Friday, January 30, 2009

One Crazy Mom Hiding in the Office

Tonight the sounds of giggling, running, and screaming will fill my house. Serena is having her belated birthday sleepover tonight, and while she is very excited, I have to say I am not! It takes one crazy mom to have 4 little girls sleeping over. For two of them it's the first time. That could mean some major issues in the middle of the night. Believe me, we've gone through it with Natalie's friends! Midnight, 3am.....can no one get scared at 9:00pm anymore????
I hope I survive all this madness. I hope they don't bind and gag me and make me watch I-Carly. I really can't stand that show. It would be torture. I know I have picky eaters in the midst. They lurk like shadows in the kitchen. Oh, why would anyone hate pancakes? That's just wrong!! I guess breakfast will have to be cold mush now.
One girl is terrified of our basement. I admit, I hate the furniture down there too, but it really isn't terrifying down there at all. So everyone wants to play in the basement where ALL of the toys and games are and she wants to stay upstairs. Oh Boy. It's going to be a long night.
I've already heard, "we're bored!" They've only been here for about 2 hours......I think my suggestion of shoveling the walk gave them some ideas of things to do.
In awhile we will wax hands and make lip balm and lotion. Later we'll eat cake and ice cream and all things junk. That's if we survive the rousing game of hide and seek which will likely claim all my breakables.
Sigh.......well, they've found me and have started circling. I have nowhere to hide from the madness.
Two weeks from now will be another attack of girls while Natalie celebrates her 11th birthday with (you guessed it) a sleepover. Oh help me...........

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Patience of Job

I was feeling particularly afflicted one day, so I decided to read the book of Job. For one, I thought it would keep me from being a total crab to everyone, and for another, I needed the lesson!

I have to say of all the books of the Bible I've read, I've never read the entire book of Job. Oh, my goodness, what a whiner he was. Waah , waah, waah. Sure, he had good reason. There he was, minding his own business being "upright and blameless", just taking care of his animals and his family, then KAPOW....the rug gets pulled out from under him. His animals. Gone. His children. Dead. For all you inductive Bible studiers, please forgive this version. My disclaimer is always, if you don't understand me, read it for yourself. Please. I know, I know..kapow is not a Biblical word.

Job begged God to just tell him what he did to deserve all of that mess. God didn't answer him right away, but boy, his friends couldn't wait to tell him their take on it, which was pretty far from God's truth, he would later realize. On and on, he lamented about his situation, all the while being tempted to curse God, even by his wife. Instead, he kept his faith and persevered. He passed the test. I'm really giving you the short, undetailed version because there is a lot to the book. You just have to read it for yourself. Job repented, God forgave, then restored Job and blessed him with more animals and more children than he had before. Those critical friends? Boy, did they get it! God was not happy with their judgments and criticisms at all. They really should have kept their opinions to themselves and just been supportive friends.

Job, like many in the Bible, had to go through all of that affliction and suffering to get to a place of true joy. We don't see joy when we're wondering if we can pay this bill or that bill, the taxes are due, the job is on the line, someone gets sick or needs braces, and we just don't know how it's all going to work out. I don't question God about the normal nuisances in life. Job probably didn't either. It wasn't until the true test of his faith came about, the loss of his livelihood and precious children, that all of these things came to light. God allowed Job's most treasured things in his life to be taken away. Job's question was much like mine would be....why??

Am I ready to react in faith if that was me? Right now I have faith that God will provide for us. He has for years, even before we turned to him! Why would the possible lack of a job be any different? So, maybe we'll lose our dream home and have to trade in some cars for beaters again. So what. Nobody died. Life goes on and maybe it gets even better and we'll be restored. Not overnight, but someday. Blessings follow obedience, right, Barb Geer? I say that to myself nearly every day and often out loud for my family to remember. It really is the truth.

If nothing changes and Steve still has his job, we will still be restored. In the anticipation of this possible job loss, we have gotten back to basics in many ways. It has been hard at times, but what test doesn't come with difficulty? I never was a good test taker. Some things never change. I am not a very flexible person with change at all. I like to be prepared. I like to know what's going to happen, and I don't like surprises. Well, I have some challenges ahead, now don't I? Do I have any control over these things? Nope. Did Job? Nope. That's why he was so frustrated about the whole thing. Until he allowed God to work this out in his favor for his purpose, he didn't see the blessing. Job and I are pretty alike here.

I'm sure I have some crabby days ahead until I really "get" all of this, but I am turning to the Word to let it teach me what I've asked to learn. Like I said, I'm not a good test-taker, but I'm a pretty good study. There are tons of examples of perseverance in the Bible. Tons of afflictions and restorations. Many many stories of poverty and wealth. Those people aren't any different than we are. They just wore funny robes and walked around with dusty feet. Depending on what Big ole Dow says, we just may be doing that ourselves. Either way, God has a plan and will not leave us hanging and miserable. He wants us to be strong, and getting there is never easy. Just remember how hard it is to build muscle in your body. It is never without great effort and pain.

Read the book of Job sometime when you're feeling afflicted. And while you're at it, ask yourself what the solutions are instead of going over and over the problem. You know the problem and can recite it over and over to your friends and family or whoever is patient enough to listen. Now, can you come up with some solutions? It will give you power over your affliction. Combine that with prayer, and you've got yourself a plan to overcome!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

More Inspiring Food Wisdom

While I'm on the food kick this week, I have to tell you about this lady I saw on TV. She wrote a book called Vice Busting. I fail to remember her name, but I do remember what she said, and it was quite enlightening.

She has lost 130 pounds and kept it off within a 20 pound range for quite a long time. She's a busy working mom who depended on fast foods to get her through her work week, and often while running her kids here and there.

In front of her were two plates of food. Both plates contained fast food burgers and fries. One plate was 7 years old, and one was 14 years old. The scary thing was that they looked exactly the same. Even scarier? They didn't look very aged at all! She also had a plate of fresh potatoes, which were pretty much composted to show how food breaks down naturally.
The burgers, although the buns looked dried out, really didn't look all that bad. The fries were still greasy and salty feeling. I only wish we could apply those same preservatives to our aging skin and hair!! I could be 29 forever!
It's not really news to me that fast food is unhealthy and laden with preservatives, but it really concerns me that the marketing of these products is so heavy with "have it your way" and "you deserve a break today". No, I deserve to live a long healthy life, thank you very much. My kids deserve fresh, chemical-free food as well.

