Monday, April 20, 2009


It's Turkey season and you know what that means....Love is in the air! Bow Chicka Wow Wow....Check out the turkey dating tactics taking place right in our backyard.

Turkey A: My beard's longer than yours.

Turkey B: Chicks dig the clean cut look.

Turkey A: Check out the four babes to the right!

Turkey B: I call the blonde!
Turkey A: She's out of your league, dude

Turkey A: Think she's into me?

Turkey B: Dude, she's not even looking at you.

Turkey C: You're both bozos. Check out my moves. Watch and learn.
Turkey A: Since when do you have "moves"?

Turkey A: Wait! Don't leave! Can I get your number?

Turkey B: Nice beak, baby!
Turkey A: Nice beak? Are you nuts??
Turkey B: Back off, Feathers-for-brains, I know what I'm doing!
Turkey C: You guys are so embarassing.
Turkey A: Do you think we came on too strong?
Turkey B: I am SO not fluffing my feathers for another hen again!
Turkey C: I need to get me a new wingman.

Hen A: I wonder if there's any cute Toms around here?

Hen B: Who knows, all the good ones are always taken.

Hen C: They follow me everywhere. It's so annoying!

Hen D: What a bunch of chickens!

(cackling ensues, followed by a pig-out session)

I sure hope these turkeys are still laughing tomorrow as Steve and his boss, Tom (yeah, that's his real name!) head out turkey hunting in the morning. The turkeys have been here all week, pretty much all day, but as soon as the guys go hunting, they disappear entirely!


Hannah said...

i'm laughing out loud...I really am...that was hilarious!

Anonymous said...

What a commentary! Good one Jami. You made me laugh that is good. Connie

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