Thursday, March 20, 2014

God, Chocolate, and a Good Attitude

My week has been busy, having one kid starting track practice and the other starting back into guitar lessons. Steve and I have been over to my sister's new place 3 nights this week, helping get her business up and running again. We have a concert tonight, doc appointment Friday night, kids here for all day band practice on Saturday, then back to my sister's Saturday night to work some more. All of this busy-ness has been good for me, keeping my mind off myself! 

Friday night I go in for another test, and it's the only one I've dreaded so far. Not because I fear the outcome, I just fear the  anxiety of it. I've been through a couple of these and have panicked  at one of them. I have severe claustrophobia! Darn me! The good side? Proof I have a brain in my head, kids! And maybe Steve will treat me to a taco when it's over. :) 

Next week I undergo another brain test where I have to stay awake for 24 hours! Whatever will I do? Organize cabinets? Bake? Write letters? Play the drums? I have trouble staying awake to watch my favorite shows. This will be a challenge! Go me! The nurse said to arrive grouchy and tired. I laughed. I get loopy and punchy when I'm tired. Won't they be lucky to work with me? Oh, yes!  

After that appointment, I get fitted for a heart event recorder. Since I will be sleep-deprived at that appointment, I'm sure I won't care about anything they say. Steve will have to pay attention. I'm pretty curious about what my heart will do while someone is " watching"! I'm sure it will race at the sight of my hubby at the end of the day. Off the charts!! :) 

It's going to be an eventful couple of weeks, but God will get me through it! God and chocolate...and a good attitude! 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Praying for you Jami! That 24 hour awake one sounds like quite the challenge. Hope all you're going through provides some answers

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