Wednesday, June 29, 2011

4 Hoots in Our House= Joy

As I sit here, my silly 13 year old daughter is wearing a wig. Last night she came up the basement stairs wearing this short curly gray wig she got from her great grandma. I howled with laughter, begging her to take it off because I was afraid I'd get laughing too hard and start to cry. (So embarrassing!) She just kept on wearing it, loving any attention she can find!

Tonight she decided to be funny again, so she carefully arranged her own hair under the wig, placed a couple of flowers in it, and decided to watch TV in it. She threatened to go get her big ole CMU ball cap to plop on top of it. Oh, now that might make the bladder fail too.....yikes!

I love her impulsive sense of humor, and I have a sneaking suspicion where she might have gotten it. I used to do crazy (and crazier) stuff like that when I was a kid. (and still) I just always had this little 'bug' inside me to just do something impulsive. Believe me, it wasn't always funny, but it was fun!

I think it was one of the things that attracted my husband to me, so hey, nothing wrong with a little crazy, right? And for those of you who think they know are probably wrong in your assumption. He's as crazy as they come. At home!

The one thing the four of us have in common is that on the outside, we're a little on the quiet side, but inside, there's a fire brewing! And once in awhile, we eat unwashed produce! Oh, yes we do!! We also tear the tags off the pillows and return our library books a day late. We're rebels, I'm telling you. Don't even get me started on Serena...

Natalie never ceases to make us laugh, as she imitated Larry the Cable Guy by saying (while in her wig), "I don't care who ya are, dat's funny right der!"

And dat, my friends, is funny!

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