Monday, June 4, 2012

Life in "My" World

What is going on out here in the neighborwoods? That's what I've been asking myself since the start of "spring". It seems like a squirrel population explosion has occurred, the chipmunks act like pets, birds are making friends with the bees, and I'm braking each morning for turkeys, rabbits, deer, birds, and cats. I've been "attacked" by luggage-carrying spiders,garter snakes (mini-pythons if you ask me!), little sneaky, beady-eyed lizards, giant ants, june bugs that arrived in may, and lots of bees. Last night as I was enjoying my line-dried bedsheets, I felt a little unfamiliar tickling on my leg (do not go there!). A flinging of the sheets revealed a spider or some other crumpled up critter had been making itself at home on my side of the bed. Really?? Why is it always the one who hates the critters that gets them all up in her bloomers?? Don't get me started about the ant hill incident of 1982. None of us has time for that. Anyway, I love country living, but I am being invaded for sure. Yesterday I had 3 giant flies in the house, none of which I could swat. I am no Mr. Miyagi with a fly swatter, let me tell you. I hurt my shoulder swinging my swatter in the laundry room. I finally just shut the door and let the fly do the laundry. The other two flies got locked in between the screen and the window and I found them dead this morning. Victory! Now it's on to the chipmunks, who I'm sure are mocking me and poor Angel, who strangles herself trying to get to them before they run away. So much for being human and being bigger than everything. So much for critters "being more afraid of us than we are of them". Hmph! Tell that to the bats, raccoons, and entire family of robins now watching tv in my bed!!

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