So, how many times have you used fast food to get you through a busy time or to shut the kids up in the back seat? Those nuggets are amazing bribery tools, aren't they? I know I've darkened McDonald's door way too many times, and purchased way too much junk there. It tastes good, it's true, but how I feel after I eat it is just not worth it anymore.
I really don't think you have to give up McDonald's forever, but I do think we should stop being so drawn in by a quick fix when it comes to food. Don't rip the fries out of your toddler's little hand, but do limit the trips and find something else to "bribe" him with if you have to.
One solution to avoiding the trap of temptation at these fast food joints is to order each item separately. Imagine the employee trying to punch this one in: "Um, I'd like the big greasy burger that's been sitting there a few days, extra plastic cheese, of course, a large, greasy, salty fry, a supersize coke, make it diet, of course, and an extra plop of mayo. Does that come with complimentary nitroglycerin or can I purchase it next door on the gas station side? Oh, by the way, throw in some of those everlasting nuggets. I'm looking to self-destruct today." Do you think they'd ask me if I wanted a McFlurry with that? Probably! It's much easier to say you want the #4 because you don't have to own up to what you're eating. Try it some time.

So, I've knocked the most popular fast food joint today, but I have to say, they are adding some healthier choices to the menu, so we can be smart when we order too. However, when you walk in to order a salad, do you ever just look over at those fries under the lights and start to tremble? I guess I'd just better stay home and eat my own salad.

The point is to be a label-reader, stay informed as to what our government allows in our foods. It's scary. Do your own research because many sources will tell you opposing things!
14 year old petrified burgers and fries spoke to me visually, but there are many things hiding in our foods today that are just as bad. A choice for a healthy food item is a big NO to a chemical-laden, fat-filled, sugar-laced, preservative-soaked, hormone-injected, artificially flavored, nutritionally bankrupt one.

As Americans, we are pretty spoiled with food and too many choices. We give over our self-control to donuts and junk way too many times. I'm speaking to me here, but I know I'm not alone in this. I'm not the only fluffy girl I know who likes grease, salt, and sugar. I once heard a comedian talking about his gluten-free sister. She made him gluten-free bread one time. He was quite a large guy. He said, I don't know what gluten is, but it must be delicious! Yes, it's hard to make healthy choices if you're used to eating willy-nilly. I ought to know. Oreos and I used to be pretty tight. SO are my pants. Have a good day and don't let me depress you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Picky eaters?

I have found that while implementing foods of a healthy lifestyle into my diet, I am blessed to have no picky eaters in my house. I have heard others struggle with how to eat more well-rounded healthy meals when husbands and kids just stick up their noses.

For the most part, my family eats everything I put in front of them. Natalie isn't that fond of peas, but she eats them without a word. Serena has learned that you can either eat it or be hungry, and she doesn't like to be hungry. I don't make my kids "clean their plates", but then again, I don't have to. They enjoy eating and I usually have to cut them off.

You may ask me, "oh, wise one, how do you do it?" Well, it started very early when they were starting solid foods. We just put it in front of them. Plain and simple. Don't make a big deal out of it. Just simply place food on their plates with the expectation that they will eat it. No cajoling, no bribing, no threatening, etc... They may try it once and not like it, but guess what? They will have to try it again at some point! Food is not a reward or a punishment. It is to sustain and enjoy, but I refused to have power struggles over it from the day they started to pick up their own spoons. Their tails do not wag this dog!! Well, at least not in this area......:)

Not eating what is prepared for you means you go to bed hungry. While the rest of us enjoy a bowl of popcorn or ice cream, you will not. My pediatrician assured me early on that kids will eat when they're hungry. It's true, they do! They will thank you for your determination one day, and so will their spouses who will cook for them one day. I feel fairly confident that when they visit a friend's house or go to a family gathering that they will eat what is prepared and not complain. That is a huge no-no. We do not say "yuck" or things really get ugly. I don't force them to try everything there, but they have to eat respectfully or ELSE.

It is perfectly okay if the taste buds are a little deformed and something perfectly wonderful to me is not for them, however, I have only to look to my own childhood to understand this.
I absolutely hated meat and potatoes as a kid. I liked most everything else. I would eat these things but not with much pleasure. As time went on, I began to like them and even love them. Why? Because my mom was cooking for seven. You didn't say yuck at the table, you didn't complain, and she was NOT a short order cook. Neither am I.

I feel really sorry for kids who come here to visit the girls. I used to be the "cool mom" who played with them, danced with them, and always had fun stuff to do. I'm not so cool with their fussy eating habits. I try to be patient and understanding, but it's annoying, I have to be honest. They don't like wheat bread, they don't eat crunchy peanut butter, they won't eat vegetables, they don't like whatever. I finally discovered that all of their friends will eat one thing. Hot dogs. Yikes. Guess what? Hot dogs are gross and unhealthy. No wonder they like them so much.

Anyway, no matter what age your child (or spouse) is , it is never too late to round out their palates. Serve hot foods hot and cold foods cold, use cheese whenever possible, and a little bit of butter never hurts. Be positive when presenting new items, and let them go hungry if they refuse to eat what you've prepared. They need to respect the cook. Dads can be a great influence here as well when they thank mom for the wonderful meal she made for them and he eats it happily as well. Some dads may need to grow up a little too. Come on, not eating your veggies is really for babies, now isn't it?? Pass along the quality of healthy eating to the next generation and it will thank you!

Oh, I've got all your husbands mad at me now. Oh well, send them over for dinner sometime. We'll have hot dogs.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Patience Patience Patience

Do you know if you say the word patience about 6 times, you don't recognize the word anymore? Well, for me, saying it one time has the same effect. I don't have much patience, and I'm ashamed to admit that. However, it is the truth about me and the truth hurts.

So, I'm into week 4 of my healthy lifestyle, and according to my clothes, nothing has changed. Hmmm....I've really pared down my eating habits. I've replaced sugary beverages with good ole water. I've exercised, I've taken my supplements, I've stopped eating after dinner. SO, what's up? Well, for one thing, my body is a little annoyed that I'm not spoiling it anymore, so it's trying to hold on to its fat supply for dear life. For another, I believe God gives me what I ask for.

