Tonight the sounds of giggling, running, and screaming will fill my house. Serena is having her belated birthday sleepover tonight, and while she is very excited, I have to say I am not! It takes one crazy mom to have 4 little girls sleeping over. For two of them it's the first time. That could mean some major issues in the middle of the night. Believe me, we've gone through it with Natalie's friends! Midnight, 3am.....can no one get scared at 9:00pm anymore????
I hope I survive all this madness. I hope they don't bind and gag me and make me watch I-Carly. I really can't stand that show. It would be torture. I know I have picky eaters in the midst. They lurk like shadows in the kitchen. Oh, why would anyone hate pancakes? That's just wrong!! I guess breakfast will have to be cold mush now.
One girl is terrified of our basement. I admit, I hate the furniture down there too, but it really isn't terrifying down there at all. So everyone wants to play in the basement where ALL of the toys and games are and she wants to stay upstairs. Oh Boy. It's going to be a long night.
I've already heard, "we're bored!" They've only been here for about 2 hours......I think my suggestion of shoveling the walk gave them some ideas of things to do.
In awhile we will wax hands and make lip balm and lotion. Later we'll eat cake and ice cream and all things junk. That's if we survive the rousing game of hide and seek which will likely claim all my breakables.
Sigh.......well, they've found me and have started circling. I have nowhere to hide from the madness.
Two weeks from now will be another attack of girls while Natalie celebrates her 11th birthday with (you guessed it) a sleepover. Oh help me...........
What is Your Message?
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Do boys have sleepovers...maybe I'm safe...
So...did you survive?? I was anxious to see a post today...
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