Friday, July 30, 2010

For Kyle

I met Dawn at preschool, where Serena and Justin were classmates. I loved her honest, authentic, "here I am, like it or not" personality. Well, I liked her right away! And I'm thinking of her every day lately...

Her older son, Kyle has been diagnosed with a form of brain cancer. Kyle is 11 and going into the 6th grade at CES. They are doing many fundraisers for Kyle, 2 of which I can tell you about here.

There is a Pig Roast/ Bake Sale/ Raffles/ Auction/ Live Bands Event going on at the Clare Moose Lodge 1890 E. Ludington Dr. Clare, on Saturday, July 31st, beginning at 2pm.

In Farwell, there will be a 9 & 10 All Stars Game at 3pm. I believe the ball park is just a couple blocks off main street. There is also Lumberdays going on, so town will be busy. The Game is free, but donations will be taken for Kyle. I haven't talked to Steve yet, but I know my parents will be there.

Above all, friends, please pray for this family. For salvation in some cases, and for all the things you know this family needs right now. George, Dawn, Kyle and Justin will be in my prayers every day, and I hope they'll find their way into yours.

Thank You, Lord.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Busy as a Bee, but lovin' the honey...

It's been a productive week so far. Last weekend started on Thursday afternoon when Steve took some time off. We didn't plan anything special, but we enjoyed having Daddy all to ourselves for a few days. We did the expected and threw in a few "unexpecteds", which we always do.

We picked blueberries on Friday, came home and made homemade pizza on the was fabulous, and I'm not sure I want pizza any other way now! We've been grilling veggies, kabobs... you name it, we're grillin' it these days. I've also been picking the blackberries on our property, and made a delicious blackberry dessert with them. I've also been trying to use up the cucumbers, zucchini and summer squash my mom has given us. I finally have a few ripe yellow peppers and a couple tomatoes. It will be nice when we can have a garden again. We knew we were going to be gone a bit more this summer, so we gave it up for a year. It's nice to have a break from all the work too. Nothing a good farmer's stand can't fix, is what I say!

Speaking of farmer's...we went to the farmer's market on Saturday and got some corn for me to freeze. Took me about 4 hours and 1 backache to complete but now the freezer is full of corn and blueberries! After the farmer's market, we took a walk in downtown Midland to check out the turtle sculptures on each corner. Of course, we stopped by the chocolate shop for a treat,and Nattie wanted to stop at the music store. We went in, and the guys were friendly to us as usual. In no time at all, they had Nat hooked up with an electric guitar, encouraging her to "jam". She was a bit shy and just played a few quiet tunes. She's self-taught, as she can't decide which instrument she really wants to commit to...the guitar, sax, or piano. What a problem, eh?? She's a natural at all three. Why pick just one, is what I say, but lessons are expensive and quite a time commitment.

We then got the music bug, I guess, and decided to go to Herter's in Saginaw as well. Because of the way we were telling the girls not to touch anything, the store manager walked over to us and gave the girls permission to play the grand piano on their stage. He told us that most parents just let their kids bang on the $66,000 piano without a thought. Are you surprised? Me either. This piano is the one they use at the Dow event center or other venues for artists such as Alicia Keyes, Elton John, Jim Brickman, and Josh Groban to use! Wow, right?? Natalie was a bit shy again, but finally sat and played "Greensleeves". Beautiful.

On Sunday after church, we went over to Coldwater Lake for a picnic and swim, just us four. This was the campground I spent many childhood summers having a blast! It was still as I remembered it, only vastly improved. We had a beautiful time, just grilling out, playing frisbee, and watching the boats play. Is there anything better than that on a nice summer day? I think not.

Summer is going fast, with sleepovers, PT, day trips, chores, of course, and just daily life. I'm busily plannning a garage sale and a couple more trips, then I hope for a couple weeks before school that we can just be still awhile and rest.

Hope you're enjoying the last bits of summer before it's time to break out those rakes again!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chips, Salsa, Jelly Butts, and Kids.....

