Tuesday, May 3, 2011

A Morton Kind of Life

When it rains, it pours...says the Morton salt container, and for good reason! It does seem that when one thing goes wrong, the dominoes start to fall. Why the dominoes fall in such a straight line, I do not know, but it's a neat mess to pick up at the end.

Sophie has improved after her trip to the vet last week. I honestly didn't know if she was coming home alive or no longer with us, so the wait was grueling for me at home. Steve sent me a text, letting me know that her lab reports came back fine, that she has nerve damage in her legs, and we're going to try 2 new meds for her other issues. It was sort of a relief, but also a bit of dread, knowing that I will still be picking her up frequently with my bad back. Knowing that we will again have to prepare for impending death, and knowing she's not going to get better. My life still revolves around her. I'm still missing field trips and all sorts of things because she can't be left alone for very long. She requires so much care, as if I still had a newborn, including the late night awakenings. But, what do we do? I can't very well put her down knowing she still has viable life in her. It just is what it is for now, and I have to do what I can do endure. Sometimes you just take one for the team and hope to learn your lesson. Enough said.

Aside from all the doggie drama, we had a nice weekend. We're finding that it's getting more and more difficult to get our young teens to help out around the house. So, more drama ensued when there was yard work to be done and both girls were exhausted from sleepovers. Mom and dad were also exhausted from being up for several nights in a row with Sophie, and for being out late on Saturday night for a brief escape from life. More drama came later, but I've been asked not to share! Like I said, when it rains, it pours, and down go the dominoes!

Feeling bedraggled and wounded from the weekend issues, we went to our favorite Chinese place for dinner last night. Our favorite lady wasn't there, but when she is, she recognizes us and gives us the best table in the house! We just needed to go have some good family time, and we've always celebrated with Chinese food. Report cards, work promotions, vacations, etc...we can always find good in our bad and play in our work.

It's our family, and it's the way we survive. Whether it's raining salt or gold coins, we do it all together, lame dog and all.

So today I am making Aunt Annie's soft pretzels with lots of SALT!!

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