Wednesday, July 13, 2016


Every night we spent at the lake, I waited in anticipation for the sun to set. It wasn't always a spectacular event, but to me, nature always gives me something to take away with me. This was no different. 
I always seemed to be by myself when chasing the sunset. Everyone was always off doing their own thing, and that was fine with me, because I always need my quiet time alone to just gather my own thoughts of the day before I settle in for the night. Photographing nature is my escape, and everyone knows if I am seen walking away with my camera, I need time alone. Usually. 
I showed my mom the photo above, and she said, "what is it?" I answered, "it's a wishing puff in the glow of the setting sun." "Oh," she said. "'s broken." Smiling at her logical view, I shared my metaphorical one: "aren't all wishes a little broken? But still beautiful to think about, right?" I'm pretty sure I'm adopted, let go by some artist types...haha 
But this one caught her eye! Our friend, the eagle, had been eating something on our beach as we arrived, so we placed one of its feathers in the dock to let it know we had respect for it. That sunset glowing over it was a bonus for me. How I love the way the sun plays at the end of the day. 
It turns the lake into a beautiful reflective "golden pond", and the wildlife begins to quiet down, the soft songs of birds and the twang of frogs adding to the snaps and pops of our campfires. 
This is where peace is found. Where I most allow myself to relax, and let nature heal my heart and soul. On the night of the fourth, I gave up going to the fireworks again, because I just don't trust my seizure disorder just yet, handling all those bursts of light. So my dad built a fire, and he sat out there with me. Just the two of us. He joked about digging out some 20+ year old sparklers for us, and I laughed...haha, dad, I brought some new ones! Just then, the neighbors across the lake started shooting off fireworks and we watched for awhile. We talked and joked about nothing really. Dad got assaulted by a July June bug, and we laughed. Mom made dad come in because he was "out too late", so I teased,"haha, your mom says you have to go in!" Just a very odd but special opportunity to spend time with my dad. He makes me feel loved, for sure. 
I seize these times, and these moments with nature, and I feel I've missed out every time I miss a beautiful sunrise or a sunset, or a special person, because every day and every person I love is a gift. 


sirnorm1 said...

Nice pics

Angela said...

Beautiful pictures Jami. How nice to spend time with family like that at the lake.

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