Saturday, May 23, 2009

I'm Still Counting

I hope you're not growing tired of my blessings posts. It's just that now more than ever, I feel the pull to stay focused on them. I'm feeling a bit like I did after 9/11....things feel shaky in the world, and it can be unnerving if you dwell on it. That's why it's important to find those positive things in the world and in your life and be thankful that they are there. We can all find so many things that bother us...that's pretty easy for some of us. But to find the blessings is the true survivor. I hope you'll be a "survivor" with me!

1. First and foremost, I am thankful for God. I thank him daily for his influence in my life. For always being there for me, and for pointing me in the direction he wants me to go. His love is all I need. Everything else is icing!

2. My family. Finding Steve was like finding a diamond in a haystack. Unexpected, rare, and a wonderful surprise. From that love came our girls, who have filled my life with love, joy, and purpose. (and lots of messes too :) )

3. My parents and family. It doesn't matter what I do, what I say, what mistakes I make, how grumpy I am, they never stop supporting and loving me. Who needs more than that? I don't.

4. Steve's job is still secure, and I can't be more thankful for that. I know we'd be okay otherwise, but I'm glad the worry is diminished at this point. We just take one day at a time, remembering not to complain about a bad day. I'd rather have a bad day employed than a good day not.

5. Being able to live in the woods has refreshed my soul. I can look out at any time and watch rabbits playing tag with chipmunks (yes, they do that), several varieties of birds, turkeys, deer, annoying, but playful squirrels, and fresh country air. I don't have all my projects done and we are far from being able to stop working on the house and yard, but I'm thankful for how far we've come and I'm thankful that our bodies still allow us to work!

6. Wonderful friends who care for me, even though I am somewhat hard to get close to. I don't know why. I sure wish I wasn't that way at all. Despite that, they love me anyway, and let me be who I am without judging that! True friends just let you be yourself. I have several of those!

7. Former pastors and influences in my spiritual life. Our first pastor, Pastor Steve Shangraw led us to the life we would one day embrace. He is now being led to a ministry in California and we may never see him again. His leaving has reminded me (and Steve) to appreciate people while they are still around. There are more people who have influenced me. Maybe for another post I will touch on that.

8. My church family. There are so many who won't let you walk by without a hug, a pat, a hello, or a wave. It's nice to be able to rely on those relationships. You may not get close to each and every one, but if you have a need, they will be there. It's just understood. I am thankful for all of those who also pour into my daughter's lives there as well. It's a feeling of unity that is not found anywhere else.

9. Now for the fun ones....I am thankful for music, which is a huge motivator for me. It helps me get through good days and rough days. I love having books to read, and this computer to help me write and to get emails!! I love snail mail, which my dear friend Patty still sends me. I love her homemade cards and pictures of the kids. There is nothing like getting a card or letter in the mail. I love campfires, long drives, walks in the woods, vanilla soft serve, hanging clothes on the line, flowers on my windowsill, candy, Dow Gardens, waterfalls, tennis, and so many other things. Maybe that will be a future post too, since I have been keeping a list of "Happy Things" since I was 15!!

God gives us the mainstays in our lives- our relationship with Him, our families, our basic needs, and then we have our pick of the rest. If we choose good and positive things, we will have a good and positive result. Choose to seek your blessings and be blessed by the ones you find!

1 comment:

Princess, Daughter of the King said...

Great blessing Jami!
Have a wonderful day!

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