Monday, January 19, 2009

Staying Focused

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you.
Romans 12:3
Like many others, I've tried several different "diets" that sometimes yielded weight loss and some that left me frustrated. What they all had in common was that I was super consumed with myself the entire time! I was completely absorbed with what I ate, what I weighed, how much I exercised to the point of becoming self-centered. I didn't even realize it at the time.
This time it is remarkably different! I have not weighed myself once! I have not counted one calorie, nor exercised obsessively. I have not even set a goal weight and I don't plan on it any time soon! I may be losing weight, I don't care. I know I'm getting stronger and hopefully kicking the bajeebers out of my cholesterol number.
The difference, you ask? Well, this time, I realize that I can't do this in my own power. I need God and the leading of the Holy Spirit to help me. I have learned a new way of looking at this after reading the book, "Spiritual Secrets to Weight Loss" by Dr. Kara Davis, M.D. I am actually reading it for the second time. It's probably the most helpful and insightful book on this subject I have ever found. My eyes are opening wider every time I read it.
Here is yet another portion of the book I found helpful in dealing with the subject of self-centeredness:
" It is true that some people are totally obsessed with food. But along with food obsessions, there is also the tendency to become obsessed with body weight, size, and appearance. When this is the case, the preoccupation is neither excellent or praiseworthy (Phil 4:8), but it reflects a self-centeredness and vanity that are not befitting a diciple of Jesus Christ."
"For Christians, the motivation behind leading a healthy lifestyle must be pure. We should strive to honor our bodies, the temple of the Holy Spirit, through proper nutrition, exercise, and rest. We should strive for a level of spiritual maturity where everything we do- from the complicated to the mundane-reflects such biblical virtues as discipline, moderation, and temperance. And finally, we should glorify God by manifesting all the fruits of the Spirit, including self-control. When we live with these priorities, our motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle is no longer self-centered, but God-centered. Then weight loss comes first by way of a change of heart, followed by the tangible evidence of healthier lifestyle choices."
Yes, weight loss is secondary!! That's why I am staying away from weighing myself. I am going to stay focused on the primary reason and that is to honor God with my body. The author adds that the best way to guard yourself against being overly concerned with your weight or appearance is to serve others with random acts of kindness! Sounds like fun to me!

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