Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let it fall like rain....

Here is the most obvious element of Spring....rain....and lots of it!
Rain in the driveway...
Rain in the birdbath...

Rain on Mr. Slimy Pants....

And rain on Sophie dog....
"Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants." Deuteronomy 32:2

Sad Underwear

Actually, I could tell some "sad underwear" stories, and they're pretty funny, but instead, I bring you this silly poem, which depicts my dear Serena's predicament this week....the friendship (or lack thereof) drama continues...

Sad Underwear
Knock, Knock.
Who's there?
Someone with sad underwear.
Sad underwear? How can that be?
When my best friend's mad at me,
Everything is sad.
Even my underwear.
From "Sad Underwear and Other Complications" by Judith Viorst
Serena's "friend" called her a liar yesterday. She's really pushing buttons because Serena is no longer reacting the way she wants her to. I feel for her. She's doing an "adult" job in a kids world. She may as well learn now how to deal with manipulators and controllers, because kids like that grow up to be controlling adults too. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against this little girl. I feel for her too. We have prayed a lot for this situation and for the girl too. It's just that I can't allow her to treat Serena badly anymore. Serena has trouble sleeping at night and doesn't want to go to school. They've had a sub for several months now, and it has been stressful not having her teacher there. Serena's the type of kid who wears her heart on her sleeve. She's always been alert, aware, thoughtful, considerate, and very caring. A tender heart. People like that tend to feel things more deeply than others. When she loves you, she loves you for always! When you hurt her, it hurts very deeply.
She always tries to see the good in people, and what a trait that is for such a young kid. I've often thought of her as an old soul, and I can see where that hurts her in life right now. Most kids put themselves first. Because that isn't her nature, she gets stepped on and taken advantage of. Now, understand this. My daughter is nine. She has faults like every other kid, and she's far from perfect. However, I think too many parents spend too much time talking about the negative traits in their kids and not shining the light on the positive ones. We can be better parents by focusing on their strengths. It's just that her strength is causing her grief right now, and it hurts mom too. :(
I protect my kids, but I also allow them to go through things to strengthen them. I try to show them how to stand on their own. I can't be there to do it for them, and it wouldn't be good if I tried. I can't bail her out of this. I won't call the girl's mom and discuss it with her like some do (good grief), and I won't reject the girl either. I will just keep pointing Serena in the right direction, praise her for a job well done, and hug her when she cries.
It's a hard lesson to learn, but sometimes when a friendship begins to harm, it's time to move on. If that friend comes back to you, you will love that friend even more. If they don't, then God will bring you another one.
Have a blessed day, my friends, and pray for the parents in this world. We could really use it!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I Dare You! to read this book..with me?

I've been wanting one of Joyce Meyer's books for quite awhile, but because I cut my spending drastically, I haven't ordered it. Well, I stopped by the Dollar General yesterday to get a few cards, and wandered over to the books. There it was, in all it's shiny bookjacket splendor for only $5!! No Way! I said it aloud, but no one seemed to care. Thank you, God! He really does know the desires of my heart and wants me to have them too. My spirit jumped and I knew I was meant to have this book.

It's "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer, and it's all about challenging yourself to" take action and make your life count", to view the "bumps" in the road of life as part of the purpose journey you are on. To not be afraid of the plans God has for you, but to embrace them with passion!!

This, my friends, is what I have been lacking. Somewhere along the way, my enthusiasm has been waning. My excitement for life hasn't been what it should be. But, "the human heart is made for passion, for strong desire to reach for something beyond ourselves. We need to be able to celebrate each day of our lives, no matter the circumstances." I've been too cautious, too tentative, and too willing to shrink back when I should jump in. Part of it is personality, but part of it is fear. Part of it is just not knowing if I'm really doing what God wants me to do. It's testing motives and reading the Word and spending time with Him. Am I doing it right? Is it enough? I am a work in progress, I need all the help I can get! I am a willing soul, believe me.

There are a lot of great books out there, but this one I need to read right now. I have already started the first couple of chapters and looked up the scripture references so I can seek more knowledge from the Bible. That's what I like about her books. That, and I need a person like her in my life! Kicking my butt and encouraging me at the same time.

I sort of feel like those kids on "Reading Rainbow", but everyone should read this book! If you want to read it with me, either online or in person, I would be willing to crack open a spot in my day to do just that with you. Maybe you need to be spurred on as much as I do! I can guarantee it will be a learning experience!

Come on, I dare you!

Two Things I Know For Sure

"There are two things I've learned in this life.. There is a God, and I am not him." author anonymous, whoever that is.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Come Walk With Me On A Pretty Spring Day...

The buds are out, the sky is blue....
the daffodils are nodding their pretty little heads....

Even the Oriole has come to celebrate...

The hyacinth....mmmm..breathe it in...
Little girl toes squish in the mud!
And we all know about rabbits...

The bluebird couple has begun their family nearby...
"The flowers are springing up, and the time of singing birds has come, even the cooing of turtledoves... The fig trees are budding and the grapevines are in blossom. How delicious they smell! Yes, Spring is here!"
Song of Solomon 2:12-13 NLT

Pssst....did you hear?

Funny how God teaches. He often uses the little things and the little people to show the big picture. I watch for this, and so I see it often. Here's just one of those times. Motherhood is not for the weak, my friends.

Yesterday, I had some time alone with my younger daughter after school. She came walking out to the van with a friend beside her. As she approached, I noticed Serena was shaking her head at me ever-so-slightly. Warning flag, I read as a perceptive mom. The little girl proceeded to ask me if she could come over. Well, I have to admit, I don't like it when kids invite themselves over, and it's a rule at our house that you never do that. So, I told her no. She asked why, which is also a no-no at our house. You don't question another adult's answer. I said my annoyed because-I-said-so answer, only without the annoyance. Serena climbed in and said breathlessly, "thank you mom! I wanted it to just be me and you today." Somehow I knew that!

