Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Good Enough

I love my conversations with my girls on the way to school. Sometimes they're just silly, but sometimes they are eye-opening, like this morning. As Nat sipped her "breakfast credentials", she accidentally said that instead of "breakfast essentials", too funny...anyway, she said to me, "Hey mom, not to be judgy or anything, but why do people in tiny houses have such giant televisions?" I laughed. See, I notice this stuff too, I just don't say anything! I always wonder the very same weird things! So, my matching pea in a pod and I had a discussion about such nonsensical things on the way to school. Only it wasn't such nonsense after all...I answered, "I don't know. Maybe when you don't have a huge house payment (like we do), maybe you can afford those fun things like gigantor TVs." Still thinking of my "gigantor" house payment, I added, "Ya know, Nat, I'd rather be a big giant person with a great spirit than a physically perfect person with a rotten spirit." She wasn't quite all the way awake anyway, but she still gave me the "huh?" look I often get when I have these grand "revelations." So maybe it's not so much about the outside of our houses (our bodies) that really matters so much. Maybe it's the stuff we keep inside them...not televisions, but other important stuff. Like, I don't know, a love for others? A forgiving spirit? (still chuggin' along on that one) Perspective on what really matters in life? Kindness? Generosity? A big heart with a big screen? I don't know, maybe it made more sense to me when I had a little coffee in me.... Anyway, we had a great discussion this morning, and it made me feel blessed again to be a stay at home mom (of teens!). There is so much ground I can cover just because I am present. Just because I don't have my head in a million other things. Because I have time to analyze, study, and think about the things I want to pass on to my girls. Because I look at this as my 24/7 full time, all benefits paid job/career. Does it look good on paper? Nope. Does it impress a room full of attorneys, pharmacists, pre-med students, naval academy football students, and people who speak 2 fluent languages, have 2 homes, and travel everywhere? Absolutely not. Do I seem like a crazed lunatic mom sometimes? Yup. And I'm not going to change a thing. I earned my credentials, I got my essentials, and being a mom is presidential. Good enough for me.

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