke up not feeling well, Steve and I were crabby and tired, so just fill in your own blanks there. My girls love birthdays, and are very thoughtful. I always love the cards and gifts they pick out for me. They know me pretty well. We ended the day with pizza, and planned to eat the cake on Sunday with my parents. Steve surprised me with a digital SLR camera, since my camera has been broken since March, and I love photography. I don't have the camera yet, but expect to see some good pictures on my blog soon.
I may have had somewhat of a crummy day, but I had some nice birthday stuff happening throughout the week, including a lunch with Sara, a chocolate birthday cake made by Emi, and a lovely quartet of ladies singing Happy B-day to me! I received sweet cards from friends and family, and got cinnamon rolls for breakfast in bed, complete with pink roses! So, not all was bad, but when you're sleep deprived, well, you fill in the blanks there!
We ran out of xanax for the dog, so I don't know what kind of day I'll have today. I'm hoping this anxiety she is feeling is over soon. The vet asked if we've had any stressful events lately. I didn't think we had, until I started thinking. Yes, I guess it's been stressful here. I had no idea the dog would pick up on it.
So next year I will be "40", and that is just surreal to me! I still feel like a kid sometimes. Everyone tells me I will love my 40's. They'd better be right! Lots of my friends are 40 and above, and they seem no different than me, other than more of their questions are answered, and I'm still asking! Life just begins at 40, they say! I'm not sure I want to start over! :)

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Politics, Spam, and Bad Drivers....3 of my least favorite things!

Most people who know me well know that a discussion about politics will just drive me insane. I can't stand it on tv, can't stand it on the radio, church, home, shopping, etc....Why?? Because like any major controversial topic, I am subjected to too much opinion! Just the very idea of putting yourself in a group called "republicans" or "democrats" makes me cringe. I am a pretty independent thinker. Always have been, always will be. My honors poli sci professor in college got me hooked on it. He was a hugely broad thinker, and in this day, it comes in handy. Just looking at the little things is a distraction. I personally do not care what Michelle Obama wears and how much it costs. I don't care if Sarah Palin's husband is a snowmobile racer, I am so tired of hearing about all these little insignificant details. Hello!! Who can run my country??? Who can make good solid decisions for us?? Who can be objective, and not just a slave to his party? Who knows what they're doing?? Who does GOD want to be in power?
I personally am not hung up on whether or not our president is old, black, white, or female. It just never impressed me in the least. Groundbreaking for our nation, sure, but not for me.
The best advice I give and take when it comes to politics is to please take your information from more than one source. This could mean listening to someone of knowledge (did you catch that?) who is not of your party. Oh my!! This could mean listening to more than one commentator or morning show. Then and only then can you separate fact from opinion, emotion from reality. And even then, you really don't know for sure! That's why you have to remain informed. Look at what is of utmost importance to you as far as issues go. Is your candidate going to support that or not? Watch for people telling you stretched truths, especially the smear campaigns on tv. I don't appreciate any of them. Most of all, they don't help me to make an informed choice. And yes, a president who is a Christian is of utmost importance to many of us. However, that is not something you can check in their background. Watch for what they do and what they've done, not what they say. There are a lot of wolves in sheep's clothing these days. Not just in politics, but right now, that is what we're talking about. Try not to become distracted by misleading information, including from your own friends and family. Find out for yourself. After all, it is your right to vote, and it is YOUR vote.
So, go ahead and spout off about how much you hate democrats or republicans, but please don't do it around me!! I will go silent, my eyes will glaze over, and I may convulse a little. My ultimate goal is to be as much a peacemaker as I can be. God has let me know this is what I am to be doing. So, don't make it tough on me, friends!! Please, no more emails and negative jabs about either candidate. It's just too much opinion for me!! I still love you anyway. It's the peacemaker in me!! :)

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Wearin' Of The Lime Green Brace

When we arrived in the exam room and saw this huge green cast, we were pretty concerned. It was cut down some, but has to stay pretty long due to the location of her curves.

There's Nat in front of Wright and Filipis in Saginaw, where her brace was "born".

Sophie is so good at offering comfort to all of us. Natalie was practicing getting up off the floor and Sophie must have thought she was hurting. She walked over and sat by her knees. Oh how we just adore our Sophie dog!

"Oh no! A turtle on its back...help!!" My funny girl pretended to be a turtle, an end table, and a footstool with her new brace. She's a crack up, that girl of ours!

