Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Yappy Hew Near

Well, we made it through another busy holiday season. Whew. Well, not quite. We invited a family over for New Year's, but we're keeping it simple. That's good because I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Sigh..nothing's ever easy, is it?

We celebrated Miss Reenie's 11th birthday 2 days after Christmas. It's always tough on her...she never knows what she wants because she says she gets what she wants for Christmas and doesn't want anything else. She doesn't want cake because we just had all those cookies. So, we took her to the mall, intending on getting her a cover for her Nook, and a pair of jeans from her favorite store. A little window shopping at the mall resulted in her changing from jeans to a funky clunky pair of tennis shoes. Oh well, she's happy, so we're happy too! Usually I make her a special birthday dinner of her choice, but because our trip at the mall took so long, we ended up eating Yummy Japan. Some birthday dinner! Luckily I had made her requested cherry cheesecake that morning or I would have really been mad at myself! The grandparents came over for cheesecake, ice cream and slushies, then both grandmas beat us all in a game of "apples to apples". I can't believe our "baby" is eleven already. It makes me a bit sad.

Christmas went sis ended up with the flu, so she was unable to make it for Christmas eve. My nephew and his fiance were able to make it, and since my brother is staying with my parents temporarily, he was there too. Mom made lasagna and some other yummies. During the white elephant, my coveted Charlie brown Christmas tree was stolen! Obviously my brother doesn't know what a fan of Charlie I am, does he?? Or maybe he does....Somehow it ended up in my mom's stocking on Christmas sure thought that was sweet, so I guess I can live without it.

Christmas day for the girls was wonderful. Natalie was ecstatic about her electric guitar, and Serena loves her Nook. Most of all, we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast of waffles made on our new waffle maker from Grandma and Grandpa. Grace is always interesting at our table with two pre teens, but Christmas morning grace is the best! We love being able to hang around in our jammies all day before it's time to move on to the next party.

Natalie was able to take her new guitar to G and G R's house, and Uncle John decided to sing to whatever she could play. It was quite a concert. I feel like I should have paid to get in! Or maybe be paid to sit there?? John's a great guy, but not much of a singer after all. Natalie loved the attention, of course!

I was a grump for most of December, I have to admit. I was really struggling with a lot of things. Being too busy, spending too much money, being pushed into more things than I wanted to made for a miserable me at times. That will not happen again. It really kept me from doing some of the more important things I would have normally done. I was able to pull it off without too many people knowing what a scrooge I was but even that became a chore after awhile.

One of the things I'm going to do before I hang up my new calendar is write myself a letter in the month of November. I will include all of the things that are most important to me and my family. Whatever doesn't make the list will not go on the December calendar unless it is super important and involves helping someone in need.

Happy New Year, friends! May you be blessed abundantly in the new year and always.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Meaningful Merry

It's Christmas season, and I'm trying to pull it together! I always say I'm not going to ruin the beautiful Christmas season with stress, but somehow I fail at some point! Well, truly, life is busy enough, and then you add MORE shopping, MORE spending, MORE parties, MORE baking, MORE MORE MORE. Who can take it? I get so mad because I keep saying "It's about Jesus! Why can't it JUST BE ABOUT JESUS?? Why Oh why does it gotta be so busy and full and stressful and crazy and expensive???" Then I do my Charlie Brown "AAAAAAARGH!!!" Thank Goodness the "Linus speech" comes to mind often enough to remind me of why we celebrate Christmas in the first place!

It IS a beautiful season and it IS about Jesus. Period. No "buts".

It is also a time to honor Him by giving back to those we love. Our gifts represent His gift. His ultimate Gift to us! I love to give, I really do. I wish I was a gabillionaire so I could do all the things that are in my head and heart to do one day. However, God has enabled me to do things for people that have nothing to do with money, spending, wrapping, or shopping. Whew!

So this year was not spent scurrying around decorating everything in sight. Nope. I decked only a little bit of the halls this year. I baked NOT ONE cookie, unless you count Allison's famous chocolate chip cookies with the Christmas sprinkles on top. I made NO candy. No fudge. Nothing!! I barely got my Christmas cards done today. I just HAD to take a photo of the girls to put on it, because that's what people enjoy. I had to make an extra run for ink, stamps, and an extra box of cards. Who knew we knew all those people?? Of course, you just can't receive a card without sending one back, right?? Oh, the horrors! I'm still learning, folks....

I am NOT done shopping either.In fact, I saved my husband and mom for last. I have NO wrapping done. To top it off, we wait for pay day (4 days before Christmas) so we can shop with cash. Ugh. But isn't that better than overextending ourselves? Yes, but it's more stressful at the time too!

