Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tuesday Morning PEARLS

I am so thankful for my Tuesday morning Bible Study/Fellowship time at CWC. Barb, I know you're reading this, so thank you thank you thank you! Thanks to Rachel (she's not reading this or anything online for that matter!) for starting and maintaining the group!
This group has been what has helped me to climb out of my teeny shell a bit and get to know ladies in a comfortable, casual atmosphere. Sometimes when the groups are too big and include men (sorry, honey) or couples, it is too hard to open up or be yourself. It's not their fault, of course, it's just not where function best as a person! I'm a weirdo, so deal with it or ignore me.
So, this group has been a huge blessing to me and a great help to my growth. I love all the ladies there, young and seasoned! I'm especially grateful that MOPS bit the dust and now our group has been blessed with moms just like me! (Sorry, Jenn, sort of...)
I can't wait to see what this year has in store for PEARLS. I just know it will be good and FUN!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No need to apoligize about the MOPS thing! I enjoyed it but I feel a stronger connection to you girls then I ever did at MOPS (besides with Michelle, Sara, and Theresa!)A prayer for you that things will get better for Nat with the brace!

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