Monday, October 27, 2014


We've got a little possiblity hanging around. The fact that I'm calling it a possibility and not some negative term is an improvement in my thinking for sure. Don't get me wrong, I'm not hoping for this thing to come to pass, yet I'm not as in fear of it as I thought I would be. 
It's a big life-changer, yet lots of things are life-changers, so that's not really saying a lot, is it? I think that's how I've been able to reduce this "possibility" to a do-able thing, if in fact we are asked to do this thing. 
I used to cringe and shrink in fear at the thought of having to climb out of my safety zone. Maybe I still shrink a bit..,but I'm better. I look at life with bigger lenses now. I ask myself bigger questions. I look at the bigger picture. I look at perhaps the biggest factor- what is God doing in this situation if it comes to pass? And if it doesn't, what changes should we implement based on all the "what-if" thinking we did during this time? 
I'm a big believer in making everything mean something. If this possibility doesn't happen, I'm going to make changes anyway. Some new seeds were planted that required new thinking. They don't just die because the change didn't take place! They just need to be applied somewhere else! 
Either way, a change is going to come. God's purpose for us and for me will be revealed either way. 

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