Thursday, December 18, 2008

Bits and wandering mind

Natalie's choir concert was Tuesday night, the same day as my dad's 70th birthday. The doc called him not to wish him a happy birthday, but to tell him he now has type 2 diabetes. A common affliction among those his age, I guess. He can control it without insulin, so we're happy about that. No more of my PBO cookies, though. His very favorite.....
On Wednesday, I still wasn't feeling very well. I'm getting the cold everyone else has had, plus I'm pushing myself extra hard to try to get a million things done. Despite all of that, I baked cookies with the girls, did laundry, and got things ready for their school parties and teachers. Serena had her class party today, which I spent half the morning preparing for.... yawn....
Tonight we head over to celebrate dad's birthday, then Steve and I need to finish all the Christmas shopping. The girls are done, but we have little last minute things to get. We also have to paint 2 wooden puzzles for our great nieces....yawn....
In all of this hubbub and stress, fatigue and crankiness, we have not forgotten what Christmas is really about. It would be wonderful not to have all these extra things going on, but that's just the way December is and probably always will be.
I will be seeing some family and friends who are coming from long distances and I am looking forward to that.
On December 23rd of last year, while we sat in church, we got word that my Grandma Brown had passed away. Last Christmas was one of the worst we've ever had. In September this year, my uncle passed away. Some of the best times we've had as families were at Christmas time. Grandma with her giggle, carrying in wonderful food and gifts, her homemade towels, slippers, and pecan tarts. Uncle Larry with his gag gift, jokes, and easy laugh. It will be a tough Christmas again, but since those losses, other members of our family have grown closer together.
Holidays are tough for those who have lost someone.
You'll notice you're not getting much commentary from me. I am bone tired!
I am taking a vacation from my blog for awhile. Maybe a couple of weeks while the kids are home. Patty is coming home from Missouri and I hope to be able to see her. They will be checking out houses in Kalamazoo, so time will be limited. The weather may change all of that too. Serena's birthday is 2 days after Christmas, then we spend NYE with Glen and Sara. Lots of fun stuff coming!
I pray you all have a wonderful, safe, and blessed Christmas season. Enjoy your families, find time to be peaceful and quiet, and find time for fun and laughter. Hug a little longer, be generous with kind words, and make sure you let them know things wouldn't be the same without them.

Love to all .....yawn.....

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Christmas Letter

Dear Most Cherished Friends and Family,

I hope this letter finds you wishing you were us!! Not only did Bill get that huge bonus, but he got the biggest raise available at the company! We will finally be able to install that olympic size pool in the house. It will match the one in our yard! How wonderful. I am still in amazing shape, working with my trainer while the nanny raises the kids. Oh, the kids. I almost forgot. Little Billy is in first grade now at the Awesome Kids Academy. He was just voted "most awesome kid"! We're so proud. He's so smart and handsome and just does everything perfectly! He's just so awesome! I've attached 100 of the most recent photos along with his accomplishments. They're just too many to list here. Our daughter, Willamina just completed her master's degree, and will be celebrating her 12th birthday this week. Yes, we know. That's quite an accomplishment, especially with her many other talents! She will be spending her birthday in Paris again this year. We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful, successful, good-looking family. We just couldn't wait to tell you all about it!
We're just rolling in happiness, success, and wealth. We never fight, and our kids never get in trouble. Our home is the best one on the block, and all of our cars are top of the line. I guess you could say we are a pretty perfect family!

I hope you enjoyed hearing about our lives this past year. Oh, and Merry Christmas.

The Wonderfuls

ABO Gifts

Hey, remember asking the kid next to you if they want a piece of "ABC" gum? Oh, yeah, you did it. Then with a sly grin, you pull the gum right out of your mouth and offer it to them. "Already Been Chewed!! A-ha-ha, you're so dumb, neener neener".....whatever you said as a kid....

Well, I'm here to tell you that I look at recycling and re-gifting just like ABC gum. I call them "ABO" gifts....Already Been Opened!! I know some of you guilty gusses are getting all up on your hind quarters right now. Well, sidddowwn for a minute, will ya? Let me 'splain it to ya.