Ah...the girls are at a pool party and I am home alone....well, not really. Steve decided to come home early and is watching the Tiger game in the kitchen. I really should be doing laundry or something else, but I'm enjoying some "kid-free" time. Like I was explaining to my friend, Emi, it's not that I am complaining about my kids or even that they're driving me crazy. It's just that I miss my solitude. Just peace, quiet, good thinking time all by myself. So, I am enjoying the bit of quiet that I have and here I am talking to you! Guess I'm having a hard time being quiet after all.

Serena had fun at tennis this morning, and she enjoyed my "sermon" on the way. Whenever I get one alone, I try to talk about certain things and get them to talk to me. So all the way to tennis, we talked about being ourselves and not worrying whether people accept that or not. We're just going to be who we are and be happy in our own skin. Sounds like a plan. On the way home, we joked about me being a chips and salsa addict, and how she wants me to seek therapy. We then role played what a "Chips and Salsa Overeaters Anonymous" Support group would be like and what our motto would be--"Dunk, Dunk, and Crunch". I love to play like that with Serena. It brings out all of her silliness and creativity and I love to hear her belly laugh!!

PT is going well, and another patient and I jokingly decided to start our own support group. It will be those of us with a lack of core strength and jelly butts. So, no abs, no butts, and weak legs need only apply!! I told her I was sure we could fill a gymnasium! Could be a connection there with my chips and salsa problem, I don't know...

Have a happy, silly day, no matter your circumstances.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fun Weekend

On Friday, I was feeling unusual. I actually got up and felt like doing something physical! No hip ache. No headache. No sinus pressure. Like I said, for me..unusual! So I headed outside to do some much needed weeding, which led to shrub clipping, which led to tree limb lopping. Okay, so after all that, I was feeling a bit tired, but the best feeling I had was a feeling of capability and purpose! Finally my body allowed me to do something I wanted to do and I enjoyed every minute. I knew when to quit, so I quit early, knowing we had a wonderful day trip to Tawas on Saturday.

We invited mom and dad along, and mom insisted on making us a picnic lunch. I say lunch loosely, because it was a gourmet spread, as usual. We drove out to the "point", where the water looks tropical and beautiful. We had a nice lunch there and then spent awhile swimming and enjoying the beach.

After that, we headed into town and had dessert, mom's cherry and blueberry pies, at one of the city parks. Of course, we enjoyed the beach and the water there, and remembered to write our names in the sand. One thing we accomplished while in Tawas was getting the girls' dresses for Allison's wedding in August. They are very cute sundresses and they didn't cost an arm and a leg!

We arrived home late Saturday, and were sitting around relaxing when we got a call from a friend, inviting us to dinner on Sunday. So, I hurried and whipped up a cake and we headed over to our friend's house on Sunday afternoon. It was a nice time of visiting, swimming, and just hanging out. I have to say that impulsive, impromptu gatherings are my favorite!! Nattie had youth, Serena stayed the night with our friends, and we had a nice quiet evening at home.

Ahhhh....another nice weekend with family and friends.

I wish i could share pictures, but for some reason, it's not working right. I haven't made it a priority to figure it out yet. Oh, there goes my lovely computer....just erased an entire paragraph again!! UGH!!!

Anyway, my outlook has improved since my physical condition improved, and I'm finally sleeping normally. I had to stop thinking of myself as a victim and start focusing on doing what I needed to do to get better. I know it's easier said than done. So next time I feel low again, at least I know what to do to get back on track. I hope I get it faster next time! I always take the long way for some reason.

There is a cute song on the radio station that my girls and I like to listen to (101.7)...I don't know the exact words, but one day I was blasting it in my bathroom as I got ready and the jist of it was that no matter what is going on, there is always "love coming through your headphones..." Basically, you have good days and bad, and neither of them seem to last, but you always have God's love...listen to it. It's always amazing to me how songs speak directly to my heart just when I need it most.

Happy week, friends. Love you!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Today I feel Silly

Today I feel silly...

