Thursday, October 1, 2015


It seems I am always so tired these days. Not just physically tired, but mentally drained! My mind is going a million miles a minute. But we've been busy. Parents of teens. Whee! What a ride! 
Homecoming was wonderful. Natalie and her dear friend Grace sweetly congratulated their best friend Jessie, who was crowned queen. I have many beautiful pictures and memories of a wonderful day spent with our 2 girls. Steve took the day off and we savored every moment with them. They looked spectacular together! They had a great time as "royalty for a day". 
Natalie was also recently elected president of the National Honor Society, and Serena is in the process of being inducted into it. It will be yet another wonderful moment they will share as sisters. 
This was our dream, though having two children close together (22 months apart) was not easy. We wanted our kids to experience family, school, and life as a team. This has been their experience, though with its normal bumps and bruises of growing up. But I won't go there...things are good right now!  
My experience growing up the much younger of 4, sometimes 5, I didn't get the "sibling relationship" at all. I was more "only child" than youngest.
Being able to watch them just be sisters has been both new and wonderful to me. I grew up in a big family, but I didn't have the bond, the closeness, and the friendship that my girls share. I hope they know that even when they drive each other crazy that this life they've been able to experience together is a gift. 
I tell them not to take it for granted, to treasure these days, and to look forward to many more. I pray they will, because I would give anything to have had what they have, and what they will build because of it. The future families that will grow and benefit from their bond. All the things I want for them. Lots and lots of love and family. 
Beautiful girls. Inside, outside, now and always. And more fun days ahead for us. 

1 comment:

Angela said...

Sounds like an awesome royal day. What special memories your girls share right now being in the royal court together and in the National Honors Society. I pray that their relationship continues to be strong through all the changes in the years ahead. You and Steve have done an awesome job raising two beautiful girls!

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