I asked for God's help in making smart food choices, to give me motivation to exercise when I'd rather rest. I've asked for wisdom and daily support. I've gotten all of that, but no significant change in my waistline. Could it be he is reminding me that it's not about weight? After all, he knows that is a past issue of mine. He knows it's my weakness and he's trying to strengthen me. This certainly is not what I would have chosen for encouragement, but then again, when I do things, I don't always do them right! He is choosing to show me that no matter what the outcome, I still need to do what's best for me. I believe God will bless me with weight loss when I show him some marked improvement and when I completely give it over to him.

I don't think it's a coincidence that Joyce Meyer's program yesterday was about self image. In fact, I think this week is a whole series on that. We don't want to admit as women that we struggle with this, but most women I know struggle with it at some point. Some struggle with it daily. I have days where I'm satisfied with how I look and feel, then a few days where I wonder where I went because I don't recognize myself. I believe the enemy knows exactly where my weaknesses are. He reminds me of instances in my life where people tore me down and he wants me to park there. I am not willing to give myself over to self-destructive thinking, however, once in awhile, it will creep in. That's just being a stinking human.

I think for me, aging has been a weak spot for the enemy to creep in. My dad was looking at me strangely yesterday and I said, Uh, Pops, whatcha lookin' at? He said, "from this angle, your hair looks gray." Now, normally I would have made a sarcastic remark to be funny. Nope. I had just had a really trying morning. None of my clothes fit properly, my hair needs a cut and color, I was feeling ragged and frumpy, tired, and just done, as I put it. That comment really didn't go over well, and I felt sorry for Dad, who really didn't mean any harm. I looked at him, and with resignation, I said, "Dad, my hair looks gray because it IS gray. I haven't had my hair colored or cut and it's gray because I am stressed out! ...and on and on....Oh, goodness, me. I think Dad learned a little something that day and so did I. He backpedaled quickly, saying, "Well, your hair isn't gray, it was just the lighting." Almost a save, but not quite! Mom said reassuringly, "When we get back, it's time for some woman talk, huh?" Moms just know, don't they?

Yes, my hair is gray, I have wrinkles popping up every day. I have bags under my eyes and gravity is wreaking havoc. I have arthritis in my elbow already and bursitis in my hip. It would be easy to give this over to the enemy, have a big pity party and go eat donuts. I'm aware that I have some work to do. Believe me, I'm in a better place than I used to be. I did not love myself for years and years. I know now that if you don't love yourself, it's like telling God he didn't do a good job. It's also hard to love others when you can't stand to be with yourself.

I've asked God to really help me in some crucial areas of my life, and I can say that he is working. It hasn't been easy, comfortable, or the method I would use. He knows what works for this stubborn Irish/German girl, and I have to trust that. I just need lots of patience, and God knows I struggle with that!

I will not quit eating well and exercising and I won't depend on the bathroom scales to validate me. I will not give myself over to the lies the enemy tells. I will practice patience with myself, my changing body, and the changes in my life. Mostly, I will try to focus on others so I don't become self-absorbed with my own troubles. That really is the best medicine for any trouble if you ask me.

Patience Patience Patience Patience Patience Patience mantra for the week....

Friday, January 23, 2009

Winter IMpression

It's the dead of winter. It's January. It's cold. The holidays are over. The diets have started (and stopped). There are no fields to plow, no flowers to smell, no walks in the woods without coats. Even the cars are complaining, covered in salt, shivering their motors off. All the leaves are gone and the ground is white and everyone is dreaming of Summer. Kids are tracking in muddy wet snow, the animals are hunkered down, and old folks are bored in their apartments. Face it, it's just downright depressing....or is it?

If you choose to look at winter this way, it's going to be a loooooong time before you're happy again. I know some people who are prone to depression this time of year. It's mostly a chemical thing; the serotonin (feel good) chemicals are low, not enough sunlight for our brains to function, and inactivity settles in. It's enough to drive some people crazy. Unless there is a medical thing going on, I think most of these attitudes can be fixed with a new perspective on winter.

As much as I don't care for any of the above, winter allows me the one thing summer does not. Slowing down!! I don't cuddle up in my chair with my Bible on a beautiful warm summer day. I don't spend hours studying something in my kitchen while the smell of hot chili fills the air. I don't take naps in the summer, but I sure enjoy them this time of year. It's a time to relax a bit, slow down, renew your mind and maybe do some organizing. It's a time to clean closets and plan family game nights. It's a time to look around and realize just how beautiful winter can be.

The other night when the moon was so bright you could see tree shadows in the snow, Steve called me into the kitchen. He walked me over to the french doors and showed me something beautiful. Our deck was covered in light snow, and the moonlight was reflecting in it, making it look like diamonds and glitter. We then looked out other windows and found that all of the snow was glittering, its blue cast giving it an ethereal look. The bare trees surrounding our yard looked like silver. I guess I know why greeting cards use glitter and silver in winter scenes. It's really there. God makes all things good....even the dead of winter, if you choose to see it this way.

Just so you don't think I'm delusional, I do think that black crusty snow is disgusting. Our propane bill is enormous (even keeping our house a cool 64), and I miss seeing my flowers. I yearn to stick my toes in a crisp blue lake and get my hands dirty in the garden. I will really appreciate all of those things once they get here again. It's a God thing, probably.

If you really can't enjoy anything about winter, do what I did years ago. Replace your light bulbs in one room with major wattage, hang a huge sun in the room, put on some summery music, haul out some lawn chairs, and sip pineapple juice with little umbrellas. Don't forget the sunscreen.

Take heart, winter is almost over. Try to let it IMpress you, rather than DEpress you!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Well, if you want MY opinion....

I woke up one morning with this thought in my head...

Opinions....take out some letters and you have the word "onions". Sometimes strong, sometimes sweet, sometimes to flavor, and sometimes to overpower.

And I wonder why I have trouble sleeping!

An opinion is a view, judgment, or appraisal formed in the mind about a particular matter.

An opinionated person is defined as unduly adhering to one's own opinion or to preconceived notions. (Unduly means excessively)

Why was I thinking about all that? Well, I've observed a few things about opinions. They're pretty widely accepted as long as everyone agrees with it! Good luck if you're the only one in the room who doesn't! Be careful...most people don't want your opinion, they just want you to hear theirs or be in agreement with theirs. Careful...this can get sticky!