So we got home and she was a chatterbox! Non-stop chattering about this and that, yet something was being withheld. I asked her how things were going with her friend. After all, this is a friend she usually begs to have over. She said, "not so good". I know it's a normal thing, but I just feel so terrible when relationships at school are strained, especially in the 3rd grade! We talked about what she was feeling, and the biggest problem she was having was that the girl was talking (gossiping) about everybody, including friends that Serena played with. She was becoming controlling, not "allowing" Serena to have other friends! She was being bossy and manipulative to others, getting them to say things they shouldn't. I couldn't hide my annoyance at the whole thing, but I did my best. I tried to be encouraging about this friend and give her some advice on how to handle those situations the right way. God's way. Our family way.
I started by telling her that there are certain things our family does not believe in. "Like ghosts?" she said. "Yes, ghosts, but I'm talking about behavior things." Our family does not believe in being mean to people. We don't believe in gossiping about others. We don't tease. We don't ridicule. We don't hit. We don't call names. and on and on....." So, no matter what others think about the stands we take, we do it anyway because it's the right thing to do. I reminded her that it comes with a cost, and it's not always the popular or comfortable thing to do.
She thought about it, then told me some precious words I will never forget. "Mom, I am so glad I can talk to you about this stuff. You always listen and you help me." Sniff sniff! She told me I was a perfect mom. I will file that one away for when she's a teenager! No, I'm not perfect, and I explained that I make mistakes too.
So, we came up with a plan to avert the gossiping friend from gossip. We got the chance to implement the plan after dinner when the friend called. Serena checked the caller ID, then said, "Well, it's show time!" I smiled at her wise humor. My old soul.
The gossiping started immediately. We could actually hear it just standing by Serena. She looked to us for support, then began her antidote. "Hey, what do you think of pineapple? Isn't it a great fruit?" Pause. "I mean, really, it's sweet, it's yellow, it's good for you.." Pause. "Well, aren't Chinese people great? Have you eaten Chinese? Isn't it great?" Pause. Natalie and I fell on the floor laughing it was so hilarious!! She was so clever and confident without being rude or mean!
Finally she said, "Well, I'm talking about pineapples because I don't want to hear you gossiping to me anymore". Pause. "Gossip is talking about people like you are right now." Wow, the girl didn't know what "gossip" meant! Pause. "Well, it sounds like that is something you could talk to your mom about. If someone is mean to you, tell your mom and she will help you." Oh, the joy of it all, to hear her standing her ground for something she believed in. A few minutes later, Serena decided the conversation was over and told her she'd see her later. She hung up, walked over to where Natalie and I were waiting and said, "that was the hardest thing I've ever done." And yet, she made it look effortless to us. Grace in a 9 year old. Wow.
Not coincidentally, our fearless Bible study leader, Barb led us in a discussion about guess what? Gossip and other misuses of the tongue. Now I have even more "ammunition" to help my daughter become who God plans for her to be. People take kids for granted and think they don't need to hear these kinds of lessons, but it is so important to instill these values in them while we still "have" them. Soon they will have minds of their own and will seek others advice instead of ours. I'm getting mine in as much as possible while she's young!
So, if you hear me say something about pineapples, know that it's probably because you're gossiping to me and it makes me uncomfortable! It really works. Just ask my daughter.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Thinkful Thoughts

I'm a "thinker", as many of you who have followed me have learned. I do, I think about stuff, maybe way too much, but it is how I am wired. Maybe I'm thoughtful, maybe just "thinkful", but my mind was whirling as I watched TV last night. I can't even tell you what was on. It was probably the Tigers, who won by the way, but that doesn't matter, really. Unless you're a fan, which of course, we are, but that doesn't matter. Anyway, see what I mean? I can't turn it off!

Anyhoo, some commercials were running, and as I half-watched them, I spurted out to my dear devoted, ever-ear ready hubby, who was trying to watch the game. "No wonder women think they're not good enough!" I shouted. "Look at these commercials! Eat cookies for the rest of your life and save thousands on food! Stupid! Yeah, right my abs will look like hers if I just buy that stupid chair thing! Whiten my teethwith this! botox my lines with that! color my hair in 10 minutes! erase my scars! smooth my derriere with this! buy this brand! eat at this place and be happy! Wait a minute!! I am being assaulted here!"

Poor Steve. He just wants to watch the game, and I'm ready to yell at whoever decided those commercials were helpful. "What are these for anyway? I went on, of course. "So I can feel more oppressed and disgusted? So I can't be good enough the way I am? Hey, my kids don't need that either! Why do they do that?" I whined, in protest.

Steve merely rubs his thumb against the next two fingers. Money. That's what does it, he says with resignation. Hmm....I have more to say, of course. "But it's not just the TV and the ads to blame, is it? Other people are just as bad! Women do it to each other all the time. They size you up...check out your shoes, your bag, your hair, your vehicle, your kids, your husband, your house, whatever! Well, I'm sick of it!"

Steve does the smile and nod, which means, "I hear you and wish you'd go in the other room!"

Yes, I know, you electronic gurus. The remote has an "off" switch which I can use whenever I want to. However, it doesn't change the impact of those messages on the rest of the world, including young girls who think they have to fit some kind of societal mold. I am beginning to understand bra burners and hippies at this point. There are days I am so tired of the gleaming perfection in magazines and on TV that does not exist here in the real world.

