Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I'm Still Here

Hello! I'm still here...can you tell I upgraded my phone? No...you cannot! You also don't know that it took about 16 hours at my parents' house to do just that!  And most things transferred just fine except for one problem. I have forgotten my email password. This is terrible! My many attempts to fix this problem and contact yahoo have failed. So much for technology. So what to do next? Find a good hacker! :)
Speaking of technology, we are still without home internet. This is because the company that is "hoping to move into our area by April...mid-May...June...Oh wait...end of July...hmmm...sometime in August...." Has still not materialized in our area. You would think internet towers would be like telephone poles in the old days by now-a dime a dozen. And yes, there are other options besides waiting for this company, but they don't have a good reputation at all. 
So, we wait, with not much patience, as we are soon to begin the school year without Internet. Ugh. 
Patience. I've had to have a lot of that lately, as I've been dealing with yet another medical issue since December. After multiple tests yielded no solid answers, but also no bad news, I am still left with troubling symptoms. 
The latest specialist is confounded and is seeing me in 2 months. In the meantime, 2 new medications. 
On the good side, my seizure issue seems to be under control and hopefully will stay that way. 
I have a long to-do list to finish and could really use some good health. As I told my husband last night, I don't know why I have dealt with sickness most of my life and why others also deal with it. Some people just seem to have everything while others just struggle for a little. If I felt as good as others, wow, I could get everything done. That kind of stinks, but I just keep going anyway. I've always worked sick, studied sick, raised kids sick. It's not that I accept it. I just live in spite of it. When I feel well, I say, this must be how others feel. It makes me appreciate life. 
But I don't like technology so much. ;) 


Angela said...

So good to hear from you! Sorry about the Internet issues. That must be so frustrating. I'm right with you about doing life sick. It is very difficult and hard to explain to others sometimes. Keep putting one foot in front of the other and rely on God. That's the only way I know how to do it.

sirnorm1 said...

Believe me sister. The best is yet to come. Blessings.

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