Here it is....okay, I know we're in an economic slump, but gift giving is about being thoughtful, not cheap. Not practical. Not economical at all. It's a gift. It should hurt a little. Just a pinch. It's not about going up into your attic and saying, "Oh, that Allison is so nice, what piece of garbage should I give her?" Okay, if it's not good enough for you, why would your nice friend deserve that?? I don't care if it's brand new and still has all the tags, blah blah...I don't care that it's blue and matches nothing in your house. It doesn't matter that you don't have time to shop. Hello, if she's important, you make time!

Let me tell you what you can do with your ABO, now, I WAS NOT going to say THAT! Some good suggestions: give them to your friend ONLY if it is something they enjoy more than you do, only if it matches something they have, and if you know they will just die over it. Here's the kicker....DON'T WRAP IT! Just hand it over and say, "Someone gave me this and it made me think of you, I'd like you to have it." Period. No bow, no tag, no thank you. You don't deserve the thank you. You didn't buy it, sillyhead!!

Gifts come from the heart, not your basement tubs, I always say. And really, do you want to run the risk of one day opening a gift that you gave someone 5 years ago and they forgot it was from you?? Hey, that happened to me...embarassing, but not for ME! Cheap Cheap Cheap, says the dirty bird.

Okay, I'm all done having my fun now. If you're re-gifting, go for it, but let me tell you what is more worthy to me...Open up a bag of Kingsford Charcoal Briquettes, bag them up in a cutesy bag with a cute ribbon, and hand them out. Tell them it comes with a promise to grill steaks next summer and call it a party. On you. Yes, you pay for it. Yes, with your own money. If they don't like that idea, they're stuck with a bag of coal. So be it.

Thanks for letting me have my should stay tuned for my most impressive annual Christmas letter. I can't wait to tell you how successful little Billy is now!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

I Love a Parade!

That's a show tune ( I think), but it's also true. The Christmas parade goes right by my parents' house, and we've planned an afterglow party there for the past several years. Each year seems to get a little bigger! It's a great combination of a few generations, some family, some friends, and it is a blessed time! This year we had a whopping 26 people there!

Of course waiting for the parade to come gets the kids a little anxious, so a snowball fight usually breaks out. This year, Steve (my husband/kid) started the whole thing. I don't know why that surprises anyone. I had my new camera in hand, so I was not a target at all. Of course, Glen and Doug will never turn down a good snowball fight. Did you know you shouldn't throw snowballs in the dark when in a crowd of people? That poor old lady....

Did you also know how cruel it is to throw candy into a snowbank right in front of little kids? Bah humbug to you too, buddy!

So, come watch with us next year. We'll squeeze you in!

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Truth and Where to Find It

Hey, do you like a good book? Do you like stories about war, natural disasters, disease, triumph, love, challenge, transformations, miracles, and much much more?

Look no further than your Holy Bible! It has it all.

The world is getting to many of us, and it's harder than ever to remain calm in the storm. Stocks are falling, jobs are lost, people are suffering, times are just scary right now. Needing a bailout?

Look no further than your Bible!

Worried about how you're going to pull off Christmas when you're not sure about the status of your job, your home, your life??

See what God says about His provision in the Bible.

It's not just a good book. Not just something to dust off when company comes. Not just a book of thin paper with thous, thees, and thys. It is the greatest book ever written, God-breathed, in fact, and the only TRUTH we can depend on. Believe me, it's a good read.

Now more than ever, we need to go to the source of truth for what we need. Wisdom, knowledge, strength, courage. None of that comes from our own efforts. God gives us what we need. God and only God.

I spent several hours looking up scripture on Tuesday morning because I needed answers. CNN has opinions, the newspaper has some too, but when I need the truth, I go to my Bible.

