Saturday, March 30, 2013

Break Time

I'm doing it again....wondering why I keep up with my blogging. So, I'm taking a nice break, especially while hubby is home for a week. I've lost my readers to Facebook, I guess! I went on Facebook recently, and it's just not as personal as a blog. I know it's faster, but it's less interesting for sure. It's fun sometimes, but it's not my style. I am a writer at heart. Maybe this is God's way of saying, "do something different with your writing." Who knows. Either way, I'm taking a break.

For my two A's who read me most, thank you. I will be some point. Just need a break. I will still be writing over at Miss Angel's Neighborhood...unless that tanks too.


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Return to Grateful

Awhile back, I asked God to help me in an area of my life. I mean, I really asked him! I didn’t just say, oh, my weight, my finances, my this, my that….I asked Him for specific help in one specific area. And then I waited. I spent some time being frustrated by what I thought was His silence. What I was really frustrated with was the fact that He was working some things out and preparing my heart. What I thought was a major inconvenience and a real downer was actually God humbling me. God took some things from me. I got confused. He replaced those things with different things. I began to see and understand.  Then I watched and I waited for the next lesson. It came. And then another. Even though things did not (and do not always) appear to have really changed the way I wanted them to, I began to have faith and hope in God’s power to change me. A little at a time.

Some of the things he took from me were material. Some were desires of mine. He replaced them with peace and a knowing that at the right time, He would provide. He wanted me to change the way I thought about a few things. I did.  There are things He has asked me not to do, and I haven’t done them. And because I have obeyed in this area, He is giving me peace about it.  He is giving me better than I had before.

On my weak days, I feel a little self-pity, a little panic, a little anger. But then I remember how far God has brought me and I return to grateful. Blessed. Patient. Obedient.

There are a lot of things in our flesh we may want “fixed”. We may even make a list of what we’re going to do and how we’re going to do it. We think if we join this or join that we’ll lose weight, and blah , blah, blah. Trust me. Unless you are on board, really on board about the change you want to see in your life, you can forget it. God will not just wave a magic wand and change you. He will see how much you trust Him to help you achieve that change. You have to move. Then He will move, and you better be ready and willing to go wherever He takes you.

We would all love a miracle, but the real lesson learned of any difficult thing is how strong did I become because of this situation? How much closer did I get to God because of my struggle? Who can I help now that I know just a tiny bit more than before?  I think the biggest lesson I learn in anything is, It’s not about me. The more I turn inward, thinking of me and what I want, the more God reminds me that it’s not about me. He then has to remind me not to look around at others and compare myself to them, good or bad! He reminds me that He has a purpose for me, He has things appointed for me, He has a plan and a timing that is mine and no one else’s. I need only keep my eyes on Him and my heart open to His lead.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

A Heart For Love

I took a look at my news feed today, and wow, who knew there were so many opposite opinions? I had to find out what those red symbols were….who knew? Not me. Well, let me preface this all by saying God gave us a job. He can judge just fine, and so we don’t need to do that for Him. He also reminded us that the only one throwing stones at other people should be ones with no sin at all. Kind of levels the playing field. There is a lot of sin in this world, not just one or two kinds! And it’s all the same to God, whether you are a gossip or live a lifestyle in opposition to His Word. Don‘t let it make you mad at people. People didn‘t make the commands. God did. You can either follow Him or follow the world. He gives that choice to us.  And so, it’s not for other people to come after you. Remember that job I mentioned?  It’s to LOVE ONE ANOTHER. Seems peaceful to me. Not everyone loves what you DO, right? But you want to be loved for WHO you are.

 Why everyone likes to pick on any one sin is a mystery to me. There are so many!  Some seem “big” or “small” by our worldly definitions, but to God, sin is sin. And sadly, I commit sin too. If we all looked inside, we’d realize we are not as squeaky clean as we’d like to believe. It always seems like “someone else” is worse off than you, right? Well, God doesn’t compare you to anyone else. He looks at just you and wants your accountability to Him. It really doesn’t matter what everyone else is doing. So why all the attention on one sin or another? I don’t know. Not being a lover of politics, I have to believe it’s probably political. Everything seems to be that way these days. You can only be one or the other. Well, I can’t seem to find anything about either popular political party in my Bible. I’ve looked.  And while it’s fine that you have strong political beliefs and stands, don’t let it get in the way of loving people.  While we are to confront sin, we need to confront it in ourselves first before we go around “fixing” everyone else. 

