Thursday, January 6, 2011

Fantastical Elliptical III

If you've followed me for any length of time, you probably know (from prior posts) about my on again/off again relationship with my elliptical. We broke up for awhile after its disdain over my lack of dusting skills. Like I need to see the control panel anyway. We then resumed our relationship, then it turned on me. Next thing I knew, I was dating the physical therapist 3 times a week. It seems my elliptical bucked me off for good. An MRI and a specialist later, I found out why.

I really thought I was doing myself a favor by working out so vigorously. After all, when you turn 40, all of the sudden you have to get it all together and fast! Well, not when you haven't moved that way in awhile. It seems I have developed a couple of buddies, Arthritis and Bursitis. Well, that's a relatiionship I was hoping to avoid for a very long time. It was embarassing, in fact, to hear those two words in the same sentence with my name. "No way!" I exclaimed to the doc. "Really? I have an "itis" already? Am I old already? Dude, help me out here!" I just threw the dude in for your benefit, just to prove just how young and cool I am. Saying that to the doctor would have certainly won me a date with a CT scan as well. I asked for a sticker as I left, just to prove that those "itises" had no place in my youthful existence.

So, there I sat from May to November, in chronic pain, wondering if I'd ever feel normal again. I couldn't walk up stairs, couldn't get up from chairs, walking wasn't difficult, but the pain later was terrific. Medicine wasn't working, and Physical therapy was helpful, but not foolproof, and was as painful as the pain itself!

The pain is much more manageable at this point, so I'm taking advice from my former PT, and taking a few minutes on the elliptical a day. I just thought I'd better get myself all spiffied up to make that little trip to the basement. I'll saunter on up to that cantankerous but wonderful elliptical, dust off the panel, and see where it leads. If we hit it off, great. If not, I'm going back to Ibuprofen and ice packs and Fantastical and I are breaking up for good!

Five minute daily speed dates, here I come. Oh, and please do not disturb. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so love your humor! I hope your date went well. I could use some tips!!

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