Friday, February 17, 2012


We're still in the thickets of basketball, at least for another week. Serena is still going strong and using her height and speed to her team's advantage! She can really hold her own out there. It's so fun to watch her find her strength! Natalie has been doing so well too. Her coach put her on the starting line up on Monday night! Due to a snafu, the game began much earlier than usual, so we actually missed the beginning....AND her super basket she made just before we arrived! She started getting fouled more...a good sign, I suppose. That means she's doing good stuff! She did great on her free throws. It has been a real joy to watch her develop. That one just doesn't give up...ever! I love that about her.

And speaking of Natalie, she spent her 14th birthday on the basketball court, winning the last game of their season...undefeated for the second year in a row! They head to tournaments next weekend. It will be an exciting time, but after that, we are gonna relax!

Although I just made it sound like a great week, it hasn't been all that great! I came down with a nasty cold on Tuesday morning, so trying to do all I needed to do this week was one big fat runny challenge! Oh well. I've had worse things happen, I suppose. My patience is just running a little thin these days...various buttons being pressed!

Even so, I'm so thankful for God's love. I thanked Him just this morning for getting me through another week and for the way he "beckons me with his love and care." I just keep going back for more!

Have a good weekend! I'll be in the stands enjoying mine...with "bleacher bottom". :)

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