Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to You!

Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you! On Friday Steve is 42! Happy Happy Birthday to you, my Superman! Thanks for the help, Dr. Seuss.

Steve's due date was originally Christmas day, just like Serena's! In honor of Dad, the first three letters of Serena's name are her daddy's initials, SER. Incidentally, I am named after my Pops as well....Jami Leann/James Leo.

Birthdays are special and important around here. It's a time to celebrate the wonderful life of our family members, and thank God that they were born and placed right here with us.

My dad shared a special poem with us tonight at the Thanksgiving was written by a blind 16 year old girl way back in 1966 to her father on his 42nd birthday. He wasn't sure where this man and his daughter are now, but has kept this poem for a long time. Here it is:

Forty Two! Forty Two!
I really don't believe it's true.
No longer a babe, no longer a child.
No longer a teenager cocky and wild.
You're no longer sixteen or twenty-one;
No longer thirty- nine or forty-one.
You're now an ancient forty-two!
I really don't believe it's true.
Cheer up dad; don't look so sad.
Forty-two is not that bad.
The older you are, the wiser you get,
Then why all this worry, why all this fret?
We're proud to have a dad like you,
So what if you are forty-two?
God's been good to you all these years;
He's guided you, strengthened you, calmed your fears.
You're also much older in the Lord;
His grace to you He hath outpoured.
We love you for what you are, dear Dad;
You're the greatest anyone ever had.
May God bless you and keep, and in Him may you grow;
His love and mercy may He upon you bestow.
All our love to you, dear Dad,
Being forty-two is not so bad.
Signed, Your loving daughter in Christ, Sharry
September 26, 1966
Happy Birthday also to Tina Arrowood, who shares her b-day with Steve!

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