Thursday, April 29, 2021

A New Book for You!

 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 

1 Corinthians 13:7

My dear friend, Norm Sawyer has published his what number book is this now- 7th? 8th? I can't keep up with his fast pace of writing and publishing these days! Ironies to Contemplate is the latest treasure to hit the press, and you can check out the book and my review HERE! (I apologize that I could not get it to directly link to the book for some reason)  I've written many posts about relationship difficulties throughout the pandemic, and Norm tackles the pandemic with a Christlike perspective in a section of this book. It has been my favorite book of his so far, so I hope you'll check it out. You will be blessed so big! 

Oh, and maybe I should mention that if you do check this book out, you'll find one of my poems made it into this book! That's right, for those of you who don't know, I do write a little poetry now and then, but I don't share it with too many people. When Norm asked me to write a poem that reflected "irony", I looked through my collection and found I already had a few that fit the description. A poem previously titled "Love", became "The Heart is Real", and how fitting from the girl who all the hearts seem to find. (Yes, I'm still finding them!)

Even more profound was that the mood of this poem I had written a few years ago reflected all of the chaos going around inside of me and around me as the pandemic and all of its related issues raged on. 

 What I learned so far in life is that love of any kind will always contain irony. As one part states, "The heart is fickle, it is constant-It fails, it never fails." I can still feel this statement as it relates to what it means to me. We can love someone so much and want so much for them to return that love and they may never ever do that for us. In that respect, it fails for us. That is the fickle kind of love. But God has said, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5, and that is the constant kind of love that will never fail. 

People will disappoint us, give up on us, treat us unfairly, misunderstand us, not even give us the time of day! They are one way on a Tuesday and completely different on a Saturday! But not God. He will always be your friend, He will never give up on you! 

I the Lord do not change. 

Malachi 3:6

Get the book, my friends and enjoy every word!

1 comment:

sirnorm1 said...

Thank you Jami for your kind words. Blessings

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