Wednesday, December 10, 2008

That Wet White Fluffy Pretty Stuff

One snow day is good. Two snow days and I start seeing double. It's not that my kids are driving me crazy, just not getting out is driving me crazy! I can only be lazy for so long!
I spent awhile on Tuesday making my kids a snow hill. We live on really flat land, so hills are non-existent. Well, I decided to push as much snow as I could against the higher part of the deck to make a hill. Having accomplished that, Steve then blew all the rest of the snow on top of it with the snow blower. We had quite a hill after all that! Nat was able to practice snowboarding, and Serena took the saucer down face first, as usual. I'd include the hilarious pictures, but I am too lazy. You'll just have to picture two girls with snow covered glasses and big smiles!
I even took a run on the hill and as soon as I could stand again, I got a round of applause. Boy, am I out of shape!
We live in the middle of the woods, so looking out my window is like looking at beautiful postcards. As much as I get tired of winter, it is restful to my soul to have such beauty around me wherever I look. The deer are hungry since the ban, and I am discouraged about that. A doe and her little one (not so little anymore) have decided to take matters into their own hooves. They are now walking right up to our front door and ringing the doorbell for food. Okay, they aren't really, but they are walking right up to our windows, which they've never done in the 3 years we've been here. Now they are helping themselves to our plants and the birdfeeders. One of them had the birdfeeder swinging like a tetherball last night. I kept yelling "whoa!" every time it came back around. The girls had a good laugh. They even come up when my dog is sitting on the deck. That's how hungry they are. It will be a long winter for the animals.
I agree with Jen Bovee about snow days. When I was a kid, I spent ALL day outside, building forts out of the snowbanks the city made. We would even cross country ski through town, hitting all the hills on the way. We were out until dark, soaking wet, having the time of our lives. Snowmobiling was a big thing in our family when I was young, but now we don't even have one. Toys cost money, but snow is still free! Maybe I'll build my own snowmobile....hmmm.....wonder how to do that?

1 comment:

Jennifer Bovee said...

At least you went outside and played in the stuff...i only took pictures...LOL!

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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...