Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bites of Life

In our Tuesday morning PEARLS (praying,encouraging,affirming,reaching, loving, serving) group, we are eating an elephant, one bite at a time. While that sounds very fattening to your waistline, it is most nourishing to your soul.

With one step at a time, we can reach a higher level of our Christian walk. We can get closer to God, gather knowledge, gain wisdom, guidance, and strength, just to name a few.

How are we doing this? We are using a list of "challenges", which include reading specific books of the Bible, doing acts of kindness, sending notes of encouragement, smiling at every person you mmet, and many others. Each time we complete one of them, we can color in a spot on the elephant.

If we have larger goals or deeper growth in mind, we can't do it all at once. We can take small "bites" that lead to big portions! Too often I get discouraged with a goal or with my growth. It seems I take a step forward and two back at times. Some things seem like elephants, that's for sure, like the writing career I desire. Seeing my goals in smaller pieces make them look more attainable.

Today's bites included reading Philippians and James in the New Testament, and half of Proverbs. I'm telling you, I couldn't put my Bible down. I sat in my chair, covered in my favorite throw, drinking my creamer spiked with coffee, with Sophie at my feet as usual. I always pray before my study and it makes a mountain of difference.

While waiting for Dow to decide our fate, I am turning to the Word for everything I need to get through this time. I am praying for those in Steve's department who were let go today and yesterday. It breaks my heart, especially the husband-wife team who were also fired. It's hard to feel bad for ourselves when such turmoil is going on around us. And we know it could be so much worse than losing a job. We have our family, our health, our church, our friends, and so much more! Whatever God's will is in this will be the best possible outcome for us. It doesn't hurt to put in a good word for us though, eh?

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
Philippians 4:12-13


Shoemaker Family said...

wow...that is hard to read. Thinking and praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

What could be better than nestled in with THE good book, coffee and a dog. :o) My prayers are with you and your family as you wait upon the decisions of others, and as you wait upon the Lord. May His abundant mercies splash upon you and overflow you. May you have peace.

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