Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Favorite Christmas....

Song.... Childhood: The Gene Autry Christmas Album
Now: The Christmas Song (Chestnuts roasting...)but I love many of them!

Cookie.....childhood: Mom's sugar cookies
Now: Mom's sugar cookies!

Candy.... childhood: cinnamon rock candy and homemade peanut butter cups
now: chocolate dipped pretzels

TV special or movie... childhood: Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer
now: Charlie Brown Christmas (can't beat Linus' speech!)

Present.... childhood: my baby doll, Rachel and Tinkertoys
Now: family and homemade things from my girls

Memory...Childhood: Huge happy family gatherings
Now: Natalie and Serena coming down the stairs in their matching pajamas
Also...going into labor for Serena on Christmas night!

Tradition... childhood: eating homemade peanut brittle while decorating the tree, going to church and getting to hold a candle!
now: Watching Charlie Brown Christmas with the girls while we decorate the tree, opening one gift on Christmas Eve, and many many more!

Thank you, Lord, for the best gift of all....Your Son!

Tell me....what are your favorites??

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fav song.....Silent Night
Fav cookie....Sour cream!!!! Yummy
Fav Food on Christmas was my grandma's home made noodles!
Fav Christmas movie....too many of them. All the old good ones. White Christmas, Charlie Brown, The Grinch, Drummer boy, It's a wonderful life.
Fav memorie....1973, Ice storm to long a story to write.
Tradition.....None. My dad worked for the county and was always getting called out on Christmas
Bestest of the best....Remembering the birth of the one who died for me. Merry CHRISTmas!!!

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