But perhaps what bothers me even more are the lessons I am trying to instill in my children that others blow up. I tell them, if you are kind to people, they will be kind to you. Nope. They aren't. And it doesn't get much better in adulthood. I don't want to raise cynical children, so I don't approach it that way, however it is frustrating to teach them something and have it backfire. Like, if you tell the truth, you won't get in trouble. Yeah, right, tell that to the teacher who punishes everyone for the crime of one. I teach them to hold doors for people who don't have the decency to say "thank you". It is sad. Yet, we press on, learning it anyway.

Why? Because as Mother Theresa said, it's not about "them" anyway. It's about God. So, when we die with our gray hair, fat butts, discolored teeth and wrinkles, it won't matter. If we left a legacy of politeness to our children and not one person cares, it won't matter. At the center of it all is a GOD who is all knowing, all powerful, and accepts us, forgiving us no matter what we look like. What a commercial that would be.........think upon that.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spring Break Pictures

Together again! The Divine Miss Em and Nat...2 peas in a pod! Wearing their matching tie dye tees too!
Sweet Serena catching a "flutterby"

Em forgot to tell us that bugs creep her out! Oops!

What a great day we had and what beautiful girls!! They were a blast!

Monday, April 20, 2009


It's Turkey season and you know what that means....Love is in the air! Bow Chicka Wow Wow....Check out the turkey dating tactics taking place right in our backyard.

Turkey A: My beard's longer than yours.

Turkey B: Chicks dig the clean cut look.

Turkey A: Check out the four babes to the right!

Turkey B: I call the blonde!
Turkey A: She's out of your league, dude

Turkey A: Think she's into me?

Turkey B: Dude, she's not even looking at you.

Turkey C: You're both bozos. Check out my moves. Watch and learn.
Turkey A: Since when do you have "moves"?

Turkey A: Wait! Don't leave! Can I get your number?

Turkey B: Nice beak, baby!
Turkey A: Nice beak? Are you nuts??
Turkey B: Back off, Feathers-for-brains, I know what I'm doing!
Turkey C: You guys are so embarassing.
Turkey A: Do you think we came on too strong?
Turkey B: I am SO not fluffing my feathers for another hen again!
Turkey C: I need to get me a new wingman.

Hen A: I wonder if there's any cute Toms around here?

Hen B: Who knows, all the good ones are always taken.

Hen C: They follow me everywhere. It's so annoying!

Hen D: What a bunch of chickens!

(cackling ensues, followed by a pig-out session)

I sure hope these turkeys are still laughing tomorrow as Steve and his boss, Tom (yeah, that's his real name!) head out turkey hunting in the morning. The turkeys have been here all week, pretty much all day, but as soon as the guys go hunting, they disappear entirely!

Inspiration from Mary's Friend, Max

I'm with Mary, who is a "Max" fan. That is, Max Lucado! I found this little inspiration in my study guide for the book of James. Written by Max Lucado, it comes from his book, The Applause of Heaven, which Mary probably has. I don't, however, I may check it out it soon!


A prison of pride is filled with self-made men and women determined to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps even if they land on their rear ends. It doesn't matter what they did or to whom they did it, or where they end up; it only matters that "I did it my way."

You've seen the prisoners. You've seen the alcoholic who won't admit his drinking problem. You've seen the woman who refuses to talk to anyone about her fears. You've seen the businessman who adamantly rejects help, even when his dreams are falling apart.

Perhaps to see such a prisoner all you have to do is look in the mirror.

"If we confess our sins..." The biggest word in Scriptures just might be that two letter one, IF. For confessing sins--admitting failure--is exactly what prisoners of pride refuse to do.

"Well, I may not be perfect, but I'm better than Hitler and certainly kinder than Idi Amin!"
"Me a sinner? Oh, sure, I get rowdy every so often, but I'm a pretty good ol' boy."
"Listen, I'm as good as the next guy. I pay my taxes. I coach the Little League team. I even make donations to the Red Cross. Why, God's probably proud to have someone like me on his team."

Justification. Rationalization. Comparison. These are the tools of the jailbird. They sound good. They sound familiar. They even sound American. But in the kingdom, they sound hollow...

When you get to the point of sorrow for your sins, when you admit that you have no other option but to cast all your cares on him, and when there's truly no other one that you can call, then cast all your cares on him, for he is waiting.

That's something to chew on for today, my friends. I don't know who that was for today, maybe it's for me, but it's definitely worth sharing. I don't think I need to add anything to that at all.

Check out Mary's blog at for more on the Word of God and being a woman (or man) of faith!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

All Day Fun Workout

My workout week has been very successful. Except for the moment where I was begging for mercy, I did rather well with my strength training and conditioning. I feel I am finally getting back on track and re-dedicating myself to my exercise habit! Today I worked out...ALL DAY.

We have a million things to do around here, but because it was so beautiful outside, we decided to work outside today. We basically carved out a big spot in the woods to build our house (almost 4 years ago), and much of the excavating and lawn work is still not finished. It is pretty time- consuming, for one, and expensive for another. Dirt is not cheap, contrary to popular belief! There's really only so much we can get done in a weekend with everything else going on. It is frustrating, but it is what it is. I'm sure you can relate.

So, I decided to clean out the woods behind the girls' swingset. I was only going to burn the leaves in the ditch and pick up sticks. Ha Ha.....according to Steve, I was "raking the woods". Makes it sound futile, doesn't it? Well, I raked quite a large area "in the woods" and it looks wonderful!

I hauled, I raked, I cut branches with my saw, went back and forth across the yard all day....I figure I burned about 6 million calories! Every muscle aches, and I love it! I know it's crazy, but I love to cut and burn and work outside. Even with the humongous spiders out here. I'm not kidding. There was one with a belly as big as a nickel. I told the girls I was glad I'm not a nickel. I didn't see any snakes, and for me, that is good news. I'm usually the first one to find any snake anywhere, whether it's here or somewhere we're visiting. I'm rather popular with nasty critters, apparently.

