Friday, February 25, 2011

They Ain't Heavy...

The Road is long
with many a winding turn
that leads us to who knows where
who knows where
but I'm strong
Strong enough to carry him
he ain't heavy, he's my brother

so on we go
his welfare is my concern
no burden is he to bear
we'll get there

for I know
He would not encumber me
he ain't heavy, he's my brother

if I'm laden at all
I'm laden with sadness
that everyone's heart
isn't filled with the gladness
of love for one another

It's a long long road
From which there is no return
While we're on the way to there
why not share

and the load
doesn't weigh me down at all
he ain't heavy, he's my brother

He's my brother
he ain't heavy, he's my brother

By The Hollies
lyrics written by B. Scott, B. Russell
Harrison Music Corp.

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