Don’t forget to see that the picture is much bigger than we think. Sure, God cares about every little thing we care about, but He didn’t put us in charge. He wants us to love as He loved so that we can see and reflect Him.  And the business of sin and forgiveness is God’s business more than anyone else’s. His business is Love. It's why He came. It's why He sent His Son. It's why He died. It's why He will return. Love. Not politics. Not hate. Not anything else!

 You can’t reflect God feeling hate or judgment or condemnation. You can't honor and serve Hiim while looking around to see what everyone else is doing wrong. There is a lot wrong in this world and we aren't to turn a blind eye or a heart to it. My issue is that we like to cherry pick our issues according to what we are or are not comfortable with. That is wrong. You are a much better servant when you talk to the woman at the well instead of talking about her. Instead of carrying a sign that displays who you are against, carry one in your heart that says Whose you are.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Dogs Have More Fun

Just as my own little test, I watched to see how many pageviews each of my blogs got in just a day. I am not surprised at my findings...

My personal blog.....4 views
Angel's (my dog) blog....16 views.

So, she's 4 times more popular than me! I don't blame people really. She's cuter, sweeter, funnier, way more creative, and let's face it, her life is just more interesting!

I will continue to share the innermost part of my heart with the 2 people who read me, and for the million who follow Angel....more power to ya!! I love my readers, big or small!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Life at any Age

With the coming of spring comes a little uneasiness for me. For some reason this time of year is a struggle. I guess with the pop of the buds and the turning of the green, I expect to have some kind of new life as well. 

A natural dreamer, I often think of all the things I wish I was doing. All the things I wish I could do, if I could do anything I wanted. I have great ideas...i really do. Then I watch others achieve them and feel bad that I don't follow my own dreams. Then I take it just a bit farther and say to myself, "what makes you think you can do that anyway? You're not good enough to do this professionally." And in ways, I really do believe that.

Staying home and being a mom and house manager has been a blessing, but in a lot of ways, I've had to give up part of myself. Not just my time and energy, which is a given in this job, but I've given up allowing myself to want something  for me. Not because I'm a martyr, but because somewhere along the way, I thought it was what mothers had to do.  And because being a good mom was and is my goal, I went really far with that notion. Believe me, it's hard to go back once you've denied yourself this long.  Out of the loop, out of confidence...not a good place to park.

How did I get here....the girl who had it all figured out...the ducks in a row woman....the planner, the preparer....Life happened. And it's rarely what you plan on. It's a struggle, a challenge, and a lot of questions. Sometimes it lasts for a few months, a few years, or if you're lucky, just a few days. But you will struggle. It's a promise. The dreams you have may never happen. The money you need may never be there, and if it is, it will be used for something else. Someone else's dream, because when you're a mom, that's what it's about.

But somewhere along the way, I need to find something for me. So when my last child walks out the door for the last time, I don't crumble in a heap. At this point, sadly, I would. "I've built my life around you", as the song goes....

Young moms and dads, please heed my warning. Keep living your life beyond your kids. If you have a dream, put it into motion while you still can. Don't feel bad about having a life of your own. Don't let bitter people like me (sometimes, I am. Sorry) make you feel bad about doing things you want to do with your time. If you struggle with confidence, as I do, then find a way to get it under control before it controls you.

This is not my sob story. This is my reality. You may be surprised to know I don't have my life all figured out. At my age, I should, right? God has kept me waiting all my life for things and this is no different. In a lot of ways, life has been a struggle for me. Do you have all day? I could try to explain. But none of that matters. Going forward is what matters, and it's hard. Maybe that's why my fave Bible verse is...