There's a beautiful smile and just a peek at Natalie's new brace. If you look close, you can see a picture of her on the wall behind her. (top right)
If you were praying for Natalie and our family at some time today, thank you so much. I know that's the reason we were able to endure this appointment today. Nat handled it well, and in her usual chipper personality. She cracked Ed up again by referring to her brace as her new "abs of steel". She will start a gradual wearing of the brace, building up to 23 hours a day. We will be at the surgeon's office frequently the first few months, monitoring her progress. The brace is much larger and bulkier than we imagined it would be. It comes down to the middle of her behind, and one side comes up under her arm. It has to be worn tightly, and clothes, including pants, need to fit over it, not under. We have found some challenges already, and are hoping we can find the answers to them soon. I'm sure it will take some time to adapt and accept the new changes.
I have many doubts and questions at this point, and I hope there will be some peace with that too. If you're a mom, or you love a child, I'm sure you know what I mean without me having to say it.
But, it's not about me, so there. I was so proud of my girl, insisting on wearing her brace to church tonight. What I realized is that she needed a safe place to "try it out" where she knew she was loved. Sniff, sniff, I know. And if you're part of my church family, it's because of you!! Her wonderful teacher, Miss Jen, told her she was very brave. That comment stuck with her all night. Thank you, Miss Jen!
I am so grateful that we are talking about a lime green brace, and not a life-threatening illness. I'm thankful that we can fix this, even though it will be a daily challenge. I am fortunate to have a wicked funny kid who will make the best of this, and through that, will keep me from crying! Now, for the stamp of silliness all of my posts must have, I have to tell you what Natalie named this thing. We can't call it an orthotic device because that just sounds awful. No, it will be introduced as "Limantha VanStraightenbach", with a heavy German accent on the "ch", of course. When you see her, ask her to say it for you. You'll crack up!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Countdown to the Brace

Natalie's back brace is in, and we are going to Saginaw on Wednesday for her fitting. She will wear it for the first time on Wednesday afternoon. I'm not sure if we'll be home by church time or not. We have 2 appointments, one at 2 and one at 4.

She seems pretty nonchalant about it right now. I'm sure it will sink in a little more when she has it on. We are planning an "Embrace the Brace" party for her and some of her friends. We figure it will give her a support team that she can go to if someone is being stinky to her about it. She asked if adults could come too, so we'll see how many we can fit!

I'll keep you all posted as we go along this new journey with Nattie. If we come to mind, please pray that we'll handle this with grace and stay positive for her!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Real Beauty Makeover Success!

Capital "K"-udos to all who made the Real Beauty Makeover the huge success it was on Saturday!! Thank you Mary and Tasha for making it all happen. I know you are already reaping the blessings from all of your hard work, and I'm sure there will be more to come! You are more than "rock stars"!!

My daughters and I had a fantastic time, as did my sister and mom. What a great message we heard from Shari Braendel on looking beautiful inside and out! As a mom of 2 girls, I have a huge responsibility to raise them beautifully on the inside. That's no easy task in today's superficial, materialistic world!! My ultimate goal is to remind them daily of God's love for them, and the fact that he created them JUST the way they are and that is more than good enough! Sure, we all want to look nice and wear cute clothes, shoes, and all of that. Nothing is wrong with outer beauty UNLESS you are ugly inside. That tends to show up in a hurry!

The fashion show was so fun and creative. Those teen girls were so confident and self-assured. I looked over at Serena to see her reaction, and she had the biggest smile on her face! She said to me, "mom, my cheeks hurt from smiling!" My girls and a couple of their friends LOVED being able to help out by handing out the goodie bags and telling each lady to have a fun time. They tried on formal gowns, had their hands dipped, their "colors" read, and got "Modest is Hottest" tee shirts. Oh, and by the way, I am a "soft", and therefore cannot wear black around my face. Guess what color I wore Saturday? OOPSY!! Evidently, I look aged in black. Since Shari knows her fashion, I will no longer wear black!! Yard sale anyone??

I felt so blessed to have had the opportunity to take my girls to something like this. I would do it again in a heartbeat, only we'd bring more friends with us!!

Thanks again Tasha and Mary....you are amazing girls!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Little Fun With Names and Numbers

Our first daughter, Natalie always takes her time doing anything. It took us nearly 2 years to conceive her, she was born 2 weeks early, and it took 2 days to finally meet her. It took 2 months before she would actually cry loud enough for us to hear her. Her usual sound was similar to a baby goat-eh, eh, eh.