Physical labor does wonderful things for me. It keeps my stress level down, which is important for anyone, really. Seriously, if you are a type A ( I'm borderline), you need to stay active! It will keep you sane. Get the kids to help in some way or pull out a surprise for them that will keep them busy while you work. It can be done, you just have to get creative! My girls are old enough to help now and are very good helpers. They wander off now and then, but enjoy being a part of the activities. In fact, Serena told me today that she loves our work days because we spend ALL day together having "fun". I love it!

I have no idea how I'm going to feel in the morning, but if my muscles hurt, it's because they worked for me today! I'm a tough boss apparently.

"I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me." Phil. 4:13
ALL things. even yard work and exercise!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Fantastical Elliptical and Me: A Love Story

"Reunited and it feels so gooooood...." I guess you need to be an 80's lady like me to remember that old love song, but it was on my mind today as Fantastical Elliptical and I reunited once again! You see, I've ignored FE for too long, and he had to begin beckoning to me with song from the bowels of the basement. "Baby, come to me, get your feet back on the pedals, we were meant to be..." Yeah, he's a die hard romantic. I ran right for the gym shorts after that.

Sorry for all you newbies who think I've finally earned my wing at the loony bin. Most of you know that I refer to my elliptical as "Fantastical" because it speaks to me. I walk by, it says, "Hey, fatbutt, where've ya been?" And things like that. You get the picture.

So, we've had this special love-hate relationship, and I broke it off back in February when I decided that Valentine chocolates were worth giving up my work out. Twisted thinking, I know! Today was our "first date". I lovingly traced our initials in the dust of his computer readout board and placed my feet on the pedal things. I've missed you too, I managed to gasp out in exhilaration....or was that desperation?

Anyway, enough silliness (is there ever enough?). I flipped on the satellite radio stations on the tv and settled on the top 40 hits because they were upbeat and kept me going. I flipped back and forth between hits of the 70's and hits of the 80's, most of which I sadly know the words to! I decided that I did 15 minutes yesterday, I'll do 20 today....okay, I got to 20 and I was feelin' pretty good! I'll go to my age, I thought. Like a time out for a grown up! I got there, and decided I could push a little longer. Well, it didn't take long and I surpassed a normal menopause age! We should have done this reunion a long time ago! "Love Lift Us Up Where We Belong..." Go endorphins, Go! Okay, okay, I'll be good now....

Some of the obvious benefits of exercise (toned body, weight loss) don't come for awhile, but the less obvious ones are probably just as important! I felt positive today, self-confident, strong, and pumped up! The couch and the bon bons just can't give you that, my friends! I had a little extra spring in my step today, and my legs felt strong and capable. It was so worth the extra time I took today just to feel that way again! I am bone tired, but at least I didn't get it from too much chocolate for a change!

I really hope I can stick with it this time and not give up on myself again. If I have to hear my Fantastical Elliptical sing "Baby Got Back" one more time, I will scream! :) But seriously (I can do serious too), it's time to take charge of this thing and do what I need to do to get healthy again. I've made enough excuses, quit enough times, and allowed my flesh to rule way too much.

I am not obese, but I don't feel good at this weight. That's what is important to me. Not how you look, but how you feel. Physically, I am tired way too much. Part of that is a lack of exercise, so I can at least do something about it. It may not be easy, but doing the right thing is not always easy, is it?

There are a ton of reasons we have weight issues in this country, but we don't have to blame anyone else, really. In the same way, we shouldn't be beating ourselves up either. Start each day out with a new sense of purpose, knowing God's mercy is new every day. I did great today. I could blow it tomorrow. My plan is to simply not blow it tomorrow! That's as far as I'm getting with my "plan". I've had enough "plans" and they don't work.

What works is strapping on your running shoes and giving your body the workout it desires. We really are made to move!! or should I say, "Born to Run"? (sorry, music lover here!)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Am Free To Just Be Me!

I've had a couple of rough days since Easter. I don't know why..I guess I had just not been feeling well, and thus, was not feeling like myself. Everything was bothering me, and it was hard to dig deep for those blessings. This is such a human thing, really! Well, for one, I had to pick Serena up from school unexpectedly on Monday and take her to the doctor. That night, neither one of the girls slept well, so on Tuesday, they both stayed home. Steve decided to work from home, and I felt terrible enough to go back to bed. Well, one of the reasons he decided to work from home is that I had a hair appointment that afternoon. I had waited too long to get it cut and it was impossible to do anything with it and I just didn't want to cancel if I didn't have to. Thank God I have an understanding husband with a flexible job!

Well, I went to get dressed and when I laid my pants on the bed, I found that the seat of them had basically worn through and there were some pretty good holes. Oh, when did I wear those last, I thought, then quickly said, oh, who cares! Well, ripped jeans aren't a big deal unless you only own one pair that fit you. Guess what? That was my one pair. So, I went into a tirade about my weight and how I felt so old and dumpy, frumpy and stupid, blah blah blah.....I was feeling pretty bad! But, I threw on my workout clothes and headed to the salon. Oh, but not without a heartfelt prayer!" God", I began, tearfully, "please help me to see myself the way you do! I know you love me, and I know my beauty is on the inside, but I'm feeling like a wrung out dishrag with fat legs! Help me to overcome today and give me the grace I need to get through my bad mood. Help me remember my blessings and your love for me"....yup, that was my prayer. Almost exactly as spoken in the car that day.

Of course, all the girls at the salon are physically fit and dressed to the nines. Oh, yeah, this is right where I want to I walked in there head held high, wearing my "cow" outfit. (Black and white, that is) God loves me, fat or not, I thought to myself. God loves me, gray hairs and all. God loves me, unmanicured and short on clothes. Yes, God loves ME.

