Monday, June 22, 2015

Photogenic: Day 5

I love campfires, and I love starting them too! I was never a Girl Scout, but I watched enough fires being built that I learned how to do it well. 
My girls went to a bonfire party of a friend of theirs on Saturday night. As they were telling us what they did at the party, Natalie mentioned that she started the fire. 
I said, "Wait. Wasn't this at a boy's house? Wasn't there a Boy Scout at this party?" She laughed and went on to explain that the boys threw in big logs and matches. Yes, the Boy Scout was there, but he didn't do anything to help start the fire. She sent the other boys into the woods to collect kindling! And as she said, "lots of it. Lots of litte sticks. Not logs, boys." 
I laughed so hard. My girls started a fire at a boys party. I guess because I had brothers and a father in the home, I'm biased to believe all boys should have certain skills and pass them on to their sons, daughters, sisters, etc... But I guess lessons come from anyone, and she taught them how to start a fire from small sticks to logs. 
I'll bet they'll never forget that when one day they take their families camping. :)
An interesting thing about today's photo-
If you look into the top right corner, it looks like the letters " l o v" are spelled out in the fire, and the "o" looks like a sideways heart! At least it does to this heart-finding girl! 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Way to show them Natalie!!!! What a great story.

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