Do people really want your opinion? Do you want theirs? I once responded to an opinion with my own opinion, and the person got mad at me! Wait a minute....wasn't it okay that he/she JUST got done giving hers/his? For some reason, I was not allowed my opinion that day, and it really bugged me. I guess some people's opinions turn me off, but I generally don't attack them or throw a snit fit on the spot about it. I may go home, roll my eyes, and lament to my poor husband who doesn't care either way and wonders why I do.

If you don't have an opinion, chances are, you don't have a brain either. I'm sorry, but everybody thinks something about something and generally some things are more strongly felt than others. However, it is HOW we choose to share our opinions, WHEN we choose, and with WHOM we share them with. What is your motivation for sharing your opinion anyway? Do you want to be heard, do you want to counter something you strongly disagree with, or is it just an automatic response? I think opinions have their place, and most of the time, they belong stuck there right in our throats, going no further.

It doesn't make you a "yes" man, a weakling, a fence-sitter, or any of those other words I've heard. I think it takes a bigger person to withhold a strong feeling, knowing when to share and when to keep it to yourself. Will it impact the conversation positively, or is it just a way to blow off steam? Will it matter in the grand scheme of things or will it cause more problems?

I love all the references in the Bible about the tongue. It's a mighty sword, and is compared to the rudder of a ship. Such a small little thing that can control the whole body, and not always in a good way! I have not always used my tongue positively but I don't know anyone who has been proficient in that area.

I have some strong opinions just like most people do, but I'm learning that unless someone wants me to share it, it will stay with me. Maybe I'm a little old-fashioned, but I appreciate it when a friend or family member first asks me, "Do you want my opinion?" It's just courtesy. Most times I don't mind. Depends on how you deliver it, I guess.

On the flip side of that is when a friend asks you for your opinion on something, you give it in the best way possible, and it backfires on you. Make sure it's a true friend first!! Better yet, make sure she or he really knows what he/she is asking of you before you answer!

Opinions....they can be rotten and smelly like bad onions, or they can be used like salt and add just a touch of decide!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sit on the Lid and Laugh

In one of my brother's high school yearbooks, probably from the early 80's, a senior girl wrote something like this: "I'm the kind of girl who puts her troubles in a box, sits on the lid and laughs!" Reading that as a young girl, I didn't get it, but I always liked that saying. The girl's name was Beth, and she was tiny, with long blonde hair, cute, with dimples. Not the kind of girl who looked like she had any troubles at all. I'm sure her parents thought differently about that!

Today it reminds me of the many things around our house and car that are breaking down. Our shower head had been leaking buckets of water, so now we have to go into the basement to turn the water on and off to take a shower. We're waiting for the part to arrive, which was supposed to be here over a week ago. Tee Hee. Isn't that hilarious? Steve really enjoys the exercise he's getting by using those steps several times a week. We are just splitting our sides over this.

It's been absolutely freezing the past several weeks. What better time for a car heater to bite the dust, right? Oh, I am sooooo LOL, as the young folks say. (my daughter forbids us to use that by the way, so don't tell her)
But hey, Steve IS trying to lose weight, so all that shivering on the way to and from work is surely burning calories, right? Hardy Har Har is all I can say about that. I enjoy hugging a human icicle at 6:00 every night, who wouldn't? GLC.....giggling like crazy, Natalie.

Life IS funny when you can look at it that way. There are BIGGER things going on around us that are so much more significant. These little annoyances can be fixed with some time, money and patience. Some things just can't be fixed and we have to accept it. Those aren't funny at all. YET, believe it or not, joy is still there.... a post for another day.

So, just for today, I'm going to stuff my troubles in a big beautiful box with a shiny bow. I'm going to place it right there in the sunshine, sit on the lid and guffaw to my heart's content. And when the guys with the little white coat come for me, I will be absolutely bent over with insane laughter.

Thank you, Beth, whoever, and wherever you are today!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bites of Life

In our Tuesday morning PEARLS (praying,encouraging,affirming,reaching, loving, serving) group, we are eating an elephant, one bite at a time. While that sounds very fattening to your waistline, it is most nourishing to your soul.

With one step at a time, we can reach a higher level of our Christian walk. We can get closer to God, gather knowledge, gain wisdom, guidance, and strength, just to name a few.

How are we doing this? We are using a list of "challenges", which include reading specific books of the Bible, doing acts of kindness, sending notes of encouragement, smiling at every person you mmet, and many others. Each time we complete one of them, we can color in a spot on the elephant.

If we have larger goals or deeper growth in mind, we can't do it all at once. We can take small "bites" that lead to big portions! Too often I get discouraged with a goal or with my growth. It seems I take a step forward and two back at times. Some things seem like elephants, that's for sure, like the writing career I desire. Seeing my goals in smaller pieces make them look more attainable.

Today's bites included reading Philippians and James in the New Testament, and half of Proverbs. I'm telling you, I couldn't put my Bible down. I sat in my chair, covered in my favorite throw, drinking my creamer spiked with coffee, with Sophie at my feet as usual. I always pray before my study and it makes a mountain of difference.

While waiting for Dow to decide our fate, I am turning to the Word for everything I need to get through this time. I am praying for those in Steve's department who were let go today and yesterday. It breaks my heart, especially the husband-wife team who were also fired. It's hard to feel bad for ourselves when such turmoil is going on around us. And we know it could be so much worse than losing a job. We have our family, our health, our church, our friends, and so much more! Whatever God's will is in this will be the best possible outcome for us. It doesn't hurt to put in a good word for us though, eh?

