Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cracked Pepper

My husband doesn't understand my weird artsy fartsiness sometimes. Who can?? I'm a writer, a dreamer, a thinker, a melancholy-joyful, laid-back, frenetic person. Figure that out in 21 years? I think not too. I thrive on thinking outside the box, finding parallels in life, and spending time really wondering about things. Most people just call that strange. I'm not strange, but I'm not bored either!

Anyway, he asked me what my title meant on a previous post...."Cracked Pepper and other seasonings". Oh, you won't understand me, but I'll tell you anyway, I said.

Until you grind the pepper, it just sits there doing nothing. It barely even has a scent, let alone a flavor. It has no appeal at all. So, unless you're willing to break the shell of the pepper and totally ruin it, you're stuck with a boring ole chunk of nothing. Break it, turn it into something better, and your dish will improve. Get it??

Well, that's okay if you don't. It's just that my life feels a bit like cracked pepper these days. Some things are just blowing up in my face in order to get better. It's not a fun process, but life never promised me a pepper garden, you know?? Of course, you don't.

That's okay. They sell ground pepper at the store for people like you who just want to eat their food and not think about it. :)

L O stinkin' L.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God knew what He was doing when He created Mrs. Rogers' I needed a good one today.....Thanks

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