All the plans I made for December were mysteriously thwarted by something else. Illness, helping someone else, unexpected event, etc...It was strange how things kept getting in the way of trying to accomplish something for Christmas. My Christmas spirit dwindled and dwindled as it neared December. I wondered what was wrong with me. Was I turning into a scrooge?? No. I think God was trying to show me that I was getting too caught up in the worldly view of Christmas.

After all, I have every reason to be joyful. I have the Lord, for my main source of joy and love, right? Then I have a husband that I cherish, treasure, love and adore! I have 2 beautiful, loving, sweetheart daughters who make me laugh every day. I have a nice home, a wonderful squishy old dog who is still here! I have so many blessings that they far outweigh any gloom and doom I could muster.

Could God be trying to tell me something?? I think so too. Please learn from this big ole mistake maker. Please put HIM first. Then all else will fall into place. God didn't need our stinking cookies to place His Son in that manger for US. None of those things get Him any closer to us. His love. Our love. His Gift. Our gifts to Him.

Merry Christmas. And that's that!!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Snow Days and Eagle Moms

Yay Yay It's a SNOW DAY! First on the agenda....SLEEP IN!! Second...Take my time drinking coffee! Third....Drink more coffee since I don't have to drive to school! Fourth...mix up some cookie dough and fill the kitchen with chocolatey chippy yummy goodness....Fifth...go back to bed! Since I can't eat the cookies, I'll give them away! (I'm on a good track with my weight loss!!)

Well, I hope to achieve at least one or two of those, but it usually doesn't turn out that way! The girls and I are all making homemade gifts, so we will probably spend a good part of the day getting to work on those. I would tell you mine, but occasionally Natalie sneaks in on my blog while at school. I guess she's just making sure I'm respecting her privacy! I do try, but there are so many things I would love to tell you, just to make you laugh and feel better about yourself as a mom! :)

Let's just say the "pre-teen and tween" years are getting a bit difficult. I'm thinking "CONVENT" and "moving to the mountains". I'm finding out what I'm made of as a mom. Believe me when I tell you that you'll have no idea what kind of mom you are until your values are being pushed and tested to their very limits! Will you give in? Will you hold strong? Only you will know!

All I know is I want to be the best mom I can be, and it's NOT easy, by any means. I feel like an eagle sometimes. Always watching, ears pricked, wings ready to spring, feet ready to claw into the enemy! Mostly, always protecting and trying to survive. Yup, I'm an eagle. There is no room for chickens at the top, my friends.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Favorite Christmas....

Song.... Childhood: The Gene Autry Christmas Album
Now: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting...)but I love many of them!

Cookie.....childhood: Mom's sugar cookies
Now: Mom's sugar cookies!

Candy.... childhood: cinnamon rock candy and homemade peanut butter cups
now: chocolate dipped pretzels

TV special or movie... childhood: Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
now: Charlie Brown Christmas (can't beat Linus' speech!)

Present.... childhood: my baby doll, Rachel and Tinkertoys
Now: family and homemade things from my girls

Memory...Childhood: Huge happy family gatherings
Now: Natalie and Serena coming down the stairs in their matching pajamas
Also...going into labor for Serena on Christmas night!

Tradition... childhood: eating homemade peanut brittle while decorating the tree, going to church and getting to hold a candle!
now: Watching Charlie Brown Christmas with the girls while we decorate the tree, opening one gift on Christmas Eve, and many many more!

Thank you, Lord, for the best gift of all....Your Son!

Tell me....what are your favorites??

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Deckin' the Halls

Steve got most of the outdoor lights up last weekend and they look great! We had hoped to finish today, but we had too many things going on. Oh well. The girls and I finished up the tree today! I was so thankful for them last weekend when they hauled up the branches, put the tree together and fluffed the branches--all 9 feet of it! No easy task, for sure. I'm just not able to run up and down those stairs 22 times, so it was such a blessing to have their help!

They are heading to the grandma's houses this week to help them assemble their trees as well. They both enjoyed helping them get ready for Christmas last year and the grandmas really appreciate the help. I can't believe how grown up they are!

Our girls are strict with traditions, which I find so endearing. We HAVE to do everything the SAME!! Same time, same order, same everything! It's so cute. I love that they feel such a strong connection to Christmas and our celebrations. It will surely stick with them for as long as they live.

Well, better get back to deckin' the halls, folding the laundry, making the biscuits, and getting ready for the coming week. Whew...I'm tired already!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Frankenmuth Fun.. a nice long post...get a cup of coffee first

Today was our annual family trip to Frankenmuth! This year was even better, with the addition of my brother Jeff and his wife, Lisa, their two boys, and my sister and her husband. We had much to celebrate, including dad's birthday and his 5 year cancer-free anniversary!

We started out with a CRAZY trip to Bronner's, in which my ADD kicked in and I basically walked around in circles! There were so many people there, it was ridiculous. Ridiculous, I'm telling you!

