Thursday, September 25, 2014

One Source

Why is it people feel the need to put distance between you and them when what you need most is their presence? 

Why is it when you need understanding you get correction? 

And people wonder why people build walls and shut down and don't get close! Share burdens? With who? 

Why is it when you express an honest emotion, like sadness or rejection, someone is quick to judge you for bringing bitterness to others? 

Because it's true. People really don't have the answers. There is only one true Source of love, forgiveness, acceptance, and joy in this life and it is God. 


Angela said...

Sorry that a bad experience has been the reason for your first post in awhile.

sirnorm1 said...

Sometimes people put distance between you and them because the hurt you are expressing reminds them of their own hurt and they cannot deal with their own hurts; so distancing becomes the action rather then joining the fight together in prayer.
Sometimes hurting people who do not want to deal with their hurt can become overwhelming with their need of attention and many do not know how to draw healthy boundaries around these people and thus give up on the idea of being available to them. They then start lumping all hurting people in the same box. We live in an emotional fragmented world were hurting people are at an all time high and we are becoming cold to the needs of the heart. God did give warning that this would happen in the end days. Matt. 24:12 And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
I think miss Jami you will have to allow the Holy Spirit to heal your capacity to be a hand extended for the Lord. This is one of your hearts cryings; to be there for the hurting because you know how it is to hurt yourself. You are experiencing what it is to be an instrument; vessel of God's love. You do not like what you see with all the injustice when it comes to the unwashed per sey. Trail blazers have a hard time because they have to clear the path of all the thorns and briers for the common and many times the ungratefully to walk upon. That is ministry in a nut shell. We give our hearts willingly and our hearts sometimes get trampled. Rom.8:36 As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
The facts are, that there are hurting people in your life but the truth is, you have the power to anoint them with the balm-of-Gilead.
Blessings sister. Chin up, hands raised and shout the name of the Lord. Amen!

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