Tuesday, August 16, 2016

At One with the One Who Made it All

In a world where so many take things for granted, I hope I never get tired of looking at the sky. Not just at a sunrise, a sunset, a rainbow, but every day, just the sky, because it is full of wonder just in it's ordinary blueness. I hope I never cease to be amazed by the power of a thunderstorm, the way the thunder and lightning can still both excite and frighten me, sometimes like a child. I hope I never get tired of being enticed by a body of water, the way the waves beckon me in, or the way sand feels so wonderful on my skin. I hope I never grow tired of all the wonders of nature-the indescribable colors, sounds, scents, and emotions each one evokes in me. How I can never stop looking at all the different rocks on the beach, wondering how they all came to be. Just like a song goes..."I hope you never lose your sense of wonder." Well, I hope I never lose mine, because it's the one thing that makes me appreciate life and helps me to bring joy to others.

I don't want to take life for granted, forgetting how special life really is. And my hearts...to find the hearts I see still takes me by surprise, and amazes me as if it's the first time I'm finding one. Each one means something to me, even if they are taken for granted by someone else. The sky is taken for granted by someone else every day, as are the waves, the scent of the woods, and the way the air cools just before it rains. Some people will never notice any of these things even if someone points them out. They're too busy, too preoccupied, not living in the moment, too caught up in themselves, or maybe the wrong things altogether. But the world around us is bigger, full of the things that deserve our attention. The things that stir our spirits and transform our thinking, calm us, and make us gentler people or maybe more energized people!  To be anything less than this is to miss the point of nature entirely. We are to be moved by the life around us. Some people aren't moved, or they take it for granted entirely.

But I won't be one of those people. I watch to see where the sun glints off the leaves in the trees. I see the shadows they make on the ground. I am mesmerized by a cool night breeze and the sounds of crickets, the way moonlight dances on water. I notice it all, and take it in as if it's my life's work to breathe it in. And maybe that's why the hearts come to me. Not just hearts, but amazing things have been revealed to me in nature, and why should I be surprised? This is God's creation speaking to me! And I am listening!

I will always be amazed, always be surprised, and always seek with eyes full of wonder, His creation that was placed here for us to enjoy. The whisper of the pines, creak of the mighty oaks, the ripples of the sunset over the foaming waves. And the sounds of it all, lulling me to sleep, or coaxing me awake. My body in tune with the One who created me. This is where healing can begin, where communication with God and yourself can begin, and where truths can be found. Nature really is my refuge, and while others complain of bugs and heat, I can only see beauty. That's the difference between appreciating what you have, and not realizing how good you have it yet.

Be blessed!

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Good read miss Jami. Blessings to you and your time with the lord.
Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge.
Psalm 8:3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained;4 What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visits him?

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