I found 80 scriptures that helped me deal with the storms life wants to deal out. We need to hold on tight, stay close to God and each other, and get through this together. Tough times are here, and they don't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Cast your cares on the Lord and he will sustain you;he will never let the righteous fall" Psalm 55:22

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holy Walk

I can't believe I forgot to mention our trip to the Holy Walk on Friday night! We've gone before, but wanted to take my parents with us this time. It was their first experience, and boy,was it good!
If you've never done the Holy Walk, I URGE you to go one of these years. However, if you have small children who freak out over Monsters, Inc., you should probably leave them with a sitter.
Homer United Methodist Church sponsors it each year, and is in its 34th year. Now 8 churches are involved and it is a super performance. It is a recreation of Bethlehem and what travelers would have experienced on their way to see this new King that was being talked about. It is about as real as you can get, without the palm trees and the desert, of course.
I don't want to tell you about each and every detail because it really is an experience you have to have for yourself.
I will tell you that my mom got persuaded out of our "family" by a villager who was desperately trying to sell her a laundry basket. Natalie got snatched to try some bread, and they wanted to see my dad's teeth to see what he was worth! I got pulled a few times, but kept reaching out to grab my straying family members. Mom was just being too nice as usual! Those villagers wanted us to buy their wares, but we had to save our money for our taxes or we'd be in big trouble.
Of course our journey ended with the birth of our Lord and Savior. All the kids asked was, which one was Mary? The big one or the little one? Wasn't that a plastic doll? Do you think they're feeding those donkeys? Was that it? Did you see the gloves on Mary? And on and on. my funny girls.
My dad enjoyed the experience immensely. He got right into it!
What a great way to remember the reason for the season. What a gift we already have in Jesus!

Shalom! (you hear that a lot on the journey) I can't wait for next year.

CES sings CHRISTmas songs!

I am so glad to be part of a small town school system sometimes. Especially at Christmas time when the kids are talking about Jesus, and the teachers sometimes chime in. Many Coleman teachers and staff know the Lord, some are still on the fence. That will change in time.
Anyway, each year on the last few days of school before break, Mrs. Sentz and Mr. Cozat lead the Christmas sing in the media center. All the kids, teachers, staff, and some parents gather and sing carols together. Now, some are playful like Jingle Bells, but many are Christian.
One year Mrs. Robinson's class did "Away in a Manger" while signing the lyrics. It was beautiful. She's a well known Christian teacher in the school and it shows.
I am so thankful that my kids can talk freely about Jesus and not get told to be quiet. I am thankful that although some schools are pushing Jesus out, ours is not among them!!
Serena prays openly at her desk, which she just told me about the other day. I asked her what she prays about and she said, " when I'm having a bad day, I bow my head and ask for help." So precious! Her teacher, also a Christian certainly welcomes that in her class. I asked her what the other kids say, and she said, "nothin', they just wait to ask after I say "amen"." Too funny that girl! And what a good witness she is even to a class of third graders. I tell my girls all the time, you want them to want what you have! Not your coats and shoes, but your heart!! Show it off every chance you get. That's what those little Christians are there for if you ask me.
I may not be at the Christmas sing this year, but I sat through it as a kid year after year. It only gets better!
And world, you may have stopped someone else from singing, but CES is singing to the Lord. Listen up and listen good!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Christmas Holidays

Okay, this might rub some of you the wrong way, but I hope you understand....

If someone says "Happy Holidays" to you, he or she may not be really thinking about being "politically correct". He or she may just be saying to you, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and combining the two. It's done not out of spite, not to leave out Christ, and not so they don't offend non-believers.

Now, there are some employers who insist their employees say "Happy Holidays" just to remain neutral. This I do take offense to, and I always reply NICELY, not with snottiness, "Merry Christmas to you too". You don't want to come off haughty, especially around Christmas time! You never know if or when those people will come to Christ. You want to leave a good impression.

So, don't automatically get your nose hairs in a knot when you hear those two words, Happy Holidays. It doesn't always mean what you think.

For example, when I worked in an office, I had a customer who always used the word "holiday", but she also used it to refer to "vacation" as well. Some people use the term to mean a long break, or to acknowledge that there is more than one holiday between now and the time you may see them again. I was never offended by her. She was a believer, she just spoke differently.

Assume the best when you hear it this season and try not to let it bug you too much. Just plant a sweet seed and say to them, "Merry Christmas....I hope you enjoy your holidays". Be more annoyed with the prices being jacked up, then lowered and called a "sale". That one gets me!!

Merry CHRISTmas!!! and a happy new year too!

