Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Life is a Balancing Act

I've put many new changes into effect in my life these past couple of months! Since reading "I Dare You" by Joyce Meyer, I've found that you can't change your life by doing the same things the same way all the time. In fact, that's the definition of "insanity"! Life can sure feel that way, but it's only because we're not prioritizing properly sometimes. Other times, life throws curveballs and surprises and we're juggling for a short time then it's over. That, my friends, takes some stamina!! It all takes a little thing called b-a-l-a-n-c-e!

One of my decisions was to be smarter with money. I have cut out "useless spending", which is anything I don't really want or need. We have cut down on eating out, and have changed some of our lifestyle habits to help save us money. Being disciplined about money is crucial to having an effective walk with Christ. We have to learn how to respect what we're given, and we have to make sure we have it to give away. Some of the things I've had to cut were difficult, because I have found that spending money and socializing go hand in with friends, direct sales parties, yard sales, shopping, movies/dinner, etc... Some friends understand your need to cut down, and some encourage you to spend money you don't have. The key is to remain true to yourself and your household and not feel guilted or obligated into spending money you shouldn't spend. I have only to look on either side of me to know that college is going to be expensive! There are big things in our future, however, I am still spending money on my hair color product. I have my dignity after all.

Another change I made was to be more diligent about my housekeeping, wife, and mom duties. Making sure the house is fairly organized, keeping the laundry up, and making sure dinner is healthy and ready on time. Dishes get done right after, and clothes don't sit in piles. Being more deliberate about my position in this household is something that gives me more of a sense of purpose. I am here to do all of that, after all. Sometimes I feel I am working 2 jobs. I think I have to be careful not to become a slave to my chores. It would sure be easy to do. Today I impulsively yelled out the window, "I need a break! Do you hear me!!!" I scared off a rotten squirrel who was hanging in my bird feeder, so I yelled at him too. "You better run! You're next!!" Thank Goodness no one can hear me. Neighbor Bill would pretend he didn't hear anyway.

Okay, so does doing everything "right" and "proper" equal peace and tranquility? Not exactly. Like I said, I could easily become a slave to my house, my garden, and my family. Everything would be done just like I want it to be, but I would be a wreck. For one thing, I run out of energy quickly. I am glad to blame it on my little heart valve thing I have, instead of on laziness. I also find that the harder I work, the harder I am on everyone around me! Pick that up! Put that away! I am not your slave! And that's just what I say to the dog! :) I become disappointed by everyone else's lack of commitment to "my purpose"!! Kind of backwards, but I think most moms and wives have felt that way before, if not today! again, b-a-l-a-n-c-e!

Having balance in my life is still a daily struggle. I have found that I can be extreme in making changes. It's either all or nothing, and not a lot in between. I have to work at being flexible and patient. I have to be deliberate about taking breaks, not feeling guilty for taking a break, and watching that I don't become selfish in my quest to improve my spending. It takes prioritizing and some common sense to really put a new change into balance. I have learned by trying to lose my weight (a-gain!) that I am tempted to be all or nothing about that too.

One thing I ask for every day is for what I do to glorify God in some way. Whether it's making our bathroom look like a hotel ( I even folded the toilet paper into a point--so silly!), or by praying while I wash the dishes. It's keeping my temple and this home God provided in the shape he gave it to me in! It's making sure I am kind to the telemarketers when I'm tempted to mess with them a little! It's also trying to keep my life in balance so that I am receptive to God's leading, because that is truly why I am here.

Life is a balancing act, and it does feel as though we're on an endless tightrope with a long way down sometimes. But, every day is a choice to do better than the day before, and that's always on my list of things to do.

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