Nikki, my stylist of the last several years, greeted me with a big smile....she is so naturally beautiful, kind, and so not full of herself at all! She's tiny, although she claims to eat like a pig. Her secret? She runs! I filed that little tidbit into my brain to chew on later. I gave her my cleaned up version of finding my torn pants that morning and how I really didn't want to wear workout clothes to the salon, and that I was feeling rather hard on myself that day. Nikki is never without a sweet compliment, and of course, I loosened up while laughing at myself. No, I don't look like Martina McBride, Nikki, but thank you, you sweet thing! Yes, my hair does need a "sassy do" like yours! Do your thing!

Well, Nikki then did something she's never done before. She asked, "Are you in a big hurry today?" Yeah, right, I said, my kids are still home and Steve's tying up the phone line. Can't wait to get back there! So, she began curling my hair, and making it look sassy and beautiful. I may have been wearing my Nike running suit, but I had movie star hair!

It didn't really hit me until I heard a song on the radio (K-Love) on the way home. I caught the first name, Fransesca something or other, and the song was "Free to Be Me". The chorus goes like this, and let me tell you, I had tears of joy! The lyrics may not be exact, but this is the jist of the song...

"I've got a couple dents in my fender
Gotta couple rips in my jeans
Trying to fit the pieces together
But perfection is my enemy
On my own I'm so clumsy
But on Your shoulders I can see
That I'm free to be me!!"

Can you believe that God brought me such joy and peace in a simple hairdo and a song about ripped jeans?? He really listens to our requests, big and little, and he wants us to be happy!
Let me tell you, friends, I have been full of joy since then! I had 3 or so days of the blues, but it is completely gone!! Now, I just need a little extra cash to replace those jeans.....God? :)

Concentrate on These Sentences

Thank you, Candy, for an inspiring e-mail message today. But what good is a great message if you keep it to yourself, so here ya go, friends...

"To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did."

"When God takes something from your grasp, He's not punishing you, but merely opening your hands to receive something better."

"The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you."

I will be concentrating on these sentences today! Have a blessed day!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spring Happenings

Spring break brought us a nice surprise! No, I don't mean the ONE nice day we had, although I did appreciate ditching the winter coat for once! I got a call on Wednesday that Emily's brothers were making a trip up here for a visit, and if we could accomodate Em, she could come too. Well, it took some arm-twisting and, really, I was very excited for Natalie! Remember, Emily and Nat have been friends since Kindergarten, and Em moved 3 hours away a couple summers ago...anyway, Nat was ecstatic to find out Em was coming....for 3 days! We did a lot of fun stuff together...we tie-dyed tee shirts, took a trip to the butterfly house and the gardens, colored Easter eggs, and did a major egg hunt in the woods around our house. The girls jammed like crazy with Rock Band. Emily may be quiet, but she plays a mean guitar! Natalie rocked out on the drums while Serena sang. It was a joy to see them picking up where they left off! Still, it's hard to have one of your best friends living so far away. I know that for sure!

Note: I waited over 2 hours for the photos to upload.....stinking dial up!!! I'll try again later...maybe.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Cookie Questions Answered...

I didn't get these made either, Allison and Hannah, but as far as I'm concerned, they can be made anytime! The Resurrection can be learned about daily, right?? So, nope. No pictures. Sorry!
I'll be posting about "Spring" break happenings, a special visitor, and Easter events soon! Hope you all had a wonderful Easter with the ones you love! I sure did!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Resurrection Cookies!

My dear friend Sara gave us this special recipe and I want to share it with you all! It's like the Resurrection eggs, only you can eat these!

Resurrection Cookies

read the whole recipe before beginning...try to do together Sat. night before Easter Sunday.

1 c. whole pecans
3 egg whites
1 c. sugar
1 tsp. vinegar
pinch salt

preheat oven 300 degrees.

Put pecans in ziploc bag and let kids beat them with a wooden spoon to break into small pieces. Explain that after Jesus was arrested, He was beaten by Roman soldiers. Read John 19:1-3

Let the child smell the vinegar. Put 1 tsp. into mixing bowl. Explain that when Jesus was thirsty on the cross, they gave Him vinegar to drink. Read John 19:28-30

Add egg whites to the vinegar. Eggs represent life. Explain that Jesus gave his life to give us life.
Read John 10:10-11

Sprinkle a little salt into each child's hand. Let them taste and brush the rest into the bowl. Explain that this represents the salty tears shed by Jesus' followers and the bitterness of our own sin. Read Luke 23:27

So far, the ingredients aren't very appetizing. Add 1 cup sugar. Explain that the sweetest part of the story is that Jesus died because he loves us. He wants us to know and belong to him. Read Psalm 34:8 and John 3:16.

Beat with a mixer at high speed for 11-15 minutes until stiff peaks form. Explain that the color white represents purity in God's eyes of those whose sins and pasts have been cleansed and forgiven by Jesus. Read Isaiah 1:18

Fold in broken nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls onto waxed paper covered cookie sheet. Explain that each mound represents the rocky tomb where Jesus' body was laid. Read Matthew 267:65-66.

Put cookie sheet in oven. Close the oven door and turn oven off. Give each child a piece of tape to seal the oven door. Explain that Jesus' tomb was sealed. Read Matthew 27:65-66

Explain that they may feel sad to leave the cookies in the oven overnight. Jesus' followers were sad when his tomb was sealed. Read John 16:20-22

Go to bed.

On Easter morning, open the oven and give everyone a cookie. Notice the cracked surface and take a bite. The cookies are hollow! On the first Resurrection day, Jesus' followers were amazed to find the tomb open and empty. Read Matthew 28:1-9

He Has Risen!! Hallelujah!!