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13

Monday, January 19, 2009

Staying Focused

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Romans 12:3
Like many others, I've tried several different "diets" that sometimes yielded weight loss and some that left me frustrated. What they all had in common was that I was super consumed with myself the entire time! I was completely absorbed with what I ate, what I weighed, how much I exercised to the point of becoming self-centered. I didn't even realize it at the time.
This time it is remarkably different! I have not weighed myself once! I have not counted one calorie, nor exercised obsessively. I have not even set a goal weight and I don't plan on it any time soon! I may be losing weight, I don't care. I know I'm getting stronger and hopefully kicking the bajeebers out of my cholesterol number.
The difference, you ask? Well, this time, I realize that I can't do this in my own power. I need God and the leading of the Holy Spirit to help me. I have learned a new way of looking at this after reading the book, "Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss" by Dr. Kara Davis, M.D. I am actually reading it for the second time. It's probably the most helpful and insightful book on this subject I have ever found. My eyes are opening wider every time I read it.
Here is yet another portion of the book I found helpful in dealing with the subject of self-centeredness:
" It is true that some people are totally obsessed with food. But along with food obsessions, there is also the tendency to become obsessed with body weight, size, and appearance. When this is the case, the preoccupation is neither excellent or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8), but it reflects a self-centeredness and vanity that are not befitting a diciple of Jesus Christ."
"For Christians, the motivation behind leading a healthy lifestyle must be pure. We should strive to honor our bodies, the temple of the Holy Spirit, through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. We should strive for a level of spiritual maturity where everything we do- from the complicated to the mundane-reflects such biblical virtues as discipline, moderation, and temperance. And finally, we should glorify God by manifesting all the fruits of the Spirit, including self-control. When we live with these priorities, our motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle is no longer self-centered, but God-centered. Then weight loss comes first by way of a change of heart, followed by the tangible evidence of healthier lifestyle choices."
Yes, weight loss is secondary!! That's why I am staying away from weighing myself. I am going to stay focused on the primary reason and that is to honor God with my body. The author adds that the best way to guard yourself against being overly concerned with your weight or appearance is to serve others with random acts of kindness! Sounds like fun to me!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Tidbits from my windowsill

On my kitchen windowsill sits an easel style notebook full of thoughts that bless me everyday. Here are a few out of the 101 total! Thanks for the great Christmas gift, mom!

If you don't get everything you want, think of the things you don't get that you don't want. - Anonymous

Most people are just like cats in that if you rub them the right way, they will purr. But if you rub them the wrong way, they will bite and scratch. -- William Ross

If you are not satisfied with a little, you will not be satisfied with much. - Anonymous

Every life has its dark and cheerful hours. Happiness comes from choosing which to remember. -Author Unknown

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.- St. Augustine

Having someplace to go is home. Having someone to love is family. Having both is a blessing. - Anonymous

Love is never lost. If not reciprocated, it will flow back and soften and purify the heart. -Washington Irving

He who lives in hope dances without a fiddle. - Early American Proverb

I'm dancing without a fiddle for sure!! I love positive thoughts and find it keeps my mind from visiting negative areas that don't serve me or others well. Negative thoughts bring negative energy and I don't have time for that, do you??

Be blessed with positive and encouraging thoughts...the Bible is full of them!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

You Butter Bee Happy

Hey, check out this cool website.....

It's and it's an online journal where you share 5 happy thoughts a day and can explore the happy thoughts of other journalers. It's a fun way to count your blessings and stay positive!!

I'm a believer of sharing what you know. If you have a shortcut to something others struggle with, share it. If you have a CD or DVD that touched you or helped you in some way, then share it with someone else. Know a good book? Share the title. Better yet, share the book. Plan on not getting it back in some cases. I've lost at least 3 this way. They can be replaced. Have you found a great speaker or show that has worked for you? Tell us all about it, please!!

It doesn't do anyone any good if you have helpful ideas or resources, and you just sit on them!

In these times, we should be reaching out and helping others survive. If we're happy, shouldn't we want others to be happy too? If they don't want to be happy, they can always say no!

It's not fun being the only positive banana in the bunch, so spread it around!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Big Bag Lady

After attending the Real Beauty Makeover, where I was declared a "Rock Star", I went out and bought a "Rock Star" sized purse. Meaning , I was now carrying something that needed its own zip code it was so huge.
I am not a fan of big bags to begin with. I like to keep things simple. However, I liked the idea of the bag making me look thinner, so I went with it.
Well, several things have happened since carrying this jumbo bag. I hit people in stores with it all the time, and have been given "the look". I just give them my "I'm a rock star" look right back. Yup, right there in the peanut butter aisle. I have knocked food items over in the store as well. I walk by, and seconds later, I hear a crashing sound, which I ignore and pick up my pace in the opposite direction. Oh, and my husband won't carry it. It's too conspicuous, and evidently, black is not his color. Nor mine, for that matter. Thanks a lot Shari Brandael. My life is over.
I have found many odd things in this gargantuan hippo sized purse too. A stuffed animal, pair of socks, books, a CD, and 4 different colors of nail polish. That's just a few things. The other day while in the ladies room I discovered a large sticker had plastered itself to the bottom of my purse. How stinkin' long has THAT been there, I wondered.
Well, the clincher came on Tuesday, when I declared to my group of friends that I had lost my cell phone somewhere. "Did you call it yet?" they asked. No, I hadn't, but I had torn my purse apart and would look in the car next. I got home and dialed my cell. Sure enough, it rang. I followed the ring to my hippo purse, sitting on the counter. I hung up and followed the "beep" sound, trying to locate my phone. I emptied my purse. Still no phone. I was perplexed. Verkempt. All those other weird things and words you probably never hear. Then I curiously picked up my purse and held it to my ear as I prayed no one was window peeping at me.
"beep" went the phone. Oh, I know I had a headache, but I was not imagining that at all. I felt around the bag until I felt a cell-phone shaped lump in the bottom. Well, I looked in the bottom and it was a bottomless pit of nothing. It was then that I discovered the hole in the side pocket that had allowed my phone to travel aimlessly through the lining of my elephant backpack.
It took some digging, but I finally rescued my phone and promised it I would never place it in the black hole again.
I am so glad the phone didn't start ringing during Bible study that morning. How embarrassing would that have been to have a loudly ringing phone phone! Surely I would have been the laughingstock of the group, not that I'm not already.
So, this "rock star" feels more like a bag lady and I may just retire that big ole bag and go back to what I know best, my cute "movie star" bag.


Allison sent me this great scripture this morning, as we both await word on our job futures.

"Let us go right into the presence of God with SINCERE hearts FULLY TRUSTING Him... Let us HOLD TIGHTLY without wavering to the HOPE we affirm, for God can be TRUSTED to keep his PROMISE. " Hebrews 10:22-25 NLT

What a gift we have in scripture and in friends who bring it to us when we need it most. Dow has begun making cuts this week, but I am holding on TIGHTLY! I have already heard of some who are leaving and will be praying for them as well.

Whatever happens, God will be going through it with us, and with God with us, as scripture tells us, who can be against us?

Hang tight, Allison, you're in our prayers!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Comment Away!

To those of you who have been unable to comment, I have changed the settings so you should be able to comment now, if you choose!

Thanks for reading! Your reading helps keep me writing!

Migraines.....a Blessing?

