Saturday, April 4, 2009

No Comment!

I'm starting to get a complex here! I was just looking at my last several posts, and I've had absolutely no comments, good or bad! Well, I do talk to myself a lot, so my blog is no different. I write to myself too! However, I'm a writer, and feedback is so important! My poor hubby is tired of being my only commentary, and dad...well, he just likes everything I write.
Hmmm....maybe I need some controversial topics to get you going! Here are some ideas to possibly spark some interest and get you talking again.....

What I Did Last Summer
Secrets of a Desperate Housewife
I Know Something You Don't Know
What I Wrote In My Diary Yesterday
My Deepest Darkest Secret
My Friend's Deepest Darkest Secret
YOUR Deepest Darkest Secret
My Credit Score
My Social Security Number and My Weight....same number
The Tomato Incident
My Medical Records
My Most Embarassing Moment

Okay, that's all you're getting. I feel sorry for you already if I have to tell these stories. Hey, it works for the Enquirer (rag), and every other talking head in the media, why not me?
I am sooo just pulling your leg, but really, I do miss you. Say something....anything! I know you're out there!!

1 comment:

Jami said...

Hello, self. I'm still here.


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 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...