Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hug Blessing

At the "Night in Bethlehem" event at church tonight, blessings were in abundance, but my favorite one came in the form of a hug.

One of the children involved in the accident I mentioned previously was able to attend the event with some friends of the family. I teared up as I saw them walk in, surprising myself with that reaction. I was just so grateful to see them walk in!

I was able to make my way over to talk to the girls and their baby brother, knowing one girl likes to be hugged and one would rather not be pawed upon by weirdos such as myself!! So, I gave the one girl a hug and told her she still looked so beautiful, even with a nasty bruise on her face. She smiled a big smile and reached up to hug me back. What a great hug!! To think that life could have been taken so easily.....makes me speechless.

Anyway, she walked up to me later and invited us to come over and visit with her, as she is pretty bored. Serena is a year older, but they like to pal around, so we will definitely take her up on it. Serena and I will have to come up with some fun things to do with them while they wait for things to get back to normal.

Why does it take an accident like this to make me appreciate this family and these great kids?? How many more people am I taking for granted? How much of my life do I take for granted, because I expect tomorrow to be like today? Wow. I haven't been on the ball at all.

So, Christmas is right around the corner, and I'm praying for this family to spend a healing Christmas together! Please join me in that request.... thank you!

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