In less than a month, I will become a "Cougar". Maybe technically I don't fit the description since it signifies an older woman who runs after younger men. However, I like the vicious animal comparison, so I'll take it.
So, I'll be breaking into a new decade and joining the ranks of those fortysomethings. That's not a bad group to be in, if you ask me. But before I join it, I must reminisce about all my other decades.
I was born on 9/13, and I weighed 9lb 13oz. How cool, right? I must have planned that. I also nearly committed my first murder on the way out. Just talk to my mom and ask her about the 36 hours it took me to arrive. Naturally. Sorry about that. I'd like to think I was born at 9:13, but I'm sure it was some boring time instead. All I know is that my dad was excited to have a girl, so I was named after him. That IS cool. So, the next several years, I just spent being a kid. I know. It's predictable, but it is what it is. Moving on...
So, the teen years were interesting. Weren't they fun? If you think that, then you must be as warped as your failing memory. I was a good kid for the most part. Just like any teen, I spent several years in the "my brain has not fully matured yet" phase. I'm not quite sure I made it all the way out of that stage sometimes.
The twenties were full of angst and change, some good, some bad. I got sick, engaged, married, pregnant, and a new career as a stay at home mom. Whew. Was I tired. I don't miss much of my twenties at all, except for being very thin and being able to stay up late.
Thirtysomethings always get accused of being know it alls or arrogant snots for some reason. The accusers are always way past 30. Maybe they know something we don't. Maybe I'll find that out as I leave my thirties once and for all. I was pregnant at 30, and couldn't care less about my age. I just wanted to pop that baby out and be done with it!
I have to break my thirties up, because for the first part, I was pretty crazy with finding my way as a mom, and trying to manage stress. Ha ha! My mid to late thirties were a breeze compared to all of that nonsense! I guess maturity happens eventually.
The most important thing I did in my life was to fully accept Christ and to embrace a whole new lifestyle. Knowing that it's "not all about me" was the best dose of growing up I could ever receive. It humbled me to know that my life was to serve God, not me. It was not going to be comfortable and rosy all the time and I had to be joyful in spite of it. Yup. You sure need your big girl panties if you're ever going to really "get it" in life.
So, why worry about 40? As far as I see it, my life has gotten better and better. So many of my questions are already answered and I'm enjoying my blessings every day. Yes, life is challenging, and I have typical aging stuff going on, but I look forward to the good my aging will bring. Not only to my life, but how my maturity will benefit the lives of others. Now, don't quote me on any of this as I approach menopause in my 50's.
So, please, don't invite me to an over the hill party. I am still on the side climbing! Age is not a number to be celebrated, but life is worthy of celebrating. God numbered my days. He brought me into the world in a unique way (9/13 at 9 lb 13oz). He filled in the empty spot with his presence and gave me special gifts. He made me exactly who he wanted me to be and picked the best day to bless my parents and me.
How could I complain about that?