Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Adjust Your Vision

Twenty/twenty vision is something I always admired in my spectacles-free friends. I’ve had to wear corrective lenses of some kind since I was very young, and I was always envious of their freedom to swim, cartwheel, and wake up at sleepovers without a pair of glasses to constantly guard. To be able to see unhindered was just a mystery to me, and it must have been glorious. Those were my 12 year old thoughts. 

As I think of the term “2020” now, and linking it to “perfect vision”, it’s certainly ironic. This year has been clouded and muddied with not just a deadly virus, but with arguments and constant insults surrounding it. I myself have been the target of such insults, cold shoulders, and judgments for simply defending others or standing up for myself. We can’t be fighting each other! Name calling, finger-pointing, gossip-spreading, and then also say we spread the grace and light of God. We know better. We know how Satan works! Don’t help him! 

Whether you agree with the leadership or you don’t, agree with their choices or not, prefer to follow instructions or not, one thing is absolutely clear. We are not in charge. Not one of us. Regardless of whether or not you think you are right. Someone else is holding the vision. Someone else has the spectacles perched perfectly. Someone else has the light on and has made the picture clear. Someone who is not political, the only One allowed to make judgments, and the only One who knows the outcome and the purpose for all of this. 
So we can continue fighting with our friends, or now former friends, as some may call them, because that’s what it has sadly come to, or we can trust that God has the answer and we don’t. We can choose to put our trust and our vision in God and ask the Holy Spirit to lead our thoughts, words, deeds, and bodies. At this point, the humans are proving we aren’t doing so hot on our own. Imagine the picture God sees when he checks us out. Every one of us can do better.
My friend, Norm says in his book, Secrets Have Weight, “Remember who you are! Darkness may bleed, but you are the light of the world.” “We are the Lord’s hand extended in this dark world. Grace must be the balm anointing our hands as we reach out in the love of God. We are to hand out the bread of life to those who are hungry for righteousness and offer the salt that causes a thirst for the love of God”. 

You are the light of the world-like a city on a hilltop that cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14

Let’s adjust our vision to God’s vision and start looking at things His way. 


Steve said...

Thank you for spreading the word of God. We would all do well to follow His teaching.

sirnorm1 said...

Right on Steve.

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