Sticky Situations: Solutions

Here are some great scriptures for wisdom in overcoming "sticky situations". There are many more and as they come to me, I will share them later.

Galatians 5:22
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

1 Timothy 1:16
But for that very reason I was shown mercy, so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life.

Ephesians 4:2-3
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

1 Peter 3:16
Keep a clear conscience so that those who speak evil of your good life in Christ will be made ashamed.

Micah 6:8
And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.

Job 5:17
Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline of the Almighty.

2 Timothy 2:16
Avoid godless chatter, because those who indulge in it will become more and more ungodly.

1 Corinthians 1:27-29
But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things- and the things that are not- to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

2 Corinthians 12:9
"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness."

Proverbs 19:11
A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offense.

Looking for more? Check the concordance of your Bible....look up a topic and all the verses that go with it!

Sticky Situations

I'm typing so slowly today, I may never get this done! Why, you ask? Well, Steve has been sick the last couple of days, so I made him some homemade chicken noodle soup, with homemade noodles, of course. Well, I was peeling a carrot and sliced right through my index fingernail and part of my finger! The stupid thing is, I was using a bright orange monkey vegetable of those whimsical kitchen gadgets we have. I was sliced by a bright orange laughing monkey!! Ouch! Now the end of my finger is very tender! I'm not a big baby though, so I'll survive! Steve is much better and back to work!

Anyway....on to today's you ever feel pretty certain about something, and then get put to the test? Do you find it's easier to be in a room full of like-minded people than to be around people of all different perspectives? Well, those are a couple of tests I face regularly, as I'm sure you do too.

Example: Someone is relaying a story to you, and the whole time they're talking, your mind is saying, "you are so wrong about that!!" or "you shouldn't have said THAT!" or... "that was just mean!!" Now, this person isn't your best friend, your mother, or confidante. This is someone you don't have a tight relationship with, so you have to keep your mouth shut to a degree. Here comes the test.....will you do anything about it or is it none of your business? Hmm... stew on that one.

Example: You're in a room full of people who are not Christ followers. You want to talk about something of eternal value, but find you are on your own in your perspective. I don't want to use examples of specific situations, but you have most likely been in these situations. Sorry to say, I've been in a room of Christ followers who have done example #1 as well. Just keeping things fair. Have you ever offered to pray at a dinner where various family is gathered and you know it will make them uncomfortable? Oh, I hate the feeling of knowing I have to do this, and some have started to eat and think they've just committed a crime. I am so careful about saying, "I know we've started eating and isn't it delicious? I'd like to do a blessing, if I could." I find that it puts the room at ease to acknowledge that it's okay if you've started already!!

It is hard to be a Christian when some significant people around you are clearly not there yet. I struggle with this, because I know people who believe, but don't follow just yet, and I get a lot of silence on the other end of the conversation. I'm not even preaching at them, believe me! They don't understand how important my faith is to me, so it falls flat. Worse yet, they don't know how important God is. You can't push the point or you'll lose them! It's a sssslllloooowwww planting process!

So, back to example #1. Have you been caught up in gossip? What do you do? I feel a need to press my hands over my ears and go "lalalalalalalal I can't hear you!" Well, that probably wouldn't go over well at all. So instead, I follow the advice of Judy, a wise family friend in her 90's....when disagreeing with someone or wanting to stop a conversation, she'd say simply, "Is that so?" Then she'd get silent. Kind of hard to keep the energy of gossip going when the other person shuts you down!! It makes them think about the question. IS that so? It works too! I do feel though if someone is trashing another person to you and you know that person, it's okay to deflect it with a positive comment. I've said before, "That doesn't sound like the _____I know at all" and leave it at that. I've also changed the subject!

People. We are a hard bunch to deal with at times. We want to expect so much of each other, and nothing of ourselves. We want others to change, but don't want to change in ourselves. We want to point fingers and blame others before asking what we did to contribute to the situation. We are quick to tear down, and slow to build up. Quite contrary to what the Word of God instructs, and yet most don't care to read it or know God at all.

What conclusion have I drawn? That we need to remember that while people and relationships are important, they are no replacement for your relationship with your Creator. Be careful not to look to others for your approval or use them as punching bags. Be sensitive to personalities that you don't understand or agree with and be wise not to judge them! Remember to be kind. It's simple. Say please, THANK YOU, and I'm sorry. Gently lead others when you can, and when you can't, let it go and pray about it. Just because you think you know the answer doesn't mean it's yours to give. Wait for God to give you the green light before you open your big trap!

There will be plenty of sticky situations to come, and the one thing we need to cover it all is God's grace. Ask him for it daily and he will give it to you! He will help you handle gossips or trash-talkers. He will help you to be a light in the dark! He will help you lead lost ones in his way, not yours. He will still your heart when it's jumping to do your own thing and remind you to do his thing instead! He will silence you when your tongue is tempted to join in where it shouldn't. He will guard you against evil and tell you when you're needed and when you need to back off!

One last point....Jesus hung out with a lot of shady characters when he walked the earth. If he had just hung out with like-minded people, what good would that have served his purpose of saving God's people? We are to be the same example. Be careful not to let others' sin entangle you, yes, but if you keep your distance because someone doesn't think like you, then what are you here for?

Hmmm.....stew on that awhile.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Praises and Prayers

Praise God. I woke up today...alive! It was at 4am, but I was alive, nonetheless! Not much to watch on TV in the wee hours of the morning, so I popped in my Mary Tyler Moore DVD and watched a bit of season 2. It lulled me back to sleep for awhile. Praise God for sleep!

I am very sleepy today, but at least I didn't have to get up early (ha ha) and run kids to school. Praise God for Easter and spring (sort of ) break!