For thinking my pain is so important...

after talking to someone whose friend's husband was just diagnosed with a brain tumor..and his wife is recovering from breast cancer.....and they have 4 kids...

And I thought my hip was a problem.

Today I feel silly...

For forgetting that this world and this life is temporary and I shouldn't get too attached.

Because things that I love are just things and won't go to heaven with me.

People can. Or maybe they won't and it's my duty to give them directions.

Boy do I feel silly...

FOr thinking my migraines can ruin my life.

When I witnessed a family not only losing their home, but a young son.

Migraines are nothing.

I feel silly.

For thinking too much of what I want

Instead of knowing what I should give.

I feel silly.

For complaining of pain when I should be

Praying about it.

I feel silly

For finding out my friend's son has a brain tumor by reading a flyer on the wall.

When I would have known had I kept in touch with her.

I feel silly

For moaning about lost time, disappointments, and pain.

When I wouldn't trade all my bad stuff for one minute just to keep this imperfect life I have.

I feel grateful.

That God allows me to feel anything at all, and knowing He is the One bringing my wrongs to my attention.

I feel silly

For knowing I should know better.

And now...

So do you.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cracked Pepper

My husband doesn't understand my weird artsy fartsiness sometimes. Who can?? I'm a writer, a dreamer, a thinker, a melancholy-joyful, laid-back, frenetic person. Figure that out in 21 years? I think not too. I thrive on thinking outside the box, finding parallels in life, and spending time really wondering about things. Most people just call that strange. I'm not strange, but I'm not bored either!

Anyway, he asked me what my title meant on a previous post...."Cracked Pepper and other seasonings". Oh, you won't understand me, but I'll tell you anyway, I said.

Until you grind the pepper, it just sits there doing nothing. It barely even has a scent, let alone a flavor. It has no appeal at all. So, unless you're willing to break the shell of the pepper and totally ruin it, you're stuck with a boring ole chunk of nothing. Break it, turn it into something better, and your dish will improve. Get it??

Well, that's okay if you don't. It's just that my life feels a bit like cracked pepper these days. Some things are just blowing up in my face in order to get better. It's not a fun process, but life never promised me a pepper garden, you know?? Of course, you don't.

That's okay. They sell ground pepper at the store for people like you who just want to eat their food and not think about it. :)

L O stinkin' L.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Is it Sunday Somewhere else too?, am I pooped. After helping (loosely said, I do very little) at children's church this morning, we headed to Sparta to Steve's niece (and mine) Cassie's open house. It was a 2 hour drive, we stayed about 2 hours, then had a 2 hour drive home. I'm not complaining, it's just that I was tired when I started and tired when I got home! You may (but probably not) remember that Cassie came here last fall to have me take her senior pictures. She had several of them displayed, and I must say, she's quite the pretty girl! Serena just loves her because she's a bit on the artsy side, and Serena aspires to be a writer one day. So far, Natalie is the only musical one in the family. It's so fun to watch my girls develop into who they want to be, and to see what they're going to do in this world. SPeaking of the world....

Now that it's all over, I can tell you that earlier this year, Steve turned down an opportunity to work in Switzerland. We would have had to move, of course. We talked it over, seriously considered it, and felt it was not the right time. It would have been a serious pay raise, for sure, but there were so many more important things involved. Like how I became sick for 2 weeks right at this time, and we realized how alone I would be in another country without my mom's delicious meals! Like, of course, we don't want to leave our wonderful country for any length of time! And most importantly, we don't want to compromise our kids in this way at such a pivotal time in their lives.

It started a whole wave of new thinking for me, though, and I began to welcome a change in my life. I have been pretty much in the same place for years. I've never really been on my own. (thanks to migraines)My little family and I have never had to completely depend on each other. And though we built a new house 5 years ago and I love our paradise, I don't like thinking this is it for me. I guess I have my grandpa's wanderlust, which caused him to move my mom at least 9 times before she left home. I wish he was alive so I could ask him if these feelings pass! It's not that I don't appreciate my life or where I live. I certainly do! It's just that sometimes I wonder what it would be like for us to start fresh. Sometimes it would be nice to be the one who is leaving and not be the one left behind. Truly, moving could be the only thing that would make me do facebook. Whoopie.

