Saturday, March 30, 2013

Break Time

I'm doing it again....wondering why I keep up with my blogging. So, I'm taking a nice break, especially while hubby is home for a week. I've lost my readers to Facebook, I guess! I went on Facebook recently, and it's just not as personal as a blog. I know it's faster, but it's less interesting for sure. It's fun sometimes, but it's not my style. I am a writer at heart. Maybe this is God's way of saying, "do something different with your writing." Who knows. Either way, I'm taking a break.

For my two A's who read me most, thank you. I will be some point. Just need a break. I will still be writing over at Miss Angel's Neighborhood...unless that tanks too.


1 comment:

Shoemaker Family said...

I do like having you on Facebook!! I also agree completely with this post! :)

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