Steve came home from work a little under the weather today, but I had our room all picked up and he was able to just go and relax. The girls are up cleaning their rooms, and I'll head up to supervise. We're thankful we're just a little tired and stuffy, and not super sick! Praise God for that too.

We didn't get tons of snow today! Praise the Lord for that too! I wouldn't have cared, but I do worry about drivers out there sliding around.

I could go on and on about praises. I have so many!

I've been reading another Joyce book, down on my shelf there to the right. It's about the power of simple prayer (thus titled). It's amazing how easy prayer can be! I'm learning about praying in my own and praying in the Spirit. One is where I lead, and the other is where I allow God to put things on my heart to pray about. One could be a prayer where I'm searching for words, the other, a prayer where the words just flow. God hears them all, yes, but an effective prayer is one that is asking God to work inside us, not just provide jobs, health issues, and other "surface" things, for lack of a better word. It's not that those things are insignificant to God. He cares about everything about you! It's just that our prayers can be more effective if we are asking God to help us pray. One line in Joyce's book that she suggests as a prayer is simple, "Lord, teach me to pray." How simple is that?

We all have a long list of prayer requests. People in need of a physical touch, a spiritual healing, a job situation, etc... the list just grows. Joyce explains that while it's important to pray for situations and people around you, there are some that you will no longer feel burdened to pray for. You shouldn't feel guilty when this happens. It's probably that God has placed it in someone else's hands for now. That opens you up to let God place someone or something new on your heart to pray about.

I really don't like to paraphrase this book. It is rich in information and should be read slowly. There are many references to praying in the Bible as well. We can learn from those around us, however, we should never compare our praying style to someone else's. God enjoys hearing from all of us as long as it's coming from our hearts!

Joyce gave some good examples of praying through frustration that will most likely save me today! My girls have started cleaning, and the arguments have begun! Instead of whining and complaining to God about it, I will have to ask for his love to guide me, and for wisdom in handling the situation. This will prevent me from yelling, which will make us all more productive.

Thank God for everything, and pray about everything! AMEN!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Munchie Maniac

A girl has to snack now and then, and here are a few of my favorites! When Steve surprises me with one of these treats, my heart soars. Forget roses, bring me salsa! Just like roses come sparingly, treats should too! It makes me appreciate them more.

  • Tortilla chips...any brand will do!

  • Herdez salsa verde....a spicy combo of tomatillos and serrano peppers...yum!

  • Lifesavers Sour Gummies...don't know why, but I can't get enough of them

  • Sechler's candied dill strip and orange strip pickles. Unique. Tangy. Mmmm good!

  • Coke...hello, it's Coke!

  • Yoplait Light Thick & Creamy pretty much any flavor

  • Ovaltine..old fashioned, but reminds me of a chocolate malt. Good and nutritious.
  • By the way, that's olive oil off to the left, and I adore that too!

If we really are what we eat, then I am yummy!

No Comment!

I'm starting to get a complex here! I was just looking at my last several posts, and I've had absolutely no comments, good or bad! Well, I do talk to myself a lot, so my blog is no different. I write to myself too! However, I'm a writer, and feedback is so important! My poor hubby is tired of being my only commentary, and dad...well, he just likes everything I write.
Hmmm....maybe I need some controversial topics to get you going! Here are some ideas to possibly spark some interest and get you talking again.....

What I Did Last Summer
Secrets of a Desperate Housewife
I Know Something You Don't Know
What I Wrote In My Diary Yesterday
My Deepest Darkest Secret
My Friend's Deepest Darkest Secret
YOUR Deepest Darkest Secret
My Credit Score
My Social Security Number and My Weight....same number
The Tomato Incident
My Medical Records
My Most Embarassing Moment

Okay, that's all you're getting. I feel sorry for you already if I have to tell these stories. Hey, it works for the Enquirer (rag), and every other talking head in the media, why not me?
I am sooo just pulling your leg, but really, I do miss you. Say something....anything! I know you're out there!!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Pretzels, Cookies, and Time With Mom!

Today I'm baking for the Hephzibah Missions Trip Bake Sale Fundraiser. It's at Jay's Sporting Goods in Clare, tomorrow, although the time fails me at the moment! Just be there early, how's that? Anyway, while my cookies are in the oven, I'm forced to stay close to the kitchen so as not to burn those precious donations. Every time the timer goes off, I race back to the oven and it's so dog gets all excited and runs with me! I think she's finally getting tired of my craziness. It's the only way I may get decent exercise today, who knows??

My mom and I spent a fun day yesterday, making chocolate dipped pretzel rods for Serena's 3rd grade class. It was G-Ma's idea. Now that she's retired, all of her creativity has been restored to its original valor!! My mom once did ceramics, crafts,sewing, cake decorating, and is a wonderful cook and baker! All while working full time. How did you do it, mom? Watch out, Martha Stewart!! Anyway, I got a chance to use my handpainted dishes that mom and I found together at the Shepherd Maple Syrup Festival one year. I served up yummy chicken salad made with herb roasted chicken (mom's little secret) on a croissant, with leaf lettuce. Oh, it looked so pretty! We used my pretty green goblets that seem to just gather dust ordinarily. I didn't have my spring decorations out, so I used a gift I just put together for Sara (shh) as my centerpiece! Well, mom walked in with a huge vase of pussy willows! How perfect for the table!

I positioned mom at the table where she could best watch the birds and wildlife, and wouldn't you know it, she got to see the deer! You would have thought she just saw deer for the first time. She appreciated them so much! Mom lives in town, by the way.

I appreciated this time with my mom, and for her enthusiasm to create treats for the whole class. We slopped melted chocolate and sprinkles all over the place. Boy did they turn out cute and they are very yummy too! Gee...I should have made those for the bake sale!