Well, today I had my second migraine in 9 days. I started the day out pretty tired from a night of broken sleep, spent 40 minutes at the doctor's office waiting to get my blood drawn, ended up with a blown vein, gross. Anyway, I was tired and a little "sinusy", but thought it would go away. By the time I left Pearls, I knew better.
I was in bed by noon after calling my back-ups. It was a doozy and nothing brought relief.
I laid there and let my mind wander, and kept thinking of people like Shane Gross, who is having a procedure done on Monday, another friend of a friend having a procedure on Monday also, little Jayna having surgery on Wednesday, Dena in the hospital, my brother's kidney stones, my cousin's grief, my mom's knee, and a number of other people going through hard times. It was like a recording was playing over and over. This is common when I'm in pain, but it's usually a weird song or image. I don't know if it's a hallucination thing or what, but it's usually repetitive. I think God meant for these people to cross my mind, and I prayed for them over and over. Blessing #1
I called my mom around 2 to make sure she got my message about picking the girls up. She did, and added, "I'll feed them dinner and bring dinner to you and Steve at six." Blessing #2
Steve got home around 5:30, came directly to me, kissed my forehead and brought me a cold cloth. Then he does what I need most, left me alone in the dark. Blessing #3
I finally emerged from the room around 7 or so. Steve and the girls were playing Euchre at the kitchen table. Steve jumped up and began shutting off lights to protect my eyes and met me with a big hug. Serena joined in the hug, then Natalie said, "Make room for me!". They group hugged me and I felt an abundance of love from them. Blessings #4 and #5.
Steve showed me the dinner that mom had made, which he had kept hot in the oven, hoping I would be well enough to eat it. Blessing #6 By the way, it was my mom's typical yummy home-cooked comfort food and I had seconds. She also left me a beautiful calendar and cookie jar from Kindred Hearts, some Vernors, and an angel food cake. Blessing #7.
My dad offered to help in the morning getting the kids to school if needed. He lives in town, I live in North Bradley. Not convenient at all. Blessing #8.
Serena prepared a special vernors for me with a straw, the dog rested at my feet, and I waited for "American Idol" to come on. Blessing #9
Steve gave me a long massage, trying to ease the tension caused by the migraine. Blessing #10.

I don't think I have to tell you that I have an amazing family. God has blessed me with migraines. I know that sounds weird, but each time I have one, I am reminded of his love and my family's love and devotion. It takes away the pain of missing out on getting to see them after school and painting Serena's nails, as I had promised the night before. They've come to accept that this just happens, and they love me right through it. This is really what sick people need. Tons of understanding, compassion and good old fashioned love. I am blessed also because I know that this could be a 4-12 hour thing and it will be done. I don't have to live with it day after day like some people live with pain. I am blessed that at least I am home and can be sick, unlike working people who have to take time off and don't have a good support team.
My kids are blessed because they see a dad who takes great care of their mom. They have grandparents who will step in and care for them while mom is sick. We are blessed that they live close by. Blessings # I've lost count!

Blessings are everywhere. You just start counting and you'll see.

Monday, January 12, 2009

A Gift From The Heart

Every Christmas I make a homemade gift for Steve. This is due in part because we no longer buy gifts for each other. We fill each other's stockings and that has been really fun. Instead, we usually take a trip together, which we did in October, and call that a gift.
I still like to give him something to open (as he does for me too, sneaky guy), and because of the uncertainty of his job security, I had the perfect plan.
Back on one of our snow days, I sat at the kitchen table, watching the snow coming down. I had my Bible open, and kept coming across such great verses that I started writing them down. Furiously, I covered sheet after sheet, scribbling and "short-handing" just to get them down. It was then that I decided what I would do with the verses.
I decided to make Steve a daily verse frame in which he could display a verse each week or day at work. I didn't have any extra money, so printing these started to become a real hassle. I had been really sick over the weekend before Christmas, so by the time I started putting his gift together, I was tired and worn out! I sat at the computer, trying to get them to print out right. They kept printing out navy blue and pink because I was using almost empty cartridges. I was becoming more and more frustrated, knowing this was the only gift I was able to give him, and I wanted it to be perfect. I messed around with it enough to get most of the verses to print out, and I went ahead, cutting them out and mounting them on decorative paper. I cut them all to fit my 3 x 5 frame, which I stole from the hallway, and it came together nicely. I was surprised at how nice it turned out, despite all of my challenges. I knew Steve would love it.
Well, he did. The verse I put in the frame was Jeremiah 29:11, one of our favorites, and I inserted his name in it. Steve thought that was pretty cool.
He loves his daily verses and it helps get him through tough days at work!

Are you too busy?

I was messing around with some old papers this morning, trying to organize my bedroom bookcase. You can see I became bored and wandered into the office. :)
I came across some notes about being busy. I can't remember who I was listening to. Could have been Dr. Randy or Joyce, or some other person I follow.
Anyway, I found a list of things I wanted to make more time, of course, exercising, yeah, whatever, organizing (snicker), friends, Bible studies, and free, empty time. So, I accomplished a few and will keep working on the others.
What I heard from the speaker was a list of reasons we "stay busy". Here they are:

1. Missed opportunities in childhood
2. peer pressure
3. running from the past or feeling guilty
4. hoping to achieve the ultimate goal
5. fighting off feelings of inadequacy
6. we feel the need to fill empty time with something.

okay, so why is it so hard to slow down? Here's what they said:
1. We believe the LIES!
2. Technology is changing at a faster pace and we feel we have to keep up
3. We are bombarded with choices and information.

I'm sure there were more, but those were the ones that stuck. It brought to my mind the many times I've joked about having "ADD". It always got a laugh and not many people were using that term, but now everyone says it. It makes me realize that although maybe there is such a thing as Adult attention deficit disorder, what I really think is that we are just trying to do too much!! Our thoughts are consumed with this, that, the other thing, and more. Then we wonder why we're tired, irritable, unproductive, and behind on everything. How can we possibly hear God when our minds are cluttered and our schedules are bulging. I can't function that way! I refuse to be part of the rat race.

The few last notes on my page were this:

Don't push your kids when there is nowhere you have to be or no reason to hurry. What you instill in them is to TAKE YOUR TIME. This could frustrate a lot of impatient people. Just give your kids more time to get ready, and remind yourself not to rush.

Sort out your motives for staying busy. What drives you? As soon as you realize that, you can slow down.