We then headed over to Zehnders for the famous chicken dinner, which was really super delicious! We did a little shopping, then stood in a very long freezing line to take a carriage ride around town. We stuffed all 6 of us in that carriage, in which the horse driving had one question, "What's elephant??" Seriously, we put a lot of weight in that carriage! It was a lot of fun, looking at all the lights and cracking jokes about how scrunched in we were. For some reason, my quirky comment about a moist towelette got some big laughs. Just say "moist towelette" and you just may laugh. Try it. Cheap fun, I say.

Now, you may be wondering just who was watching my precious Sophie while we were gone. My brother, Tim, was not feeling like joining us on the trip, so he volunteered to come to my house and watch our sweet doggie. He hand fed her, carried her outside, and kept her company all day. He really has a heart for animals, and I don't think he realizes what a gift that is! It was such a blessing to be able to leave the house for longer than 3 hours and not worry about her. It's been so long since we've been able to go anywhere without worrying about her first. I was feeling guilty about him not coming with us, and he said, "really, I just can't eat all that salmonella (chicken), and I don't like to be cold!" okay, good enough.

We have come a long way as a family in the past few years. I credit God and only God for all of the good that has happened. I am still in awe at how He has worked out some of the most difficult issues. I am still waiting for some things to change, and for some people to come around.

Things may be a bit light at Christmas time with a couple of the family members, but my dad has always maintained that whoever wants to be here will be here and whoever does not, should not. I'm all for peacemaking and being forgiving, but I can't change another person's perception of the world. I can't make someone believe the way I believe. I can't pound it into their heads, though I wish that would work!

Chistmas time for me is all about love. Loving those who are easy to love, and loving those who are more difficult to love. That's what God does for us. That's what he intended when he gifted us with His Son. Am I always easy to love? Probably not 100% of the time! I know, I can't believe it either!

So, if you love someone who doesn't act loving to you in return, if you have been mistreated because they are mad at someone close to you, if you've been talked about by a family member in a negative's what you do...

You let God take care of it! Be the light you are made to be, love who will let you in, and pray for those who aren't ready to love you yet. Chances are, they don't love themselves, and that's sad. Remember, you have a relationship with God. They don't. THe goal is to help them get there, not point out all their flaws to them!

Sadly, sometimes it just doesn't change. The family member you pray for, the one you try to be kind to, the one you know you have to tiptoe around....they just won't come around. I've learned that I can't let it change who I am with other people. I can't let it affect my trust level with others. I certainly shouldn't spend too much time analyzing why why why. Family relationships can be so complicated! I can remember really questioning God about why he chose some of these people to be in my family. We are nothing alike! We don't like the same things. We don't live the same way. We don't agree on politics, religion, the weather! It's crazy, but I'm just curious enough to watch what God is doing and where He plans to take this crazy family of mine. It's a ride, for sure, and getting more interesting every day!

Be blessed with whoever (and whatever, in come cases) shares your DNA!

Thursday, December 2, 2010


I've been asked to help arrange for a group of drivers for the friend who was injured in the car accident, so since most of my readers know and love her, I am asking you first...

Her main driver is not comfortable driving in snow as she is from furter south, so we need some fill in drivers in case she is unable to drive.

The drivers would need to take her to appointments and down to see her husband, who will be hospitalized for quite some time.

I just know that you will be blessed by this experience if you are able to help out! There will be more info in the church bulletin. You know me, I try to keep things kind of quiet here, so I have to be vague. Those who know her best know what they need to know!

Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hug Blessing

At the "Night in Bethlehem" event at church tonight, blessings were in abundance, but my favorite one came in the form of a hug.

One of the children involved in the accident I mentioned previously was able to attend the event with some friends of the family. I teared up as I saw them walk in, surprising myself with that reaction. I was just so grateful to see them walk in!

I was able to make my way over to talk to the girls and their baby brother, knowing one girl likes to be hugged and one would rather not be pawed upon by weirdos such as myself!! So, I gave the one girl a hug and told her she still looked so beautiful, even with a nasty bruise on her face. She smiled a big smile and reached up to hug me back. What a great hug!! To think that life could have been taken so easily.....makes me speechless.

Anyway, she walked up to me later and invited us to come over and visit with her, as she is pretty bored. Serena is a year older, but they like to pal around, so we will definitely take her up on it. Serena and I will have to come up with some fun things to do with them while they wait for things to get back to normal.

Why does it take an accident like this to make me appreciate this family and these great kids?? How many more people am I taking for granted? How much of my life do I take for granted, because I expect tomorrow to be like today? Wow. I haven't been on the ball at all.

So, Christmas is right around the corner, and I'm praying for this family to spend a healing Christmas together! Please join me in that request.... thank you!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...