Tonight the girls are going to G&G's to spend the night. Steve and I have plans to go out for Mexican and do some shopping. I insist it's Easter shopping. He insists I will be picking out clothes for our trip to Texas in May.(business trip, of course) We'll see who wins. Maybe this is a secret I'm sharing, but I don't happen to enjoy shopping much at all!! I love to shop for gifts, things for my girls, things for the house and yard, or scrapbooking supplies. Clothes, shoes? I can take it or leave it, girls, sorry!! I love that stuff, but I would rather hire someone to do it for me!! Give me a million plants and a pile of dirt, and it's bliss! Make me go shopping for clothes and shoes, and it's like getting my teeth drilled. You're laughing, but it's true!!

Okay, so I'd better get back to the oven. I have a ton of things to get done today, including a workout, packing for the girls, laundry, a couple deliveries, and of course, I have to get beautiful for my date tonight!! I am so excited to be spending time with my honey alone! Oops...there goes the timer!

Have a great weekend and enjoy winter break!! ( pity the fool who calls it spring.)


We all have a lot on our minds. What we'll do today, what we'll do tomorrow. What's for dinner tonight. Wonder what the kids are doing now. What will I wear today. What will I wear tomorrow. Pretty insignificant things if you think about it. Those are things we can control, so we're pretty comfortable doing those things.

Suddenly, a problem pops up. Maybe it's not even your problem, but it becomes yours when someone calls to talk about it. Ugh...what should I say. What should I do. How can I answer that. Wonder what she's making for dinner tonight. (tee hee) These are things we can't control, so we get a little uneasy.

This is what happens when we think we have control over anything! We really don't! We can plan all we want, but anything can happen. Actually, it's pretty arrogant to plan anything, since we're basically assuming everything we want will come to pass when we want it to! In this sense, I mean life planning....go to college, get married, have kids, buy a home, get a job, etc.... We really don't have a lot of control over any of those areas if you really think about it. Anything can happen. Illness, breakups, infertility, bad grades, slow economy, lay offs...reality. I'm not suggesting you have a negative attitude about it at all, but don't get too comfortable planning. I'm gettting to the "why" of it. Hang in there with me....

If everything goes the way we plan, don't we kind of start thinking we've got it all under control? Don't we think things are going well because we chose the right path? Maybe get a little prideful, boastful, too independent? It's like sailing through life without problems. Who would need God if that were the case? Here's a good plan. Pray and ask for God's leading. Set your goals. Pray again. Do the things that will help you reach your goals. Keep praying. Humble yourself to God's leading. Trust that he has a purpose for your life, will continue to guide you, and will put your feet exactly where they need to go, whether you "planned" that direction or not. Praise him no matter how it turns out. Maybe he's not finished with the plan yet!

We can become so frustrated and down on ourselves, but it's not necessary at all! When you're frustrated and berating yourself over something, it's because you're struggling to let God have it all! We can't do things in our own power, but with God, we can do everything. EVERYTHING. (see Philippians 4:13, one of my personal key verses for my life)

Life. You really can't DIY! (do it yourself) But with God, all things are possible! (Matthew 19:26)

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DIY: Martha Wannabe's Cheater Cleaning Tips

Martha "Stewart" that is! I am far from the craftiness and preciseness of Martha Stewart, queen of all things home and beyond. I'm not sure I really care if all my knives are facing in the same direction! However, we're at that season where we think we need to clean. So here are some of my favorite "cleaning" tips. These can be used in 30 minutes or less and make your surprise guests think you spent all day cleaning!

1. Dryer sheets are your friend! Stick them in heating vents and between the cushions of your furniture. Use them to shine up dingy faucets.

2. Baby wipes are great for more than just cute little bottoms. Use them to wipe up spots off the kitchen floor, fingerprints, and sink tops.

3. Wherever you think your company will go, concentrate on those areas. All other areas...close the doors. The hostess should always initiate a "tour". The company should know better than to ask if they drop in unexpectedly!

4. Scent is a great way to make people think you've been cleaning. Candle warmers hidden behind plants or picture frames is the way to send a favorite candle scent into the air without the flame. Use cinnamon or vanilla or both.

5. It was proven in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding". Windex does the trick! Use it to take spots off your fabric chair or barstool cushions. Stains will take a hike. Wash the glass nearest the door your guests will be arriving at. It will smell like all the windows have been washed.

6. Clutter all over the floor or counters? Keep a big basket handy and do the ten second tidy. Throw everything in, then stash it in a nearby closet or room. Then shut the door! You can always put it away later.

7. Oops...didn't get the dishes finished? No problem. Keep a new, pretty towel handy so you can drape it over the nasty dishes. Polish the other side of the sink. No one will notice the dishes. If you have pots and pans or baking sheets, toss them in the oven. Hang another pretty towel over the oven door. Voila!

8. Throw a load of clothes in the dryer (clean ones). The smell of fabric softener will permeate the air outside. Guests walking up to the door will immediately relax.

9. Fabric refresher spray is wonderful. Keep a scent on hand that you like. Spray curtains and rugs, throws and pillows. It really makes the room smell like you just washed down the walls.

10. A baking scent candle burning in the kitchen will make it seem like you just took cookies out of the oven. The flame draws the attention, making any messes "disappear".

Those are my 10 most commonly used "tricks" for faking out guests who gave me short notice of their arrival. NOW, for all of you who say you just came to see me, and not my house. That's such a dignified and polite thing to say, and I've said it many times, and I mean it. However, I know how much it matters to a woman to be prepared for company, and I respect that. That's why I will call before I drop in. Who knows what you're doing! I once gave some advice to a friend whose landlord kept walking in the house uninvited and unannounced. I told her my solution. Walk around naked. She'll surely knock next time!

Happy "cleaning", my friends!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...