That Wet White Fluffy Pretty Stuff

One snow day is good. Two snow days and I start seeing double. It's not that my kids are driving me crazy, just not getting out is driving me crazy! I can only be lazy for so long!
I spent awhile on Tuesday making my kids a snow hill. We live on really flat land, so hills are non-existent. Well, I decided to push as much snow as I could against the higher part of the deck to make a hill. Having accomplished that, Steve then blew all the rest of the snow on top of it with the snow blower. We had quite a hill after all that! Nat was able to practice snowboarding, and Serena took the saucer down face first, as usual. I'd include the hilarious pictures, but I am too lazy. You'll just have to picture two girls with snow covered glasses and big smiles!
I even took a run on the hill and as soon as I could stand again, I got a round of applause. Boy, am I out of shape!
We live in the middle of the woods, so looking out my window is like looking at beautiful postcards. As much as I get tired of winter, it is restful to my soul to have such beauty around me wherever I look. The deer are hungry since the ban, and I am discouraged about that. A doe and her little one (not so little anymore) have decided to take matters into their own hooves. They are now walking right up to our front door and ringing the doorbell for food. Okay, they aren't really, but they are walking right up to our windows, which they've never done in the 3 years we've been here. Now they are helping themselves to our plants and the birdfeeders. One of them had the birdfeeder swinging like a tetherball last night. I kept yelling "whoa!" every time it came back around. The girls had a good laugh. They even come up when my dog is sitting on the deck. That's how hungry they are. It will be a long winter for the animals.
I agree with Jen Bovee about snow days. When I was a kid, I spent ALL day outside, building forts out of the snowbanks the city made. We would even cross country ski through town, hitting all the hills on the way. We were out until dark, soaking wet, having the time of our lives. Snowmobiling was a big thing in our family when I was young, but now we don't even have one. Toys cost money, but snow is still free! Maybe I'll build my own snowmobile....hmmm.....wonder how to do that?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

What I Really Think About Everything

Ha Ha! Fooled you with that title. You couldn't care less what I think about everything. Hey, half the time, I don't even care what I think. Seriously now, can we be serious?
I have a mind that goes ALL the time. I always have! As a kid, I was so analytical and aware. I had to think about every aspect of everything. It drove me nuts! However, I have developed as a person and a writer because I think too much. You may think thinking too much is a bad thing. It's not for me. The only time it gets me into trouble is when I SAY or WRITE too much about what I'm thinking. Even then, though, some of us have to do that to survive. If I had to duct tape my mouth shut all the time to please people, I would be sitting in a corner, drooling all the time.
I love commentators because they THINK and speak their thoughts. I don't have to agree, but I love the human mind. I need to get in there! Sometimes once I get in there, I realize I could really use some Pine Sol and a good sponge because some thoughts are stinky! Sometimes mine are too! Oh, come on, you've never thought about pigpens before?
I enjoy a good hearty conversation with someone who has real thoughts, not just a cleaned up version of what they think I want to hear. I have a very small number of people in my life who share their brains with me. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are the people I am closest to. We have some good long interesting conversations and that is cool!!
So, my blog is unique because you may get a chronicle of my daily life, but most of the time you're going to get my mind, whether you are ready for it or not!

The next title I'm working on? What I really FEEL about everything! :) Don't hold your breath on that one....

Monday, December 8, 2008

Faithful Friends!

On Saturday night, we went over to Glen & Sara's, where we had our Christmas party with them, Doug & Theresa, and Rob & Mikki. What a great time! Great food, great friends, fun kids, lots of laughter, great food, and conversation. Did I mention great food? Oh, three times? really?

It is a unique thing to have good friendships with couples. They are hard to come by. There's always one part of a couple who doesn't connect with one part of the other. It's a bummer because I think hanging out with couples is a lot of fun. Especially Christian couples who all share not only their bond as Christians, but their commitments to their families. It's a good thing, as Martha would say.

We can get wild and crazy just like anyone else. It just doesn't involve some of the usual "wild" elements that are fairly common at parties. However, after Glen's 3rd glass of Mountain Dew, he begins his Lord of the Dance routine in front of the TV. Doug (yes, Doug) starts tossing children into the air, while Steve waits for his turn! Then of course, the children are also great entertainment, and passing gas always gets a good laugh! (we won't name names, Rob)

There wasn't much stealing with the White elephant exchange. We were much too kind, or maybe there was nothing worth stealing. After all, we just picked up stuff alongside the road and wrapped it!