So, before you pretend you're going to miss me, be assured that unless another fabulous job opportunity pops up in this country, you are stuck with me. It is a possibility, as Steve is quite dedicated to his work. Since I am dedicated to him, wherever he goes, we will follow. Except for another country of course.

Well, PT resumes tomorrow and Steve heads back to work. Natalie has volleyball camp. Serena has tennis. I have chores, and life goes on. My body will be here, but maybe my mind will wander and I will picture me doing all these things somewhere else. I will picture having a neighbor who likes to scrapbook whose husband loves to fish. I will imagine my girls, happy in school, new opportunities, (maybe a swim team!) fresh for the taking. Then I will wake up and throw in another load of dirty clothes, knowing I'm where I need to be for now.

Happy wandering, friends.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Cracked Pepper and other Seasonings

It seems posting hasn't been much of a priority lately. It's hard to make the time to put my thoughts in my head, let alone in my blog! I truly don't know how people can Facebook and tweet so regularly. I sometimes just don't have that much to say! Nor would anyone be interested in what room I'm in and what color my socks are. I have to admit that there are 2 bigger reasons I'm staying off my computer. One is that our main computer crashed a few weeks ago, and I am forced to type on my laptop. The other is that I can't stand typing on a laptop! It is constantly erasing things I just typed and I can't retrieve them!! Like this post, I already lost it twice and had to start over. Staying connected is another challenge. Our dial up is so slow I can't believe it, and whenever my phone rings, my computer disconnects. I can't figure out how to fix it because I'm a dinosaur without a 5 year old in my house. Anyway....

We had a very fun-filled 4th of July holiday up at the lake. G & G rented kayaks for the girls and they enjoyed paddling around the lake on a hot sunny day. We also attended the local parade, fireworks, and spent 2 days at the beach in town. The lake there has public access and an ice cream shop across the street.

Our neighbors across the lake were a bit quieter except for the guy singing opera. I thought it was pretty funny, so I grabbed Natalie's guitar and played "Smoke on the Water". Then I broke into my rendition of Hee Haw's "I'm a pickin and I'm a grinnin'" complete with all the "Hee Haw" touches. I just love to bust loose. It's great because when it's dark out there at the campfire, you can do whatever you want and no one can see you!

On the more negative side, I struggled with my hip over the holiday, but didn't have headaches. I brought those home with me, and have had at least 3 since we got home. Including the one I had yesterday when we went to the movie theater to see Toy Story 3. I had just had enough of my body telling me what to do, so I spited it and went anyway. Then I came home and went to bed. My therapy is going better. She's doing some different things to alleviate the pain, and I'm forced to face my lack of muscle tone. It's just not there! I can't blame it on my kids, but I started letting myself go when their lives became more important than mine. I don't care so much about being overweight, but now it's affecting my health. I have a lot of work to do.

I have become much more aware of those who are suffering daily with physical struggles. There is a light at the end of my tunnel, at least where the hip is concerned. I can't say much about my migraines, but I've learned to live with them. Having body pain is a whole different experience. I do wonder what God wants me to do with this experience of mine. I guess I talk about it because there really is a lot of mental "stuff" that goes with your physical stuff. Though you don't want to complain and carry on, talking about it may help someone else deal with it! It can tear up your mind. It can affect your relationships. It can really affect your confidence, as it has mine.

My focus lately has been looking at Philippians, and learning to focus on others instead of myself. As altruistic as that sounds, it doesn't come naturally! I wish it did for me. I think when you're chronically ill, as I have been most of my adult life, you tend to focus on yourself more. Your world becomes a bit small. I'm being very general and I'm trying to get this out before my laptop "erases" me again, but be watching for me to develop this thought a bit more, because I think it's pretty significant, not just to me, but to anyone.

Hope you are enjoying your summer! I'm doing my best to enjoy mine!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...