Monday, April 20, 2015


Had a nice weekend, despite the sad news of my parents' dog passing away the night before, on my brother's birthday. We just don't seen to get many breaks around here these days. 
On Friday, my brother's wife and sons celebrated his memory at a Tiger's game, as I mentioned before, and this is what they did to honor him: 

He got a heavenly view of the Tiger's win that day. I had a lot harder time dealing with this day than I had anticipated. I woke up feeling very sad. Spent my day in tears on and off, and had myself a pretty nasty migraine by the end of the day. Grief and I are clearly at odds. 

So the news of Pee Wee's death was very sad as well. He was originally my Grandma's dog, but when she became very ill and eventually passed, my mom and dad took Pee Wee as their own. He was a wonderful little guy and lived a good long life, and we all loved him like our own. I'd like to think he is sitting on Grandma's lap-always his favorite place. 

Steve has been having some back trouble, so we hired some hard-working friends of our daughters to come and work on Saturday. They were incredible! I put in a few hours of my own and got some weeding and mulching done. 

Working outside is my passion and I was denied that ability all last season. I was in my glory, let me tell you! 
Those boys were fast and didn't waste a minute getting their work done out back moving brush and planting trees, but after lunch, they played a little basketball to end a hard work day. 

On Sunday we finished some last minute prom dress details, and made Italian sausage. 
Today it is raining on and off and I dusted (yes, dusted) off my Bible and spent some much-needed time reading. 
More about that later. Letting that all sink in. 
Be blessed! 


Angela said...

Sorry to hear about Pee Wee. I agree he's probably on your Grandma's lap. What a nice tribute to your brother at the Tigers' game. I'm sorry, but not surprised, that it was a hard day for you. The "firsts" of everything are always tough. The "seconds" and "thirds" too sometimes. Glad you got to work outside. Praise the Lord for the healing that has allowed this. Praying Steve's back heals quickly as well.

Allison S. said...

Oh, I like hearing from you again!!!! :)

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