Serena, on the other hand, is our speedy Gonzales. She was conceived within 2 months, although we expected another 2 year delay. She was born 2 days late, and within 2 hours of reaching the hospital. She walked at 8 months and has been running ever since!

When Natalie was in preschool and Serena and I walked her to class, Serena was always running way ahead of me, and Natalie was meandering way behind. People were often surprised to find I actually had 2 children, because they never saw the 3 of us together! We call it the "Tortoise and the Hare" syndrome. It never fails to this day. Serena is way ahead, and Nat holds up the rear. I'm somewhere in the middle, either running or waiting.

One day, I discovered some very unusual things about my girls' names and birthdates. Don't ask me how I came upon this mysterious information. It just simply came to me while I was writing in Natalie's baby book one day. I just find it fascinating and unique and I love to share it.

When I add Natalie's birth month (Feb) to mine (Sept), it equals Steve's birth month (Nov).
okay, so then I add Natalie's birth day (15th) to mine (13th), and it equals Steve's birth day (28).
Then, if you add the total of the birth months (11) to the total of the birth days (28), you get (39) and you'll see why that matters now.
Serena's birthday was 12-27. If you add 12+27, you get (39), which is the above total of mine, Steve's and Natalie's numbers. SO cool, I know!!

Okay, moving on. Natalie's name means "Natal day", which, of course refers to Christmas. Serena's due date was Christmas Day! Even weirder, but Serena's name means "serene" or "calm", and that child had colic for 6 months! Natalie has always been our calm one! It's somewhat of a Freaky Friday thing with the names, I guess.

They were both born in the wee hours of a snowy winter morning, Natalie coming in at 2:37am, and Serena at 3:41am. Both were born on weekends too. The only thing that doesn't fit is that Nat was early, and Serena was late. That "Freaky Friday" thing again!

I continue to wonder about the significance of their middle names too.
Natalie's middle name is "Faith", since it took so long to finally get her, and Serena's is "Hope", because we hoped it wouldn't take as long the second time! We now wonder, is there a "Joy" (Love, Charity) in our future? While not physically possible, I still have to wonder anyway, since God has been so amazingly clever with us so far!!


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to School!!

Yesterday began yet another academic journey for 3rd grade Serena, and 5th grade Natalie. Fifth grade. How time has played yet another trick on me! We had a pretty good first day. It's always mayhem when we first get there. Tons of cars, kids, parents, and all their brothers and stepmoms, kids trying in vain to sharpen pencils,teachers already going gray...Good thing the PTO carries tommy guns. Okay, enough of the typical silliness. Yeah, right. You know me.

Well, we've been doing this "first day" stuff for awhile now, so there's not much to report. Natalie will be switching between 5 classes now. She was thrilled to learn she would finally get to dissect a frog this year, and loves that she has a whole class devoted to writing and reading. A dream come true for her. Wonder where she gets it? She only had one snag of the day, and I'm sure it's just the first of many. A girl already teased her about her acne. I won't mention her real name, but I told Nat to take the high road with AnnMary, and invite her to church. That'll get her. :)
Serena loves her teacher, of course. Mrs. S is my bud, Patty's mom, so it's in the bag for Serena. We're keeping Mrs. S in apples this year. Serena is looking forward to playing Pig Latin bingo and quiet ball.
Both girls excel at lunch and recess and I am so proud of them. Actually, these are a couple of bright light bulbs, let me tell you! So SO SO much smarter than I was at that age!! I think I spent my elementary days looking out the window and daydreaming about my after school snack. You think I'm kidding?? Serena hates gym class, but I don't know why. She doesn't have to square dance with a smelly boy like I did back then. Let me tell you, it DOES scar you for life. I sometimes call out, hail hail the gang's all here....what the heck do we care...and on and on!! Oh, and you really won't use algebra later in life, but don't tell my kids.
We are looking forward to a fun year and will just pray our way through the unfun part of school. It's not easy to be around kids who don't share your values and aren't as kind as you are. I believe though, that character is built through adversity, so being in school provides that experience they will need in the world. It will not only toughen them up, but it will teach them compassion too. Kind of an interesting and opposing blend, but they need one trait to learn the other. I will leave you with that thought!!


What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...