And of course, a saying I've heard before...." The trouble with the rat race, as they say, is that even if you win, you're still a rat."

Some of my own methods for clearing out my alleged ADD mind have been the following:

1. Don't use my cell phone. It's for emergencies, and for the three people who need to reach me most often. Hubby, parents, and the school. Not only that, it costs me money when I get a call.
2. Do not text. It not only costs money, I don't enjoy it. I would rather hear a voice.
3. Do not pay for call waiting. If it's that important, they will call me back. It's annoying anyway.
4. The phone may ring, but that doesn't mean I have to answer it when it does. I am not a slave to the phone. If I am going to work out, I will not answer the phone!
5. Consciously do one thing at a time. Set the timer and clean the bookcase for 15 minutes before moving on. The world won't end if I don't get it done today. There's always tomorrow.
6. Say no to the things that won't yield fruit to you or to others. The world will not end if you say no. Believe it or not, people are replaceable and it's okay to be replaced.

We can say we're goal-driven, task oriented, a "get it doner", whatever you want to call it, and that's fine. BUT, you can get just as much accomplished by staying at peace, remaining patient, and doing one thing at a time. God never intended for us to string ourselves out this way because he doesn't want a bunch of tired, worn-out, grouchy servants.

Take a little time to enjoy doing nothing and see what happens. Learn to relax, slow down, and breathe deep now and then. Life will be busy and stressful, but that doesn't mean we have to match our moods to what goes on around us.
Now, I have to get back to that bookcase!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Open Sesame

I really enjoy Joyce Meyer and her "tell it like it really is" delivery. She admits openly the things that most people keep in the dark. Why? According to Joyce, they are afraid that if they are open with someone about the way they feel, it will be used against them or told to someone else. To that, she says simply, "So what if they do?" It's between them and God, not you! Blabbermouths will be dealt with. BUT.....

James 5:16-17 gives us this truth...."therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective."

In Joyce's comment to that: "We'd get a lot more help if we'd be more open and stop trying to impress each other!"

Another golden one: "You are a human being. Stop trying to be Super Sister Christian!"
Yet another: "God adds his "super" to our natural, but we have to realize we are the natural"

For me, it's not that I want to appear impressive to others, but that sometimes I feel my burdens are my business to deal with and I don't require anyone else's input, opinion, help, or otherwise. We are taught to not complain or burden others with our problems by well-meaning people, but the Bible tells us to confess to other humans. Doing this in the right way reveals the darkness and replaces it with light, especially when done with love and without judgment. I think my struggle is that I think I should just take it to God and leave it there, yet maybe I could help someone else if I would be open about it.

God does not condemn, and neither should we condemn someone who admits something undesirable to us. We all have undesirable qualities or thoughts at some time because we are human. I would be shocked out of my socks if someone said to me, "oh, no, I never feel that way." Definitely not someone I would confide in at all. That must be Super Sister Christian who either lives on a cloud or in denial.

Christianity is not a sport, so it shouldn't be a competition either. God chooses which one of his kids get blessed first. Sometimes it won't be one of us no matter how many verses we memorize or how much we pray! Sometimes it will be the lady who just gave her heart to Jesus and still lives on the edge. Not our business! That's God's business. I think those things happen to keep us living humbly and not putting ourselves above others. Joyce referred to it as her jealousy problem. Once she confessed that she was jealous of someone and asked her husband to pray with her, she was released of that bondage. Who wants to admit they're jealous? Yet, guess what? We are sometimes!! One of many things we don't want to admit we experience. We all burp and pass gas too! Did ya know that??

I will spend more time on this verse for sure, but I think it speaks to me in that I am not at a point yet where I can be open-sesame until I trust you. However, trust is built by being open and sharing. I am fortunate that I have a few people in which I confide and do so trustfully. However, I know that a healthy church needs people who are open not just to their friends and family, but to their church family as well. I'm being open by saying I'm not totally there yet.
Divisions within a church can really shut the openness down. Who do you trust? What should you say? It really shouldn't be that way at all, but sometimes it is. You can almost see the division lines not only between people, but in families and churches and even businesses. We can't let that stop us from doing it anyway, can we? Doesn't God know better than we do?

Here it is again...

James 5:16-17 Therefore, CONFESS your sins to each other and PRAY for each other so that you may be HEALED. The prayer of a RIGHTEOUS man is POWERFUL and EFFECTIVE.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


This lifestyle change is going well so far. One thing that motivates me is that my favorite jeans cause a loss of feeling in my extremities. Those babies are outta here for awhile. It will be nice to finally put them back on and say, "take that, miss tighty jeans"!!
I have made better choices and although I haven't been feeling all that great, I do feel better inside.
This week is my cardio introduction, adding a few minutes each day until I'm up to one hour per day. Next week I will start weights and concentrate on toning and add that to the cardio. What keeps me going is that for one, I can't afford a new wardrobe right now, and no one is going to leave a bag of clothes on my doorstep, so I'll either be naked or getting into my former clothes. Which would you rather do? For another, I have to have some lab work done soon, and I want good cholesterol numbers. My dad now has diabetes, so I'd rather not inherit that from him. Since 80-90% of our health problems are lifestyle related, that puts me in a powerful seat. Only 10-20% of our health issues are genetic. It was also proven that some obese people are actually healthier than their thinner counterparts. One actually runs 25 miles a week and is 5'5" and weighs 225. His cholesterol is fine, heart is great, and has no signs of diabetes. This shouldn't give us a license to give up, but to encourage you if you are weight loss-resistant, live a healthy lifestyle in spite of it. Every bit helps. We all know thin is not necessarily healthy and it should never be the goal. If it is, you'll give up as soon as you lose it, then gain it all back. I'm proof.

Oprah stated on her show that the reason she gained all of her weight back is she lacked balance in her life. She was too busy and too tired to take care of her body. She also said it had a lot to do with loving herself enough. Although it sounds trite, I do think there is something to that. We spend a lot of time loving and giving to others, and that is great, however, it can leave you empty if it isn't done in moderation.

