Monday, September 15, 2008

Birthday Happenings

My girls made me another one of their custom birthday cakes this year! It's always interesting to watch Steve and the girls come up with a cake. The first one bit the dust when it slid out of the pan and folded in two! Oops. This particular cake was yellow with chocolate frosting, and says in brightly colored icing, "Happy Birthday, Mumma" They added some number candles that were supposed to say "29", but got reversed several times (by stinkers) to say, "92". That's how old I feel sometimes. It was covered in clever relighting candles, of course. Jokesters.
My birthday was not all I had hoped it would be. Our dog, Sophie, started acting strangely on Thursday night, and by Friday was having a full blown panic attack. She kept us awake much of Thursday night, so we were exhausted on Friday. Steve came home from work early to take her to the vet to see what was going on. Seeming okay physically, they gave her an anti-anxiety medication. Well, it didn't kick in for awhile. She kept us up Friday night as well. I got home late from Emi's, and pretty much stayed awake from then on. Sophie was pacing, panting, and peeing on the floor, and would not leave our sides. Now, of course, we were frustrated, but she's been our faithful dog for almost 13 years. I was not going to give up on her.
Anyway, Saturday was my birthday, and we had planned a family day trip, which was ruined because of the constant pounding rain. Serena woke up not feeling well, Steve and I were crabby and tired, so just fill in your own blanks there. My girls love birthdays, and are very thoughtful. I always love the cards and gifts they pick out for me. They know me pretty well. We ended the day with pizza, and planned to eat the cake on Sunday with my parents. Steve surprised me with a digital SLR camera, since my camera has been broken since March, and I love photography. I don't have the camera yet, but expect to see some good pictures on my blog soon.
I may have had somewhat of a crummy day, but I had some nice birthday stuff happening throughout the week, including a lunch with Sara, a chocolate birthday cake made by Emi, and a lovely quartet of ladies singing Happy B-day to me! I received sweet cards from friends and family, and got cinnamon rolls for breakfast in bed, complete with pink roses! So, not all was bad, but when you're sleep deprived, well, you fill in the blanks there!
We ran out of xanax for the dog, so I don't know what kind of day I'll have today. I'm hoping this anxiety she is feeling is over soon. The vet asked if we've had any stressful events lately. I didn't think we had, until I started thinking. Yes, I guess it's been stressful here. I had no idea the dog would pick up on it.
So next year I will be "40", and that is just surreal to me! I still feel like a kid sometimes. Everyone tells me I will love my 40's. They'd better be right! Lots of my friends are 40 and above, and they seem no different than me, other than more of their questions are answered, and I'm still asking! Life just begins at 40, they say! I'm not sure I want to start over! :)


Jennifer Bovee said...

Happy Birthday Friend!!

Shoemaker Family said...

Oh, Happy 29 to you!!!

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