Friday, June 20, 2014

Meeting Sir Norm

After yesterday's early morning post, I received an inspiring comment from fellow blogger Sir Norm. I hesitate to just call him a fellow blogger, as I feel anyone who invests time and prayer and wisdom in another person is really a friend. A friend in Christ, particularly, as his spiritual guidance and knowledge have been very helpful to me these past few months. More than helpful. From seeking out the right place of worship to forgiving my enemies, to prayers of healing, Sir Norm has imparted counsel and Biblical backup to me, a stranger in the states. A nobody to him. He, a gentleman in Canada, who like me, loves The Lord and his family and helping others. It's all we have in common as far as I can tell. We are a couple decades apart, I think. Hence, the wisdom. 

I don't know how he found my blog, but he took an interest in it and that's a miracle in itself. I'm just an ordinary person with an ordinary life. But one thing I do is pray regularly for people to come into my life to guide me and i have often been disappointed! I've had mentors who mentored sort of....and then "finished the book" and moved on. But invested? I've had one-ish. I've always been the one suggesting mentor programs every time suggestions were asked for! I've hinted...shamelessly plugged...I've seen other people do it...hmmmm..,God just didn't see fit to provide me with one, so I waited and waited. Oh, be one? I am one already. They tell me. 

Don't get me wrong. I have good strong Christian friends. But not everyone is meant to teach or mentor and that's okay. I'm not an all-in-one friend either!  Whether a mentor in the true sense of the word or not, Sir Norm's words have been shared around the dinner table, printed out and hung for us to see, and truly thought about throughout our week. I read his blog, share the knowledge and perspective with my family, and honestly it has changed the way I think. You are doing what you set out to do, Sir Norm. 

Sir Norm called me a "Trailblazer". The term may just have changed my perspective. I'm a very visual person and I suddenly pictured myself plundering through briars and poison ivy...alone. Yes, there are some things that we do in life that we are going to feel completely deserted, just like Jesus. His complete and eloquently written comment can be found on my blog post titled "missing George". I would encourage you to read it. It just might speak to you as well. 

Thank you, Sir Norm, for taking the time to not only read my thoughts, but to share your wisdom with me in hopes that I will learn and grow from it. Your blog speaks from the heart of Christ in that you want to see others grow in Him and live the best life for Him. God bless you in your ministry, friend. 

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. 
Proverbs 25:11

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Dear miss Jami

I thank you for your kind words and I am truly humbled by them. It is a blessing and a privileges in our God to be a help to you.
How wonderful it is that our God has made a way to connect his saints together in Christ. Blessings sister Jami.

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