This year has been a year in which I've seen that come to light. I used to keep myself busy with volunteer work, and a community group, church stuff, etc... Then we built a house, and I tried to keep doing those things. All the while becoming more and more discouraged with the way I was feeling. I gave up my favorite things....scrapbooking, tennis to name a couple, and threw myself into motherhood and all that comes with it. Thinking I had to be in their classrooms, helping with everything, in a way to earn the fact that I was staying home, not "out there" working in the world. What a lie I fed myself. While I respect working moms and know a few who desperately want to be home instead, I have to be here. I feel selfish at times, knowing how hard it is to work and have kids at daycare or at home with the sitter. I did both, and I spent more time worrying than being present at my job. I learned to hate my desk and the phone and everyone who came in the door because they thought they were more important than my child. It was time to go! I have given myself permission this past year to say no, and to not fill my schedule just because it has holes in it. I have a home, kids and a husband to take care of, parents who can use my help, and a desire to write, which is like a part time job some days. My time is mine first, then I give it to others. Selfish? No, I call it smart. You can't give away what you don't have.

Oprah made a comment about what she thought about raising children.....that it is the holiest, most sacred job God ever gave anyone. Not to discount other important jobs, of course, but to point out that teaching a child grace and how to love was just God-given. Just my thought, but I know of people who can't have kids, and they make it their business to love and pour into someone else's kid. That is God-given as well.

So, choices. Which ones bring fruit, and which ones just take up your time? Which ones are you doing just to please others? Ease your own guilt? Which food choices are you making that are causing you to fail? Good questions deserve honest answers. Honest answers lead to better choices.

My tip of the day: Keep a basket of sugar free gum and mints near the kitchen. Make sure it's a cute basket, of course. Each time you crave sugar, choose the gum basket instead. I like to keep about 4 different flavors, depending on my mood. Green apple is a good one for cravings.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oh, the Weight of it all

No, I'm not talking about the economy (really tired of that word these days), the gas prices (sick of that too), or my own personal burdens (don't we all have at least one?). I'm talking about weight, as in body mass.
What a good time to bring it up, huh? Well, it's always a good time to improve my health. I have spent time thinking about it, praying about it, and working up a plan, and now it is put into action. I ask myself this question...Do you want to go to bed hungry, or wake up fat? Hmm....puts those late night snacks to rest, don't you think?
My elliptical and I have grown rather close. I am pretty fond of his squeaks as he whips my shapeless body into something recognizable. I love celery. Yes, I really do. I drank 7 bottles of water yesterday. Did you know how many calories are burned by running back and forth to the bathroom all day....and night, in my case!
I don't believe in deprivation at all. I can have all the chips and salsa I want. I just choose when. It no longer chooses me. I hate exercise, make no mistake. However, I love the way I feel after I'm done, and for that it is worth the time and pain. I am not much of a water drinker either, but I'm learning. I will enjoy the occasional Diet Dr. Pepper, because according to the commercials, it tastes just like an ice cream cone. Tee hee. With food commercials every 5 minutes, who needs enemies, right?
I am willing to overcome the obstacles of a healthy lifestyle in order to become more energetic and calm. Obstacles? Of course. Every decision has a cost! You may have a tough time paying for the extra fresh fruit and vegetables it requires. Good food costs more, in some cases. You may have a picky eater (thankfully, I don't) in your house, and you have a hard time preparing healthy meals. You may have a tough work schedule, or kids underfoot. I know, I've dealt with those. Can everyone afford to go to the gym? Weight Watchers? Can everyone go out and get great equipment? Not in most cases. However, it's when we decide that those things aren't going to stop us that we finally get in control. I don't need a personal trainer or a nutritionist to help me out. It would be a bonus, of course, but I don't have those resources. I only have me. This body can move anywhere. I can run up and down stairs, I can park a mile away, I can jog in place, do sit ups in my living room. Any little bit is better than none.
I believe exercise does many beneficial things, but when I was at it 5 days a week, I had a great outlook, a bunch of self-confidence, energy to keep up with my kids, and no anxiety. As I face each day, I try to remember what that felt like and ask myself if that's what I want for today.
If weight management is on your list of things to do, I encourage you to just jump in and start making one small change toward reaching your goal. Make room for mistakes, but don't repeat them the next day!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Here I am

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy January 5th to all of you whose children have returned to school.
We had a wonderful Christmas after I recovered from getting very sick the weekend before Christmas. I recovered (sort of) in time to finish my shopping and wrapping, but I was exhausted throughout the whole holiday time.
We celebrated Christmas many times over a span of a week, and fit in many visits with friends and family. The girls had a great Christmas morning, and for us, it's always a blessing just to watch them come down the stairs! We cut way back this year and put the emphasis on time and not spending. I have to say, it really paid off. The girls are always happy with what they get, and we try to make it look like they got a lot of gifts by wrapping them in bigger boxes.
We spent more time at home playing games with the girls, which was a blast. My dear friend, Patty was up from Missouri, and I always enjoy our time together. Her daughter, Regan, stayed with us overnight and I learned she is just like her mom. What a riot! I can't wait for their move to Kalamazoo area in May. Gee, could Dow transfer us there?? It would be awesome. We've been apart for about 11 years now after spending nearly our whole lives together. It's hard.
We had a great New Year's Eve with Glen and Sara again. We tried out our musical talents with Rock Band, and played Apples to Apples. Of course, we ate and laughed as usual. Steve and Sara were tired, but Glen and I were bouncing off the walls at midnight. Guess it was the caffeine only he and I were ingesting. Next year, we will spike their beverages with espresso.
I also learned that you should not do "U-Dance" after drinking punch and eating 9 cocktail weenies. My first lesson of 2009. Just passing it on.
I spent the latter part of our vacation arranging sleepovers for my girls and having yet another Christmas with my brother, Jeff and his boys. Again, his wife was not able to join us, but we had fun anyway. Jeff brought the chocolate fountain, and we all enjoyed staining our clothes. The boys had fun playing with the girls, and Justin learned I am quite a contender when it comes to Candyland. I just wish we could see them more often. It's always hard to say goodbye. If I told you the story, you'd know why, but that may be for another time. All I know is that God has been moving people and situations in our lives and making wonderful things happen. Who needs gifts when you've got miracles? Not me.
It would have been an absolutely perfect vacation had it not been for the migraine I got first thing Sunday morning. It gained intensity and by 3:00, I was down for the count. I took everything I could think of, but it only upset my stomach more, so I just waited it out. I woke up this morning with less of a headache, but feeling very tired. I am just glad I can see the light of day again.
Today I will enjoy my quiet time, the sunshine, and the dog at my feet. While I have things to do, the day after a bad headache means quiet, relaxation, and recovery. All else will have to wait.
I wish you all the best in the new year!!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...