These friends are awesome, true, and a real gift at Christmas time and every day! If you find yourself lonesome for coupledom, we would never turn you away!! The more the merrier, I always say! You bring the chips, we'll supply the "dips"!

Ch-Ch-Ch- Changes?

Well, if you read the paper or watch CNN, you know that like many other companies, Dow is cutting jobs again. It's never affected us before, but with the times the way they are, and the big mergers going on, it's closer than ever.

We don't know for sure yet, but depending on what a few people decide, our lives could change as we know them in a matter of days.

We are trusting God in all of this and know that no matter what happens, we still have His promise in Jeremiah 29:11....."for I know the plans I have for you..plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future....."

If we come to mind, please keep us in prayer this week as we await news of a possible change. This change could mean no job, a job and a big move, or no change. Of course, we prefer "no change", but if God leads otherwise, then so be it.

Thank you , friends.


Ha! Yes, I'm a bit growly sometimes, but today it's all about hunger!

I have been doing my little hunger experiment, and it is quite helpful. It is amazing how good food tastes when you're actually hungry.

I have lost a little weight and have gained some control over my diet. Thank you Lord for giving me the the daily strength I need.

Try a Little Tenderness

"Cease Expecting and you will gain all things."

Someone very wise said that and I can't remember who it was. I used to say this in my mind all the time and have found that I have started saying it again.

People would be great if they just didn't disappoint us, ya know? It would be great if they always remembered to include you. Sometimes it would be awesome if they just looked your way! Oops, there I go expecting again. What was I thinking??

I have a pretty soft heart, so I do expect people to treat me the way I treat them. I like to do kind things, so silly me, I appreciate kindness in return. I don't like to leave people out, so I try to include everyone as much as I can. Hmmm....why doesn't that always work in return?

It's not just me getting the short end sometimes. I see it all the time. This is not a "woe is me" attitude. I'm simply noticing that it happens to me and it happens around me. I don't know why. All I know is I believe in the Golden Rule, but a lot of people forget what that really means. Those of us who feel that way, maybe we should get together!

A little that really too much to expect these days?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Relationships: Broken and Bonded

I absolutely love the Christmas Tea each year. It is so special to see all the creativity and beauty in the tables. It is great to see new faces, especially those who don't know the Lord yet. Those are the best! Carla Ives gave such a wonderful talk last night. It was honest, genuine, straight from the heart (and God), and real. There's nothing I enjoy more than a Christian who is real!! I have found that by bonding with all types of people that the easiest ones to talk to are the ones who don't try to flower everything up! Those imperfect, burping, grouchy Christians. I love them! I can relate to that! :)
She spoke of relationships and the importance of bonding with other women, whether it is our family women, women of the church, or our friends and co-workers. She made the point that women are often way too hard on each other. Ain't that the truth, girls?? Some of us are if we'd admit it! We're (and if you don't do this, you're excluded) so quick to jump on someone's Carla said, "I could nail them to a wall! But say something nice? Um, well, I hope you feel better...." It often is easier to criticize than to build up and encourage.
Her message was pretty clear. We are to love and hold each other up. You may not like the person sitting at the Christmas table, but God placed you and that person at that table for a reason, and placed that person in your family or church for a reason. If we walk away because it's uncomfortable, are we loving the way God commanded us to? Hmmm.....what a thought that is. It's pretty real, isn't it?
I was in awe over the many beautiful tables and the sweet welcomes I heard around me. If anyone didn't feel loved last night, they must have been in the bathroom too long! I was extremely blessed by the ladies at my table, 4 of which do not attend church, and 1 who is new to our church. More importantly, they left there feeling blessed by a church who loved them! Good job, CWC ladies!! That's what it's all about!!
Relationships can be easily bonded, over a similar lifestyle, situation, or bats in the toilet (you had to hear Carla on that one!). But they can be just as easily broken over mistrust, jealousy, pride, envy, anger, bitterness, unforgiveness, and the need to be "right". I don't want to preach about this, but I can guarantee that fixing it (with God's help) will bless you tremendously. And if it doesn't seem to be fixable, know that you did all that you could to make it right and move on.
That's my soapbox for the day....I promise you funny next time!!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...