Wednesday, May 13, 2015


She bloomed again! We wait in anticipation every spring to see if our "miracle tree" will blossom. I've posted about her before, but here she is again in all her glory...
She's an old apple tree, as I've mentioned before, and her lifeblood appears to come out of nowhere. 
Her trunk is rotted, and appears you could push it right over. With your finger...
But in the mess of gnarled limbs, there lives one sturdy living one, from which all the blossoms grow. Not just grow. They flourish! And the scent is breathtaking! 

In the presence of this tree, I have found tremendous peace.

Peace, because life is still beautiful...
In brokenness...
In sadness...
In disappointment...
In wrong turns...
In slammed doors...
In things you don't understand.
Life blooms on you...
On the parts of yourself you thought were long gone. 
On the life you thought you couldn't have. 
On the future you hope for. 
Life will keep blooming even as it leans
And you will keep blooming too. 
And you will be beautiful
And you will bring fragrance
and joy and peace. 


sirnorm1 said...

Good word!

Angela said...

That tree is an awesome metaphor for life.

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