Thursday, December 17, 2009

Life Does Not Stop For Christmas...but we'd better

It's true it's a busy time of year, and nerves tend to get stretched, along with the budgets. I keep saying, "Life does not stop for Christmas", and it is so true. You have more baking, more spending, more events to attend, and more more more, but you still have laundry, dishes, appointments, children, bills, etc... Life does not politely get out of the way so you can celebrate. But isn't that sad?

Shouldn't our hearts be in better shape than this? I know I have not had the greatest Christmas spirit lately. I am no busier than anyone else, it's just that healthwise, I just don't stretch that well. I get overwhelmed to the point of not really being present. I don't know if that describes you at all, but if it does, you're not alone.

I have enjoyed all the things we've done lately, like the trip to Frankenmuth with my parents. The Christmas concert at Warriner, the Bethlehem walk at our church, the party with our friends, and the many more things to come. Really, I have enjoyed them, it's just that it has crowded my spirit. Do you feel this way too? Crowded? Like, where is Jesus in all of this? That's the way I feel. I need some time to be alone with God and thank him for being the Giver and the Gift. It's time to put away everything else and focus on Him. Or why do all of this at all?

That's my old sled from childhood. I took our annual Christmas card photos yesterday, and the sled was a great prop! The girls were in great spirits, being silly as usual. They are so much fun at Christmas time. I took several pictures and it was so much fun. This has become quite a tradition. At the concert Tuesday night, an old photo of my girls flashed on the big screen during a song called "Christmas through the eyes of a child". I saw Serena at 4 years old, with her head on her sister's shoulder, and I sat there and blubbered. Yes, this is what the Christmas season does to me. No sleep. Stress. Crying at the silliest things. So embarassing. Anyway.......
Oh, and if I hear one more person tell me my "kids are looking so grown up", or "wow. They are getting so big!" or "what are they--15 now?" If I hear one more reference to how fast my girls are growing up, I will either scream or have a nervous breakdown. SO PLEASE, to spare my heart from further ripping, do not tell me how old my little girls look. I just can't take it anymore!

I hope that you will take some time and enjoy this season and what it means to you. I hope you will get the kids together watch Rudolph or Charlie Brown with them. (2 of our faves). I hope you will stop baking long enough to call a long lost friend and say Merry Christmas. I hope you truly feel the spirit of Christmas in all that you do this season. I hope it is all you dreamed of and more, and I hope you stay healthy through it all.
God bless you and MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Snowed In?

It was no surprise to see all the new snow on Wednesday. After all, we do live in Michigan. It's hard to surprise us with any change in the weather. Tomorrow could be balmy. Who knows? So, yesterday was dicey, but it wasn't all the weather's fault. Steve left the house at 5am on his way to MBS. He was headed on a 3 day tour (think Gilligan), starting in Philly. I was a nervous wreck about him leaving. Maybe it's because I don't like him leaving so close to Christmas. Maybe it's because I knew the storm was coming. Whatever the reason, I didn't want him to go this time. I called his cell to make sure he made it safely to the airport, and he was just waiting to board. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I got up and headed out to shovel the driveway. We do have a mammoth snow blower, which I've never learned to use. Besides, the snow was wet and heavy, and it's hard to blow that kind of snow. I had a headache and wasn't feeling great, school had been canceled, so the burden of having to get the girls around was lifted, but oh, shoveling that snow was going to be a bear! It was about 7am when the girls pajamed into the kitchen. I guess their alarms went off. OOPSY. Thought I shut them off. Must have turned them on. :)

Serena was so excited about the snow that she was pulling on her outdoor wear, already planning her snowman. I smiled at her and said, "hey, sweetie, it's pitch black out there. why don't you wait a bit?" She followed me out to the driveway, where we took turns moving that heavy snow out of the way. I was expecting a UPS delivery too, so I had to do the front walk. With my headache and a night of bad sleep, I was feeling pretty rough, but having Serena's cheerful company made my temperament improve. Serena couldn't resist throwing herself down backwards into the snow several times between her turn to shovel. I was surprised she could move any snow at all. It was so wet and heavy. The Christmas lights looked gorgeous and it was absolutely quiet out here in the woods. Two slow cars went by and I said a prayer for both. In the midst of the storm, it was peaceful.

We came back in for hot drinks, and the phone rang. The plane was going to be delayed by several hours. The Philly airport was having some ice issues too. I breathed a sigh of relief and kept praying for the whole trip to cancel. I got my prayer answered about an hour later, when they decided to postpone the whole trip. So, after I could finally relax, I made a big pot of chili and put some finishing touches on my decorating. Natalie couldn't wait to get out and build a special snowman on the deck for me to see from the kitchen. Isn't she clever??

This is Nat's way of saying, "hey, mom, could you bake us some cookies??"
Sunglasses, tanning lotion and a lei make this snowman feel warm all over. We're not sure why they're faceless. Must be a new snowman trend the girls are setting!

