Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Winter of My Healthy Discontent

I listen to Dr. Randy on 99.7 on my way to pick Nat up from practice each day. It's my time to be ministered to a bit while I drive. Something he said the other day really hit me. He said that not being content about your life is okay as long as it is a "healthy discontent". So I considered all the areas in my life, some of which I'm not happy with, and I analyzed them further. Some of the things I'm not satisfied with are things I'm doing something about. That is a healthy discontent. If I'm sitting around complaining about something and doing nothing about it, well, obviously that's an unhealthy discontent.

What really helped me was to not feel guilty for feeling discontent! How can I be content with something that I'm trying to change? And some things can't be changed by me and me alone. There are some things I don't like to admit that I'm unhappy with because it makes me feel ungrateful. I'm really glad Randy's message came when it did because I've really had enough of the guilt factor. I can be grateful and in need of change too.

Speaking of change, Steve starts playing ball this Saturday. I'm very glad that he has finally found a group of men to do things with. It is difficult when you work all the time, and have little or no connections anywhere else. In other words, odd man out. I'm a pro at that too for some reason. Anyway, it's ironic and somewhat not ironic that he will be playing on a team with several guys from our old church against several guys from our current church. Hmm....funny that would come to mind considering my title.

Serena's basketball team will be playing against the moms on Friday night. I sure wish I was physically able to play. I would really get 'em!! I will be there to cheer them on. I came into her team knowing just a couple of the parents and have found that they're all a nice group to be around. Friends aren't always where you expect to find them!

Our 7th grade Lady Comets beat Sacred Heart AGAIN last night! Man, what an exciting game!! The final score was 23-18. Close game and lots of awesome playing on both teams! Nat didn't get to play much, but she did well when she got to play. It doesn't seem to bother her, so it doesn't bother me as much anymore. I just think it's important for all of them to play, and not just to win. Then again, I'm not a coach. I'm a mom!

Steve announced that his job will be changing again and I was very excited, hoping maybe it would mean a move to a warmer state! No chance this time, but it is a good change, so I'm happy about that. I keep hoping, much to the dismay of my parents and the lady at the post office. :)

I'm discontent with certain areas, and maybe if you're perceptive enough, you can figure out where! :) More importantly, figure out where yours are and give yourself a break. Now I know that I'm getting to where I want and need to be, it's just not the track I had wanted to follow initially. Seems to be the story of my life. There must be a reason.

There always is.

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