" I can do ALL things through Christ, who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13

and I will leave you with that. Because it's better than any ending I could make up.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hope Springs Eternal

It will happen. It's inevitable. It happens every year, so why would this year be any different? Believe me, it will come. I know it doesn't seem like it. I know you're getting anxious. Grumpy, even. But hang in there......

SPRING is on the way!!!
I don't know about you, but this time of year is more frustrating than the dead of January! I guess I have my hopes up too high...that this March will be like last March (around 62 degrees this time last year!), but that was a fluke anyway. Somehow a sunny day makes me think, "hey, this winter thing is over! Everybody in the pool!" And then I look at the snow....sigh....and put on my boots....again.
The tulips above are a sweet reminder of my favorite Easter. It was 2010, and I received paintings and a beautiful poem from my hubby and girls, describing my gift. It didn't take long to find out what all of it meant. My husband had purchased all sorts of bulbs the previous fall, and on a day I was gone, he and the girls secretly planted them all! 
So that spring I had something to look forward to...waiting for my garden to  bloom. Each time I saw another green stem popping up from the ground, I thought of how my family cared for me, planting this garden in near-frozen dirt, afraid I'd come home and catch them any second! And then to keep that paint the paintings, and write the poem. It still remains my favorite memory of spring. Not much could top it!
I am eager for spring, for warmth, and to get outside, for sure! But I am more excited about waiting to see those flowers once again!
Hang in there, it's really coming....soon....I hope!


Friday, March 8, 2013

Be Who You Are!

Did I seem grumpy in yesterday's post? Well, I wasn't. Not at all! I think maybe I was a little overwhelmed...I have to make a couple corrections...first, I have been known to use some coupons. Just not tons. I also enjoy at least one workout video....Leslie Sansone's -Walk Away the Pounds. For some reason, I like her. Ironically, I received a home party invitation just today. Oh, did I feel like a heel for what I said yesterday. I'm still not going. This "being real" stuff isn't easy. Maybe that's why so few people actually do it. I really like and respect the ones who do! I can also say the word "no" and mean it. That really rocks some people's boats, apparently. Oh well! :) Just bein' myself.

I'm still annoyed with the oversharing on Facebook. I may be the only person alive who feels this way, but I still don't get it. Oh well. Maybe I'm not meant to get it! I guess I compare it to the blogs I read about housekeeping. The pictures look like they came out of a magazine. Perfect homes. Perfect people. Perfect everything. So if I walked into their actual home, is that what I would see? Or would I see reality? Messes, noise, pet hair, kids, etc... you know, real life?

We deep-thinking, writer, artsy types often don't get that stuff. We're too busy digging deep (ha ha) for things to write or think about! Things that matter (well, to me probably) . I don't think broadcasting my flu symptoms every 5 minutes would benefit anyone. Just sayin'. While I love my blog, I am not so much into self-promotion, which is pretty commonplace on TV these days. It's really not about us. Really!

I think it is sad that we live in such a fast- paced world that we don't want to take the time to really get to know someone. Do you ever feel like if people really knew the real you, they wouldn't like you? How about thinking this instead, if people really knew the real you, they'd like you BETTER. I know I would. You can trust me with your real life messes. I would just be relieved to know I'm not the only imperfect person out here! :)

Have a great weekend, friends...real and otherwise.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Just Being Me

Ok, so I went along with hubby when he suggested the whole facebook thing, since he has family spread out all over. I've been on a few times, checking things out, posted a couple things, the usual. I didn't think I would like it. I was right. I don't! So it got me to thinking about all the other so-called "popular" things out there. 

E-readers, Kindles, etc.... Nope. Give me a paper book any time, any day. Don't care if it's heavy, don't care if it takes up space in my suitcase. I will take a REAL book, thank you very much. Keep your electronic books away from me.

Smart and I-phone type phones.....Great. Now you can never rest. You can get email at all hours of the night. So, when exactly does your work stop? Never, not now. If you can't seem to stay off the computer, this phone won't help discipline you at all. You'll be checking your facebook/email/texts, etc... at all hours. And as hubby found out, his phone has made him more valuable at home.....he has a wi-fi hot spot function. Now the kids can be all obsessed too!  I have caught myself on Pinterest wayyyyyy too long as well.