Just one of the many white pines that line our driveway. It was a gorgeous walk to the mailbox! I took my camera with me and snapped a bunch. I had to dodge the snow sliding off the heavy branches. As it slid off and plopped all around me, I thought what a great sense of humor God really has. I did get tunked a few times!
Not only was I worried about Steve traveling, but I knew if the snow plow went by too many times, my driveway entrance would be blocked, and my snow plow guy had left. I knew the power could go out, and even with a trusty generator, that puts me over the edge! It all worked out and my worries were for nothing. Steve got home, plowed the driveway, ate the chili and tucked the girls into bed. I have a new appreciation for single moms, widows, and families with dad in the services. I am so blessed to have my hubby!
Thank God for answered prayers!!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow Buddies

Serena saw the snow on Saturday morning and could not help herself. She threw on her winter gear and headed out to build a snowman. Don't laugh! That girl can build a snowman out of 3 flakes!! She patiently collected enough snow to build a baby snowman. I think it took her quite awhile, as she came in pretty rosy-cheeked, begging for hot cocoa! I had a plate of cookies waiting for her, and a hot steaming mug of cocoa with extra marshmallows!
She poses with her little snow baby.
Almost ready!

So cute, with his (or her?) carrot nose, tiny stick arms and geranium hat! She placed him on the table on the I found him lying motionless on his back. That just means it's time for it to snow so Serena can create again!
Since Allison started posting again, I wanted to respond to her plea by posting a few pictures now and then. Sounds like a good compromise to me!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Takin' A Break!

Goodbye for now, readers, whoever you are.....I am taking a major break from my blog. It is that time of year where I need to be uber-focused on a million things, and some things just have to take a backseat!

As much as I love the Christmas season, I do not enjoy running from one event to the next, feeling tired and rushed. As much as I love to give gifts, I do not enjoy shopping. As much as I enjoy my kids' activities, there are too many right now. I am easily overwhelmed by it all. I love to bake, but I don't like to feel pushed to do so. I love wrapping gifts, but sometimes all I feel is the sting of overspending. We get more huge bills in December than any other month. We have more obligations in December than any other month. It's no wonder that it is difficult to remember the meaning of Christmas. It is no wonder I have to work at enjoying Christmas. I don't think I'm alone in this feeling. I admit it, the "busyness" of Christmas does get me down. I just want to stop. Think. Relax. Enjoy. Remember. Love. Rest. Give.

So, to help me remember the meaning of Christmas, I am going to do all of the above. I will start with Give. Whether I have a little money, or some extra, I will find a way to give. I will love where I didn't think to love before, and I will enjoy my friends and family. I will find peace in the "busyness", because all of those activities glorify the Lord. The Holy Walk we are attending tonight. Our traditional family trip to Frankenmuth tomorrow. Natalie's first band concert. Serena's first choir concert. The Night in Bethlehem event at our church, my dad's birthday, the annual Christmas party with our group of friends, the Christmas parade in town, and on and on. We do these things in honor of God and the gift of His Son, not because we need more to do.

All else is just "fluff" when you think of it that way. So while I will miss your hundreds of comments (tee hee...I know, I don't comment much either), I am taking a break for now, and will probably be back in January, after spending some time with my girls.

Have a wonderful Christmas and a happy, safe New Year. I will be thinking of you! One of the gifts I really want is for Allison to start blogging again. Hope Santa delivers!! :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A Reminder From Ken

Ken Davis is one of those people who can have me on the floor, holding my sides, laughing hysterically as I lose my bladder control. (okay, maybe not the last part....yet) So, when I'm in need of some laughter, I pop in one of his DVD's or I grab one of his books.

I admit, I've been a little touchy about some things lately, and there is not really anyone to blame. There are times I just get a little annoyed with the world or myself, whichever comes first that day. This morning, I was trying to sleep and many annoying thoughts were bothering me.

So, I jumped out of bed, let Sophie out, put the coffee on, and began making pancakes for my family. Take that, rotten thoughts! I am doing something good here!

My mind wandered over to Ken Davis, who we've been blessed to see in person. His life is far from perfect, in fact, he deems himself as "not right". He's kind of the Christian version of a Robin Williams type, lots of humor, but you know there's some pain in there somewhere. He has chosen to take his pain, and his faults and turn them into valuable life lessons. The humor is a bonus, but it's only when you can laugh at yourself that you "lighten up"!!

I think I do that for the most part, but I noticed that when I am annoyed or irritated at someone, I have a major creative block! I don't feel much like laughing or joking. Hmm....see the connection there? I certainly do. It's not until I let go of that that I get the breakthrough and the lesson, and the peace that comes from learning. Peace. Yah, that's just what I've been looking for.

check out more Ken at

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...