Zumba and other classes...I may get criticized for this one, but it's just the way I feel. I absolutely can't stand working out with people. Especially people of the opposite sex! I like to work out alone! Other people don't motivate me, they distract me. I can't stand the music in those classes. I can barely stand work out videos! Here's exercise, jami-style. Get moving at home. Park far away and walk. Run up your stairs. Run to your mailbox. Do your housework. Take the dog or kids out for a walk/bike ride. Heck, just play a game of soccer or basketball with your kids or spouse. You will sweat, I promise. And it's way more fun! Push ups at home are FREE too, people. No monthly membership, no fee, no shared germs, ever! :)

Self-checkouts at the store. Please. Has this really saved us time? I spend more time waiting for an attendant, or having an error message, or having my groceries pile up in a messy fashion. No. These just cause me more frustration. I enjoy talking with the checkers. I don't mind waiting. Try them if you dare. I am not a fan.

Coupons. I'm gonna get it over this one. But hear me out. I don't like them because I can't stand paper clutter in my house! I really can't stand it in my purse! I don't want an organization system for them because I already have enough stuff to keep track of. I don't want to pay someone to give me coupons either. I don't want to drive out of my way of where it is convenient for me to shop. I don't want to have to "sign up" for those little money saving tags at every store. Just put it on sale. Please. If not, I will shop elsewhere because my time is precious!

Home parties. Yup, you're gonna hate me after this too. These parties have cost me so much money in the past. Money I did not have to spend but felt obligated so the host could get more free stuff. I have bought things that I don't like, don't need, and frankly could get cheaper somewhere else. I know, your product is the best. I get it! I used to be one of those sellers too! The truth is, those products just don't fit into my budget. I simply can't afford to buy things I don't need just to satisfy someone else or be "social". If I want to be social, I will have you over for a nice free lunch and coffee. No obligations! :) Please don't send me hate mail if you sell stuff. More power to you. I just can't afford you!

I'm sure there are more things that get my goat, but I will spare you for now. I love blogging. Facebook? Not so much. Too impersonal. Too quick to share unnecessary info. Learning too much about our nieces and nephews that maybe we don't really want to know. Seeing pics of things that I ordinarily would not try to see! High school memories better off buried. And time, better spent doing the things that I love. Reading a book. Running with the dog. Playing with my kids. Writing at my computer. Just being me.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Squealin' Tires

We have a new driver among us! This was Saturday, when the driving instructor came to pick up Natalie for her driving lesson. This is Natalie driving away! A bit nervewracking for a parent indeed! She earned her permit today and can now scare us half to death. I mean, she can now drive with her dad. :)

Just another rite of passage proving they don't stay little for very long!

Good times ahead, friends. Good times.

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Big Big Family! From the oldest to the youngest, this is the family photo we had taken with Steve's 94 year old grandma the day after Christmas. (We're on the far right)

G-Ma has 6 grandchildren, 18 great grandchildren (one in heaven), and 1 great-great grandchild!

What a blessing!

Saturday, March 2, 2013


My sister owns her own formal wear shop, and was at our church's "Spring Fling" this morning. The girls were asked by Aunt Lori to be her models. They jumped at the chance. One of their favorite things to do with Aunt Lori is talk clothes and try on her beautiful dresses. How lucky are they to have such an aunt!
Here's Reenie in a deep plum. I love the top of this one. So sweet!

Natalie just radiated in this red one. It was like Cinderella...a perfect fit!
The prettiest pink mermaid I've ever seen!
Pretty in green...her favorite color
This suits Natalie's fun personality!  Daddy and I don't approve of the length, but she still rocks this adorable baby doll dress!
It's so fun to have my very own "Barbies" to dress up in pretty clothes!

What is Your Message?

 We are in the thick of a cold, dark winter, and that is not conducive to a bright and happy mood for most people here. Add to that already ...